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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2023 in all areas

  1. Please do not under any circumstances delete my account. For all the people who wish to have their accounts deleted due to the “extended denial of service” attack the AFF Archives have suffered, “you do you.” I would encourage you to not have your accounts deleted just the same. Abandoning your accounts or having them deleted serves only to empower the spineless CARB sewage-quaffers who are attacking this site to continue doing so. There are damned few sites that allow erotic and semi/demi-erotic literature to be posted full-stop. Allowing one to fail due to a lack of authorship means that there is one fewer site, without anyone lining up to start another one. Good luck to all of you, whatever you decide.
    6 points
  2. Thank you for that. We had to implement the 10 line rule in the Requests and Challenges forum, because of the disclaimer and copyright issues, but haven’t really needed to enforce it elsewhere. But I figured that little previews could be allowed while we’re in Read only mode. I’ll have to add that rule to the Forum TOS eventually.
    2 points
  3. I’m unfortunately going to have to ask you to reduce the amount of story content in the above post. We can’t allow story content in the forums, due to disclaimer and copyright issues. But, because of the archives being down, we will allow story content of up to 35 lines (instead of the usual 10 lines) of text. That means lines of text, so if a sentence needs a line or two extra to finish then that’s fine. So, please reduce the story content above to within that limit. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
    2 points
  4. Ditto… Yep. I’ve seen other other writing (& self-pub) websites, lots will claim openness, but reading the TOSs and there’s a ton of restrictions that more or less deny reality, imply a sex-less “utopia” is upon us.
    2 points
  5. Desiderius Price


    Unfortunately it’s been a bit of a battle with the attacker… the two times I’m aware of the coder *trying* to bring the code live, the attacker repeats their attack and we’re left with our website redirecting visitors to unsavory locations on the internet. Crossing my fingers the third time’s the charm for our coder.
    1 point
  6. @WillowDarkling, Done. No harm meant, and nice to know. Thanks.
    1 point
  7. BronxWench


    I can’t give you an exact timeframe, because I’m not the coder who’s going to take it to the next stage. However, as soon as the clean-up portion is complete, our coder will be able to begin the process of unlocking the site. We’re as eager as our members to get things back to normal, trust me!
    1 point
  8. BronxWench


    The clean-up is very nearly done (7 pages left of what was 109 pages of duplicate/triplicate/multiple accounts under a single email). Once we’ve finished that, manta can move to the next step. I absolutely appreciate the offers of help—you all are wonderful! It’s been a long road, but knowing that AFF has the best members of any fiction archive makes it easier, so a rousing thank you to you all!
    1 point
  9. I would love to strangle whomever in HR came up with the less is more policy. Running skeleton crews is not how one runs a customer service based business.
    1 point
  10. Happy new year everyone!
    1 point
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