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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2022 in all areas

  1. @BronxWench@WillowDarkling Thanks for the warm response. One thing I’m curious about is whether or not it makes sense to have individually published stories or multi chapter stories? Been trying to figure out where to ask this. Basically, I have a series of one shots from the same fandom that I’ve posted as a multi chapter story. Wondering whether I should’ve added them as individual stories.
    2 points
  2. Welcome to AFF (Edit, now that I’ve got the time to respond more fully): in regards to the question, what you should know… - We have excellent FAQs for most things regarding both Forum and Archive in the “Please Read” section of the main forum - If you have a question that you can’t find the answer to, we are more than happy to help in the “General Staff Questions” forum - Pointy things are to be left at the entrance, in the closet, where staff can steal it and tell you you never brought it in to begin with - and we do tend to encourage drinking (virtual or IRL is up to you), often heavily… - oh, and we usually don’t bite… unless asked to… if we do without being asked, there are probably spray bottles randomly around the place to get the biter to stop… - and finally, (just to quote the motto of the only heavy metal music festival that my country hosts) don’t be an ass, - otherwise, we’re fairly normal around here… I think. **sits down and waits for the senior staff to either laugh or tell me off for being sassy**
    2 points
  3. Hey everyone, Been following the site for a while and reading stuff but recently joined. Also started writing and posting as well. What should I know?
    2 points
  4. Welcome, welcome. Hijacking threads (within reason) can happen around here Obviously, the archive supports both ways, in that you can publish them individually, or lump them together into a single one. IMO, if the oneshot stories are tightly related/coupled, then a single story as a collection would make sense. If they’re not related, then separate stories would be less confusing. One pro of separate postings is that you’d get separate hits/reviews for each one. A pro to multi-chapter is you’ve got better control to the sequence the reader will most-likely browse through them, if that helps with cohesion between the oneshots. Anyways, welcome to the archive & forums! - DP
    1 point
  5. Welcome aboard!
    1 point
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