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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2022 in all areas

  1. As with just about anything, this didn’t go as smoothly as it could have and should have, given that it’s an intracompany transfer, from Nexcess to LiquidWeb, their parent company. So, instead of finishing up by, say the 3rd, we finally finished this all up by the 19th. Having said all that, I have to say I am really excited about the change, and here’s why. SSL finally works as intended moving from Interworx to cPanel has made a huge difference. We can actually tailor PHP needs to different subdomains. For example, the forum needs 8.x, and has that version. The archive is on 7.x. Manta is working on bringing all of it up to 8.x The ability to use the later versions of both PHP and my SQL are necessary to be able to implement things that we could NOT in lesser versions. The hardware is worlds away from what we used to have. More powerful, and efficient. Much better physical virus protection Much better spam protection Mind you, Manta and I both tend to work a bunch IRL, so the SNAFU on the timeline really, really, put a wrench in things. BIG BIG thank you to Manta for carrying the load during this migration, as work, as it tends to do, wouldn’t let me have time off for much of anything. Go figure.
    2 points
  2. I have some adventurers exploring a dungeon and I want them to fall into a typical sleep trap. but instead of the traditional walk into a room and it fills with gas, I was thinking they are in the room, light the candles/torches and its letting out a gas from there. is there any real world substances that could work like that, or do I need to make something up?
    1 point
  3. The forum doesn’t have the option of saving a post as a draft, as that would cause unnecessary database loads.
    1 point
  4. There’s several ways to write it. A pressure plate that subtly starts the mechanism when wax sloughs off the candle in response to heat. wax, tallow or even the wick could all be mixed, coated or otherwise applied with somnolence inducers or even a mixture that all applies different dosages if only to have an ironclad punch together. Depends, on what flavor you’re going for? Transition? TotalPartyKnockOut? Or even A la I Have You Now My Pretty! Even a wire on the door that pulls a lever that starts the gas the moment its opened. Traps really give you a handy card the trick is working backwards from effect. Might be that weird title on the floor at the entrance. Might be a countdown mechanism. Could be all of the above?! Who knows? Only the trap builder and the architect, and the person who funded it know for sure.
    1 point
  5. Yeah I remember stories from Greek mythology that involved something in the torch oil or mixed into the candle wax that when one of the hero's and his party would light them, it slowly let out a gas that knocked them out over time. Not sure if there was a real substance used or not, if there was it would just save me time but if not eh I can farce something.
    1 point
  6. I saw this in the Malwarbyte’s blog, and thought I’d pass it on: https://blog.malwarebytes.com/scams/2022/07/discord-shame-channel-goes-phishing/ I know I sound like a broken record sometimes, but… never click on anything sent to you that you didn’t ask for, and never share any information based on a random post/text/Discord/tweet/Snap or any other forum. Don’t click the link, don’t scan the QR code, don’t feed the trolls, and stay safe!
    1 point
  7. I don’t think there’s any real world substances, since candles produce carbon dioxide, but at such a low level that it’s negligible, and torches don’t produce anything more noxious. But you can have a great deal of fun having someone add something to the candle wax so when it melts, it gives off the gas that will render your adventurers unconscious. Or it could be a component of the oil that the torches are soaked in. You’d have to make it up, of course, unless you want to look at the sort of herbs or essential oils that are usually associated with bedtime. Off the top of my head, without any Googling, that could be lavender, chamomile, valerian…
    1 point
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