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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2022 in all areas

  1. Welcome to a special edition of “Good News, Bad News.” The good news: Chapter 12 of “Smooshed” has come back from beta. The bad news: My astute beta for that story, Fairy Slayer, pointed out a glaring omission on my part, and now I have to decide what to do about it, so that chapter might be delayed a day or three. The good news: Chapter 5 of “Into the Third Dimension” went off to beta last night. The bad news: I don’t know when I’m going to get my laptop back. I was kind of hoping to have it back by the weekend, but we’ll see. Every TV show, movie, character, etc mentioned in the Waltney stories is a parody of some actual Disney thing. But Disney’s properties are so vast that probably not everyone can get every reference. I’m afraid this problem will only get worse in “Waltney Plus.” In the two previous Waltney stories, i only referenced Disney and Pixar properties; in “Waltney Plus,” I’ll be Going There with Marvel, Lucasfilm, and National Geographic, too. So, Waltney’s competitors? That could make good fodder for a future story. The main reason why I’ve focused on Disney versus the others is that Disney is a vast corporate empire with many kinds of products (movies, TV shows, theme parks, consumer products) and many acquired IPs (like Star Wars and Marvel). Speaking of Nick and Netflix, I’ve just started outlining a Glitch Techs fic called “Retro.” Miko and Five accidentally release a bunch of glitches from Hinobi’s “adult games” of the ‘80s and ‘90s, and wackiness ensues. It’ll be a while before that story sees the light of day, though.
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