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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2022 in all areas

  1. I again prove to be terrible at predicting the popularity of stories. I thought “The Red Day” was a niche story that would garner a couple of reviews at most (at least here on AFF), but it actually has more reviews than “Smooshed.” Things are humming along. Chapter 2 of “Third Dimension” is still in beta (no surprise, given its massiveness) but could come back any time, and chapter 6 of “Smooshed” should be ready to head to beta this weekend. The final chapter of “The Red Day” should be ready by the middle of next week.
    1 point
  2. WillowDarkling

    chapter list?

    My (tech-challenged) guess would be either connection issues, or just some kind of loading issues. You know, longer list, longer to load… but remember that I can make a computer crash by looking at it funny…
    1 point
  3. You mean to delete them? Uhhhh... no, we don't delete something for being unfinished
    1 point
  4. There seems to be a misunderstanding among many of you. Thinking that ONLY adult content is wanted here. That is not the case at all. Fiction of all "ratings", with or without adult content are welcome here. While the archive certainly has a great deal of adult content, the ADULT in the site name is geared towards the fact that users are to be 18 or older, and that this is a group of ADULTS who come here to write, interact with each other, and etc. A suggestion for you authors, should your stories be "fluffy", contain no NC-17 type stuff, or whatever, you should make a note of it, so the readers who are looking at your summaries understand that. With the current reworking of the archive, I will suggest that some additional tags be added for this kind of story. Finally, if you, the author, are FLAMED because someone thinks you must have adult content, because you are on this site, please DO report it.
    1 point
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