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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2021 in all areas

  1. Favorite shout, from the “Sheogorath Shout – Call of Madness” mod, rains down hundreds/thousands of cheese wheels, and will tick off about everybody around you despite trying to cure hunger! Of course, the merchants should be suspicious of the shady character pawning off a thousand cheese wheels, but they don’t seem to care.
    2 points
  2. Laaaame. I never had the patience for stealth-archery, either I played as a big guy Nord smashing everyone’s heads in, or an Altmer battle-mage, zap people with lightning and then stab them in the face. Much more fun.
    2 points
  3. Well, you wouldn’t guess it from my rate of posting, but I’ve actually been doing a lot of writing lately. It’s just that I’ve been making incremental progress on a lot of things and not great progress on any one thing. This will probably lead to my posting a bunch of stuff in rapid succession in the not too distant future. In non-writing news, I recently watched the season 2 finale of Amphibia. Holy moly, that was a big one.
    1 point
  4. I mainly ado full mage build. I should probably do that whole OP sniper archer everyone seems to do. The spells can be a little lack luster buts its hilarious when you can heal yours companions faster than they can get hurt.
    1 point
  5. Beh, it’s still just more fun to go full Pelinal on them. Charge at them screaming and batter them all into a fine red paste while zapping them with your cybernetic arm cannon er, magic. Or Shout them into next week. I was never one who played it on any of the actually difficult difficulties anyway, so there was never that much pressure to cheese things like you guys.
    1 point
  6. If you’ve got the patience, the stealth armor is about the best, IMO, at least for me. Snipe out a bandit, duck back somewhere to hide. Of course the others might say “nothing to see here, must’ve been my imagination” next to their dead friend, guess loyalty doesn’t run very deep there.
    1 point
  7. Guh, because of course you did. I must be the only person who played that game as someone who just hit things with a big hammer.
    1 point
  8. @Ditmag You can tell how the interesting conversations go around here, start off with a good question, and now it’s skyrim tactics
    1 point
  9. When you start praying to the Night Mother for a contract on the heavy footed fuck alerting every Falmer in Blackreach that you’re there to loot their shit.
    1 point
  10. Think I spent way too much time playing that game. Preferred the stealth/sniper build myself, and got annoyed at mandatory companions who’d ring every doorbell, set off every trap, and push me over cliffs.
    1 point
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