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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2021 in all areas

  1. BronxWench

    HP/LM mpreg

    I’m locking this thread due to a flurry of spam posts, 16 of them to be precise.
    3 points
  2. WillowDarkling

    HP/LM mpreg

    Thank you for that, @BronxWench
    2 points
  3. Compare and contrast!Ddescriptions of effects of various severities and treatments: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/burns-and-scalds/ (one small picture) vs https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/acid-and-chemical-burns/
    2 points
  4. Mm, washing the wound extensively, skin grafts, restricted mobility, yeah, that sounds about right with what I’d thought of already.
    1 point
  5. Anyone know (preferably without pictures cause ew) how chemical burns differ from thermal ones in terms of ongoing symptoms, treatment etc?
    1 point
  6. @JayDee You know, I don’t think I ever actually watched any of the OG TMNT show that this April is ostensibly from. Or indeed consumed much of the setting’s material at all. In fact, now that I think about it I have no idea why I used April in the first place. Huh. Maybe I did know once but I just forgot it. Was about about three or four years ago that I came up with a lot of this stuff, after all. Though, you’re not far off the mark with anger. IBD, poor fellow, he got very upset when we were writing this. Mainly because I didn’t realise what he was having to go through to get into the right frame of mind, and kept poking him to add some more bits I thought he’d left out. Not my finest hour. After we finished this story, I remember actually thinking about stuff like what’s in this chapter and wondering if it was really necessary. Think I decided in the end that it was, but there was a lot of stuff (mainly related to the story’s connections to Deathstalker’s OG work this was all based on) that I thought didn’t help. Mainly all the rape-y stuff in part one, which I really wish I’d left out now, even if it did let me do the stuff with Chun-Li. It’s just a bit too grindhouse for me now. I don’t really remember if anyone did comment on this bit on there, actually. I think I only got two people commenting on it, and neither of them mentioned it in particular. Figures. As for April’s breakdown, yeah, I never considered looking up any details of real-life interrogations like this (cause I have enough trouble sleeping as it is), but I did sort of get the feeling that this is how it’d go in such a situation. I did, back in the day, though most of them were a bit too gruesome/scary for me. Nowadays I’m not so into that sort of thing, though I do recall recently poking through your take on a Deathstalker-world spinoff (nothing new under the sun) from a long time ago, even though the only character I was really interested in that was Sheeva. Her messy death in that swiftly reminded me of why I’d wanted to disengage these stories from that kink in the first place ( and why I never put in the technically correct but unpleasant detail of people voiding their bowels when they die). Sorry.
    1 point
  7. You succeeded if you ask me, plenty of good jokes. I think I frequented just about all of those you mentioned, grey archive was the first site I posted on. One you failed to mention is btw mcstories.com...there are some great stories there if you can stand there being quite a lot of repetition of themes in the stories considering the sites narrow focus. As for the story site that ruined the story session is was actually the Aurora Universe by Sharon Bast. When I broke the spell and considered what I was doing I decided the stories was providing to little payoff considering the length of stories and so much just being a weird superman/supergirl ripoff. Considering how many authors that contributed since and original author changing his pen-name and revising everything I suppose there must be a staggering Aurora stories around now. If you have time to spare, I would say mcstories is a better bet to find interesting stories. There some of the classics that was posted there. I just realized there is Yaoi manga that is named Overdose... I have not any ideas finished yet, but I am toying with the idea of somebody that is stuck with exposition fairy and realize that he/she cannot help to answer when prompted no matter how kinky the question is. No idea if it will work out as a story, but it sounds fun with anti hero that force the fairy to talk dirty.
    1 point
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