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  1. You’ll have to check back next year to find out... I must again thank @FairySlayer for that stroke of pervy genius. Ida implied that it had happened once when she was out figure skating on the lake. I’m pretty sure that led to a spectacular wipeout during an attempted double axel. Oh, indeed. Thanks for reviewing!
    2 points
  2. Almost done with the New years addition of Holiday Canon. Out With The Old
    1 point
  3. Oh, cool! That’s super positive. “That one’s definitely a superhero!” “That’s… that’s just a background police horse.” “Oh.”
    1 point
  4. Lupa: “Huh. Not fucking cheating then. Fucker’s actually just really good. Fuck. Guess I’d better be fucking polite, fucker’s fucking earned it.” Mike: *dragging the swear barrel along* Is it just me, or does Rigor Mortis Rick sound like a 1990s console mascot? A sonic the hedgehog type… “Hungry werewolf Kate got into Rick’s harem! Help Rick travel across varied platform worlds to collect enough body parts to put a lover together and defeat the wereworlf to reclaim the tender parts!” ...oh god, I really am a monster.
    1 point
  5. I think it is kind of logical that settings with lots of mindcontrol will have the practitioners that start policing rough users that draw too much attention. Combine this with how often superheroes in the comics are mindcontroled and I think those heroes who not have mindcontrol powers have good reasons to make sure the public knows about the dangers of mindcontrol. The step to making heroes who deal with mindcontrol government funded is not very long. My G.S.P. story that is set in the same setting explores the implications of evil and good (read shady) mindcontrol to quite some detail. Yep, he deserved what he got...especially after doing so bad research before picking his intended victim. To be fair, she had crush on the professor even before she ran into this mess.
    1 point
  6. Thank you! The proper response in Swedish here would be “God fortsättning” when you want wish the Christmas and New Year mood to continue. If I had you worried I am glad...I had to do a number of rewrites before I got foreshadowing working but still subtle enough. I think that it is part of the job description when dealing with mind control in porn stories. Originally I thought it would end with Greg coming in a disturbing things when they were spooning, but when I tried to write it I could find to good reason why the professor would unleash hell on him when he disturbed them like this. The new ending also had the great benefit of allowing me to include the second sex scene to give better context on what kind of creep Greg was. I had a friend who complained that in my stories you could tell who the superheroes was because they were hung like horses...it felt a bit unfair until I checked the record. There must a super power to avoid such...as for true pain...lego pieces is nothing compared to stepping on a D4 dice. Yep she could...but unfortunately for her, it is a different setting.
    1 point
  7. Review by GeorgeGlass Thank you for the review. It seems like story worked like I had hoped it.
    1 point
  8. Hope you will manage to get story done when the muses align for you. Maybe there is plot piece missing that you need to add to make it work. The stories with the gang IMHO works best when you combine their personalities and anxieties with them doing important stuff. The detail with the magically warded windows sound like a perfect reason for Lupa to make an extra effort for it to work. Quite some time until The Woman in the Statue will happen….or are the timelines not synchronized? That is the thing with smut...you can almost always find ways to improve the scene later. I think the level you chose for this story was just about right considering their Ocarina plans. Your You! story is already on my planned reading list after halloween...but now I have even more reason to read it. Thanks for heads up about how the story connect. Sounds like a good idea for a story.
    1 point
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