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  1. ::runs through, screeching like a pterodactyl on a bender, wearing a sparkly tutu and dragon wings….::
    4 points
  2. The first movie is, in my opinion, honestly a decent entry. It’s not R-rated like both franchises and a lot of the characters are kind of bland (excepting Sanaa Lathan as protagonist Alexa Woods and Lance Henriksen as Charles Bishop Weyland), but it’s nonetheless got some pretty fun action scenes, well done creature effects and the third act is awesome. Yes, Celtic employs plasma bagpipes that play Amazing Grace as they fire, and wields a telescoping shillelagh in close combat! No, in all seriousness the three Yautja were given nicknames in the script, some of which made sense by the final film (Scar is the only one to kill a xenomorph and ritually scar himself with the mark of his clan, thus earning “blooded” status; Chopper has two long arm blades instead of the usual dual wristblades, so he can...you know...chop people up) but Celtic’s name seems to have been a reference to something that didn’t transition from script to finished film. Maybe he was supposed to have Celtic-style weaving line patterns on his bio-helmet or armor or something, but the final design didn’t end up with those. As for Gogedheh getting kicked in the crotch, kicks and blows to the crotch actually are a recurring element in the Deathstalker stories, having happened five times that I can recall, though only once to Gogedheh. Something actually did, but it’s difficult to explain. See, it wasn’t actually anything you wrote (let’s just say you might have been copied, sort of). When the review of the chapter in question goes up I will either be comically mock-indignant with you or genuinely depressed, it’s hard to call. You did actually call Alex a fallen angel, amusingly enough. Oh God I didn’t realize it was a PUN! I mean, it’s from the creator of Dreneparssa and Eparlegna, so I probably should have guessed. Funnily enough, though, “Rehtegog” sounds like a pretty good demon name for one of your stories. That carried over into Multiverse Trophies, where he does seem to be fending off guilt (or at least that’s how I read it). As you say, as the requests went on any semblance of guilt vanished (once the character goes as far as he did in that second story, there’s really no coming back). That’s weird biped tortoise, thank you very much! It’s just so specific. “Fourteen inches and vibrating, got it. We got those modeled on humans and, for the kinkier, horses.” “No! Like, neither of those will work! They need to be donkeys!” “We don’t have those… If you want donkeys specifically, I’m going to have to go to the farm and take measurements and photos and the farmer’s going to think I’m really weird...” “This is totally important!” “I mean okay...” I kind of want to put Jane Maybelline into a fic now, but I don’t know if I have a place for her. Yeah...uh...weirdos. By the way, Uma Thurman is apparently seven inches taller than me. Not that I find that attractive or anything! It does indeed! It was natural enough that I didn’t even notice it at first, not until I started to make the “your princess is in another castle” joke. Maybe it was because the guy on the Pringles can looks vaguely like Mario? I mean, not exactly, but...he’s got a mustache. He’s killed three of those now, by the way, and his apprentice is killing her way up to a fourth. Don’t know what “are we learning yet” meant, but yeah, she did, and that is the best she has ever done against a Predator. Fun fact, there are literally no stories I can find on the internet where Samus fights a Predator other than the ones by Deathstalker, so that only ends one way...so far (I may have unintentionally caused a thing to happen; fingers freaking crossed that it doesn’t go horribly). Oh, and… You’re welcome!
    1 point
  3. GeorgeGlass

    Kiss and Make Up

    Thanks, LF! I appreciate your taking the time to leave a review AND comment here in the forums. (Not to mention calling me your favorite writer on AFF, which is high praise considering how many other good writers are here.) My original concept in writing this story was that Enid would force Evan and Penny to have sex to get it out of their systems. Then I decided that it would be more fun if she just forced them to strip naked and kiss, and things got out of hand from there. That seems to have been the right decision.
    1 point
  4. What Happens on Mystacor is posted! On the last night of their visit to the island of Mystacor, Glimmer and Bow find a new way to help Adora deal with her stress. SWP1, I’m hoping to get chapter 1 of “For the Price of One” posted by Saturday. And don’t you worry: The MC will be having fun with both his new girlfriend AND her daughter. As for Star Trek: Picard, I’m sure it will be good – Picard was always my favorite Star Trek captain – but I don’t have CBS All Access (or whatever it’s called). Maybe I’ll catch it later when it shows up in some other medium.
    1 point
  5. Re: “Kiss and Make Up” From Lady Freelove on January 23, 2020 If only every feud could be settled that way. Thank you!
    1 point
  6. ...I just spent ages writing this reply and then lost it thanks to accidentally closing the tab. Take two, everyone to position and action! Thank you @InBrightestDay for reading and reviewing parts 4 and 5 of this story! I genuinely appreciate the heck out of your taking this time to go through this mess. ...the first time this chapter made me laugh. I can't say why that specific detail made me laaugh, but it did. “Like, awesome!” she whispered, as the sweat soaked Japanese woman shuddered through another forced climax. Second time it made me laugh. Whoohoo! Always awesome making folks laugh! Imagine being the poor bastard who has to make those dildo moulds. You’re having a quiet day and suddenly a crazy government type has a special order. The agent’s a very sick woman. She wasn’t born with it, it was maybelline. Jane Maybelline, Black Ops brainwashing specialist and folk musician. Pray you never hear her mandolin. Giggity approved joke, Tricia complied. Sometimes fanfic can’t help but be in character, and that guy is straight up a rapist! Who else but Quagmire? Hey, any comments are good! Always great to get feedback and like I say it’s cool you found stuff to laugh over! At some point someone’ll look at this and go “Concrete doesn’t work that way” and “chemical burns, severe fuckin’ chemical burns” maybe. I dunno if this was especially meant to be hot, being so short, or just introducing the agent and her twisted ways. Wasn’t Tricia in the original either! Finding out she was pregnant was her motivation for leaving Bill, leading to the massacre and her coma. She finds out her daughter survived – presumably c-section – and left with her at the end of the second film. I like to think they had a long/happy life and that other options such as Vernita’s daughter taking revenge, or BB secretly being really angry that her Mom, who had been in a coma all her life, came and killed her Dad, and takes her own revenge… That was the post credits stinger. I kid, I kid! but I think of anyone could take a Pred out, she could, and although his targets were a bit limied by the selection of badasses needing to all be in roughly the same geographic location – no multiverse hopping for this slaughter bunny!- it I think I probably thought at least one of them would likely have encountered a Pred in this universe where they’re hunting on Earth, and must have selected her for it. I’d forgotten that was even in there until re-reading it! Heh, I get it, 'cause it's two Italian brothers like the Mario brothers and...anyway. It's a funny little reference, but moving on... I’m trying to remember if giving them the surname Toscano had any reference to anything. It’s got a definite echo of a minor Preacher comic character, but his name was Toscani. Then again, Toscano does mean Tuscany… eh, I dunno. I bet those mushrooms were well fed though. Apparantly some folks find something inherantly call about tall blonde badasses kicking ass. Thank you especially for the compliment on the description! Glad it worked out. Can’t imagine being caught in the middle of that shitshow would have been any fun for the guards. Death above and below… but at least Kiddo was happy for ‘em to run away if they didn’t mess with her. Shame they messed with her really. *laughing* Wow, they're actually named Maario and Luigi, and there's a reference to their cousin, Big W. Unfortunately, their princess was in another cas...wait. The bodyguard Daisy backed away. The other bodyguard's not... She was mine, bitch! She… she was my peach! Earlier... Kiddo vaguely recognised them; called themselves The Ninja Princesses or some tacky western shit. *shakes fist at the sky* JAAAAYDEEEEE!!! Hahaha, thanks! The story really earned that super mario brothers mention in the disclaimer at the start of part 1! You know, blowing my own trumpet here but I think that anguished she was my peach! line really works. eh. It’s probably not the first time some kiddo has got Peach killed. Like one playing a game. Super Mario Bros 2 on the NES I’m looking at you, you reskinned fuck. Yeah, sure, cut out the floating just above the deadly drop you piece a shit. Huh. 30 years and still some annoyance. Well, pretty sure Pringles were never used like that in any of the other stories. DS has much better taste in snack foods! I dunno where the fuck using that like that came from either. I mean, these guys are Italian-Americans. There wasn’t some Italian sausage around? Mario’s severed forearm? Narcissistic traits? Check! Villain Sue traits! No wonder this got trashed on that fanfiction mockery forum. No, I think you’re absolutely right. I mean, by this stage in the story he’s taken down three bad asses and a load of mushroom kingdom private security and getting more and more full of himself – which presumably increased as he kept going after Laras. It really isn’t the only time a tall blonde comes close to defeating him either- Samus sure did in that one of DS’s stories I mentioned to you that I think set you off down the DS fic rabbit hole! If it hadn’t been for the darned canonically impossible EMP… “Are we learning yet?” Ahem. Thank you once again for the reviews. Abolutely enjoyed the heck out of reading them, and that JAAAAYDEEEEE!!! bit had me laughing out loud!
    1 point
  7. Omnipotence paradox: “Could the rape deity jerk off hard enough to detach his own cock?” Got a sticky pp eh? Yeppers. It was all Phantom’s responsibility! Cher seemed like a good equally unlikely replacement. Eparlegna: “Can’t it be both? It’s even more fun when I’m mad. Unless that wingless’s bitch’s meat dildo keeps making cracks about Lucifer being better.” I never saw AVP! I didn’t know they had a celtic predator – does he have a kilt and carry bag pipes on his hunts? Or maybe just didn’t want ‘em to get kicked to often! That could have been a funny running gag – he gets whalloped in the balls on every hunt, but the guy hasn’t got any outside! I don’t mind describing balls – alla my futa fics have been the coin purse variety rather than the card slot, and in that one M/M/Transwoman fic I wrote everyone had balls. Unless they’re gonna pull the CGI/LOTR hobbit route or forced perspective/standing on crates Tom Cruise route I guess the films were always gonna be limited by actual human actor height. Yeah, you’re probably right! Still, if something does blindside ya… sorry ‘bout that I really appreciate the reviews and the feedback discussion even all these years later, and now on to the part 3 review! Part 3, which has that Joey from Friends casting gag near the start, The angels were deep in conversation about Alex’s actor boyfriend, who Dylan was convinced was the lost twin of another actor she’d met and fucked in New York City. Thanks again for the review! I think with the first chapter I was mostly getting a feel for the story and the big guy’s actions and it simply is the shortest/most basic of them as a result. Natalie does kick some ass there, but when he ankle’s done thats about it. I can totally see how it’s a little sadder than the last part. Might even be the saddest, if you discount Beatrix being a Mom or Sonya’s unrewarded dedication to duty. So no SCAO oneshot? :p I mean, these are angels… I kid I kid! Huh. Well. Huh. I mean, if you’ve got a scientific answer for it that makes the story fit in with the film then I pretty much have to accept it ‘cos you know science and the physics of these things! I’ve been telling folks how I fucked up that scene badly for years after that previous review (which may have been on hentai-foundry?) and now it turns out that the movie Predator had himself some conducting taking care of it! Hey, I feel better! Thank you! The image of the Predator crouched in the metal girders of a building, hidden in the urban environment, just seems cool, like it would be right at home in one of the movies. Stealth hunting Predator doin’ some steal hunting! Hell, it probably is my way of describing the way the guy in the second movie spends a lot of time up top checking things out, waiting for Natalie to be on her own so the minimum number of non-warriors get in the way. This was his early “basically decent for a murderous rapist” days The mercy kill he performs on Alex is a show of empathy, which pops up again in Multiverse Trophies where, when his plasmacaster (apparently acting on its own) kills Sam and Reboot Lara cries out in grief, he slashes her throat, killing her without finishing raping her. When he gets back to his ship, he actually berates himself for that, and never does it again. It's interesting to look at this in terms of the character evolving and, over multiple stories, purging himself of these emotions. I bet DS didn’t remember them here at all, and came up with it independently – must have been years since he glanced at the original story before writing the new one and shaped charges aren’t totally uncommon Second point tho’ yeah, again early Gogedheh (‘Go Get Her’ at least isn’t a silly backwards name while still being terrible...) still having some delusions of conscience or morality. And maybe a smidge of remorse. Later on as the requests demanded it he becomes even harder and less capable of human empathy than that weird biped tutle who runs the Senate for the Republicans. From what I remember DS did a pretty good job of getting the continuity in his stories to work internally even with different request demands. Thank you again! It’s really interesting to hear thoughts on the story and I’ve re-read part 2 myself to get it back in my mind and, yeah, not sure how many folks managed to get through this thing…
    1 point
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