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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2020 in all areas

  1. Hey, all. I’m still not 100% recovered, but at least I felt well enough today to go back to work, where I make the world a better place by moving commas around. Being sick threw off my game in terms of writing, but now I’m back in the swing of things. Made lots of progress tonight on several stories, including one I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet. I keep a list of story ideas – some highly detailed, some not even a sentence long. One of these short items, which has been on the list for a very long time, is “Some kind of cartoon crossover.” Inspiring, I know. Anyway, for unrelated reasons, I recently made a list of all of my incest-themed stories and realized that while I’ve done tons of father/daughter, mother/son, and brother/sister stuff, I’ve neglected the mother/daughter category pretty badly. Then, still being in a list-making mood, I listed some cartoon mother/daughter pairings that I might like to write about. But I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to devote an entire story to any one pairing, and that’s when it occurred to me that I should put them all together in the same story – specifically, by having them compete in a mother/daughter sex contest with a large cash prize and lots of meta references. (“Don’t worry, nobody here knows us, and none of this is canon.”) So I’ve started work on the story, which involves these pairs: Rita and Lola Loud from The Loud House Helen and Violet Parr from The Incredibles Marge and Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons Vivian and Isabella Garcia-Shapiro from Phineas and Ferb Agent K and Riley Daring from The Replacements Lois and Meg Griffin from Family Guy May the best pair win. P.S. I swear by the power of rule 34 that I had this idea before I started reading @FairySlayer’s Spazzgirl Letters.
    1 point
  2. I mean, that does sound like a fun story! ...werewolf? I’m not entirely sure now. I think more violence, fighting and the like. The ending you went with is great tho’ It is all good. Well that’s cool! The complexity and levels of piousness definitely feels like a more realistic society. Hey, it’s a great moment! I loves how you and some of the others really research your stuff and make it realistic. It feels like a big part of writing a proper story rather than the ham fisted porn scenes some of us crap out. Hahaha :D Him and the probably-fucked-anyway-from-infection other survivor could always set up a waffle house instead. “M’Paladin” *Somehow tips coif* Makes sense tho – you do tend to pick up word patterns of folks around you, and given how much he admires her he’d probably be consciously trying to emulate her manners rather than his upbringing? I’m kind of wondering what term they did use before “telegraphing” because the concept must have been around a long time. Not to late to meet the merchant and have him introduce himself as “It’s a me, Mario!” mind :P *Hot for Teacher, scored for mandolin, begins playing* Everyone’s got a thing and it made for some good stuff so far for sure. I’m sure it’ll go down well! Yes, but at the time you said nobody knew your characters yet so you couldn’t answer :p
    1 point
  3. Uh...yes! That’s exactly what I meant. They...play matchmaker for one another and then...go on a double date. It’s definitely not something else. And now onto JayDee’s review of Moonlit Snow! Oh, shut up, you! I’m genuinely curious, how did you expect the ending to go? Thank you! This is in large part thanks to you asking that very question. I think (though I can’t remember precisely) you may have even offered me the idea that there were those who felt the prejudice, but had to be careful not to offend the church. It was only while writing the bandit fight that I realized that Hopkin could serve as a representative of the less devout, who would just openly insult Lady Aldreda over her albinism, which brought up the idea that she can pretty well handle blunt insults like that, but that the more “polite” ones hurt worse because of how she just has to take them. The tactical stuff was part of my research into medieval combat, which was where I got both Lady Aldreda’s swordplay moves and the knowledge that plate armor more or less makes you immune to a sword (unless it’s stabbed into the chain mail in the joints), but a mace is still dangerous. As for the Serenity moment, I just loved the idea of it so there was no way it wasn’t making it into the story! I didn’t end up settling on precisely why Hopkin and his bandits started doing this, but they’re definitely somewhat lower class people (hence Hopkin’s “m’lady” as opposed to “my lady”) and my vague idea was something like what you suggested, and a failed harvest seems the most likely thing. Either that or his restaurant chain, IHOPkin, recently went under. The whole “stealing due to hard times” thing is actually what’s behind Aldreda just letting Hopkin and Mack go. She gets the impression from their amateur status that these men may be jerks, but they’re probably only doing this out of desperation, so she wants them to have a second chance. On the “m’lady” thing, Elis is also originally from a lower class background (farm work), but he addresses Aldreda like that so much that when I wrote him saying it as “m’lady”, I kept imagining him donning a fedora. I figure he may have picked up the more formal manner of saying it due to being around Lady Aldreda for the last three years. Thank you! That was another thing picked up through research. Some of the videos I watched were analyzing Hollywood sword fights, and one of the most common things that came up is that movie choreographers love big wide swings because of how cool they look, but in actual combat that’s a bad idea for exactly the reason Lady Aldreda gives. The videos called it “telegraphing”, but given the setting I obviously couldn’t use that term. Yeah I was trying to come up with a word other than “fireworks” and I thought of how when several of them go off in a cluster they can almost look like bouquet of flowers. That was exactly what I was going for. Elis is kind of like the kid with a crush on his teacher, albeit because of her rescuing him she’s more than just a teacher, she’s his idol; his personal hero. There is absolutely that desire on his part to grow up faster, to be the man he thinks she’ll want. Which, of course, leads directly into… That was another thing that came up in research, that there was this swordplay treatise where it was recommended to “end your opponent rightly” by throwing the pommel of the sword at them. Every video I saw said this had to be a joke, so I had Lady Aldreda use it like that, and then decided to compound the joke by having it actually used to end the fight. To an extent yes. He’ll be a more proficient fighter and more adult, though I’d imagine he’ll still look up to Lady Aldreda. That’s kind of a thing in my writing, I guess, where the woman is the man’s protector or teacher or mentor. People seem to be enjoying it thus far, though, so hopefully it will continue to be fun to read. I believe there’s a different thread for that.
    1 point
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