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  1. The Slumber Party of Evil Doom now at 2175 hits! I did think I might end with the current chapter, before deciding it was more fitting to finish off with them having a slumber party. I don’t think I can do it with the next week’s prompts, but I might try. Otherwise, a final chapter at a slumber party to finish it all off. For now, a review! Thank you for this and for the review! Yes, I think this was the first time I’ve done one trying to write her perspective. If I manage to salvage that reststop story by making it about Kate as you suggested I guess we’ll get a little more of her POV! And if I ever write that first person story I! we’ll get more too Lupa's vampire humor remains on point. Absolutely had to reference the vampire vs werewolf trope there, and Lupa’s self-image problem seemed a touch point that was also in character. The wishbone bit entirely inspired by the prompt, so nice to actually get a prompting. I went back to see if I’d given much indication of her height and it’s never really very clear, so I figured if Kizzy and Lupa are fairly short and Shannon’s a bit taller then them, Kate could be the tallest. It’d look better with that half-changed bipedal wolf form too if she’s got a hulking monstrous air to her. For the outfit I totally wanted to call back to her leaving her slippers behind referenced in an earlier chapter, but couldn’t come up with a Cinderella gag in the end. Wolfwere status confirmed! I had the thought originally as a throwaway gag in You! and it just seemed to work. In another universe she and Katie went down to LA, but something happened to Katie and Kate ended up homeless but liking the city and human music too much to go back tothe wilderness. In this one when Katie goes down to LA, Kate ends up sticking around. There is nothing I can add to that. Heh, thanks! I like the implication that because the car has no hiding wards or anything that wasn’t Shannon doing the succubus soul sucking, that was just her having some gratutious sex. I guess Lupa gets over her reaction as she ends up living at Shannon’s house which has surely seen even more action than the car… Still good for a gag here though! “SHANNON’S ALIVE?” Yes. Kizzy is much less shouty. I guess at some point Lupa will accept the angels and creator, but keep it up as a gentle rib on Kizzy. “...Paradise? This looks like a barn to me. Filthy hay, rotten vegetables.” “We’ll have no The Last Battle references here. Now try and look noble before Temira gets suspicious, while i open the way for you and Kate to the next universe.” Thank you again for the review. I appreciate the heck out of it.
    1 point
  2. InvidiaRed

    mage rank/title

    Well most of my list works. Personally, my favorite is. Rank: Yes, I will Notify Your Next Of Kin
    1 point
  3. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hello everyone, I just popped on for the as promised thorough response . First things first, I wanted to apologize for not getting the chapter done for September. There are two primary reasons for that. As some of you may remember, the first few months of a new school year are a very busy time for me. September in particular is usually the worst of those months and this year that was especially true. My job kept me very busy with some very stupid problems… The second reason was simply the chapter itself. It may not seem like it, but I found this chapter really difficult to write. Even though I knew what I wanted to do and where I was going with it, the words to describe all of that just did not come easily. Well…. that isn’t entirely true. The last section with Alex, I wrote in about 2 hours… That part was easy, for some reason and it ended up requiring almost no editing or rewrites either . As for the chapter itself, there were many things going on, all of which I felt were particularly important as we move toward the end. The relationships between Emma and Cara and between Margot and Felicity needed page time…. As we approach the ending, it is important to remember how these ladies feel about each other and how we got there. I also needed to show the aftermath of what happened to Ari in the previous chapter and how she will get to where she’s going in an upcoming chapter… Then, of course is the scene with Alex. I obviously can’t say too much about it other than to say that none of that moment was something that I didn’t see coming. From early on, maybe not right in the beginning, but at least by chapter 30 or so, I knew that Alex was going to have an accomplice and that someone was going to be a celebrity. I also, had always planned for Alex to end up asking Emma to marry him. Its something that is very critical to the plot. Someone in the comments pointed out that they had problems with how much power Emma was getting. But I would argue that there couldn’t be any drama as we move towards the ending if she didn’t have any power. The balance between Emma and Alex as the story nears its conclusion is essential to the ending. I haven’t begun writing chapter 46 yet, but I have a pretty good idea where the focus will be. First off, I plan to develop and expand on the relationship between Bella, Dove and Chloe. I also want to do a little work with Ari’s journey. Finally, I plan to have the big moment where Alex proposes, and have a scene where they work through his momentary loss of control. I had planned for this chapter to be a time jump, but I’m not sure if / when that will happen now…. I’ll have a better idea after I finish this chapter how that moment will come together. Aside from that, logistically, I plan to start work on it right away. It is my hope that I’ll have 46 written by the 21st and published by the 26th. I know that’s a short timeline, but I didn’t get any work done on my original work last month so its likely the only way I’ll be able to work on it this month is to set a very grueling pace. Hopefully, October will be a quiet month at work and I can get a lot of writing done. Ok, that’s about enough of that. Let me briefly move on to all your wonderful comments. First off, I won’t be individually addressing each congratulation on hitting the 200k mark. On that though, I want to say thank you! So very much, thank you! I never imagined when I first started this story that it might have such a fantastic response. I honestly didn’t know if anyone would even read it. Now, by my calculations the story grows by over 7000 dragon prints each month. (Just as a friendly reminder, a dragon print is a view counter that tabulates based on people viewing new chapters from each individual device). So there is no way for me to know exactly how many views the story gets because if someone logs on and looks at chapters from more than one device, the site counts the views from each of those devices. But, I think it is an excellent way to measure the success of a story. And, quite frankly, I couldn’t be more blown away by the response my story has had. So, I wanted to thank you guys again! I want to thank you for sticking with me and watching me grow as a writer and just for loving my story and for taking the time to read it and offer up your comments and questions… I means ever so much to me every time I see a new comment or a new question. I know I’ve said it before, but I would have given up on this story long ago if not for you guys, so thank you again for keeping with it, for motivating me and for your amazing support! You guys really are the best! Thank you! One last time Thank you! Okay, on to you guys: A girl likes this story: First off, I never meant to imply that I didn’t believe you were a real girl. The post where I asked you questions I made several attempts at humor… Which is a difficult thing to pull off in a forum post. I was trying to be funny… I guess I should just stick to writing sex . … I also wanted to thank you for answering my questions (and yes its perfectly acceptable not to answer any or part of a question, I never want you or anyone else to feel uncomfortable). I appreciate that you took your time to respond and that you did so in a pretty thorough manner. I think its kind of amusing that you skim or even skip the sex since that is usually like half the chapter Also, there’s often a lot of plot and character development sprinkled into those scenes. But I certainly agree with you that its the relationships that are the most important thing. Even if you read someone only reads this story for the sex, the connection that the characters have their individual stories only add to the hotness of the sex because you know them. Its hard to balance the sex and the plot / character development but I think they are both equally important. As to your comment about Alex and not knowing whether you can believe that he really cares for the girls anymore… I think its an important dynamic as we approach the end of the story. I’m not sure how many people noticed it, but Emma and Alex are very much alike. In the beginning Alex has all the power and Emma none. He is in control and she (if you look at the very early chapters) has little to none. Slowly, they’ve begun to equalize. Alex still has more power, obviously, but one of the things I’ve found most interesting as I write this is how the dynamic between them has developed over hundreds of pages. And this momentary loss of control that we see in Alex is just another moment where the balance between he and Emma becomes even closer to equal…. I think it will be very interesting to watch this as the story ramps up towards the end…. I really hope you guys enjoy it . I have a big idea in the works for Ari. I really hop you guys like it. Because I do think she is unique and I do think she’s smart ( she did sort of manipulate Alex into making her a cat), but was that because he wanted her to be a cat, or because she wanted him to make her a cat???? Very interesting to consider, especially with what is coming up for her… As for Emma, wow! I couldn’t have had a different take on her. She might have a distant presence on social media, but I think that’s more about a desire for some modicum of privacy and not because she doesn’t care. I would argue that makes her more relatable in fact. Now, I will say that she has some very high goals and that sometimes she might come off as a little uppity because of that, but I also think that is because she is kind of distant on social media not because she is cold… just my opinion obviously. I hope that addresses everything, if you have any other questions or concerns feel free to pass them along. Sazbi: I’m guessing that chapter 45 answered most of the concerns in your comment. Lets see… I think its an interesting idea that because Emma has kind of taken Taylor under wing a little that there could be something to develop between her and Chloe… That is a pairing I don’t think we’ve seen either… interesting…. I can’t comment on Ari you’ll just have to wait for 46… But I will say your comment on that you thought it was funny what Emma did to “trigger” Alex made me laugh out loud. I found it funny too, but probably not for the same reason. I’ve been seeing a lot of corollaries between Emma and Alex lately…. and…. what is it that Emma really gets off on…? ArcherNexus: It is true, I have the hugest crush on Cara Delevingne. For a long time it was Emma and before that… well the list is expansive… But anyway, yes, I am super psyched about Carnival Row. I haven’t had the funds lately to reactivate my Amazon Prime account so I haven’t seen it yet. But yes, one of these days I do intend to watch it and I am looking forward to the steamy scene I’ve heard so much about… Romavictrix: I’ve never seen Lucifer. But I’ve had a very specific ending in mind for this story for a long time. I obviously can’t go into what that ending will be. But I will say that I agree with your assessment that in a large part what Alex does is that he brings out desires in the celebs that they would have otherwise denied due to social constraints. Juan: I think I mentioned it before, but the darker ending at the end of 44 was one of those moments where the story just sort of took over and that scene is just the magic that happened because of it. As for internal dialog and conflict… well my opinion is that a writer could have the hottest, steamiest sex scenes on Earth, but without those things… without character development and struggle that story would ultimately be pretty damn boring. You need the drive, you need characters to clash not only to make the story believable, but also to make the things they do (yes that includes sex) more memorable and important. Well: I never originally thought that Taylor’s punishment scene would fill 3 full chapters, but I am happy with the outcome. It was a great way to resolve a significant portion of her story line. And while that isn’t the end of Taylor’s development, I think it can be safely said that at this point her believably as a truly depraved slut is unquestioned. I’m glad you liked the scene between Emma and Ari and I hope that you’ll enjoy what I have in the works for her coming up… should be interesting. As for my book… I don’t want to go into too much detail as its still early but… Lets see... Its about the corruption of an innocent girl by her roguish stepfather… and the family drama that will rise from it… I guess is the short version that doesn’t give too much away… As for the dare game idea, I don’t have any plans for an kind of games at the moment. We’ll just have to see what kind of stuff I can work in… since I plan to wrap up BDH around chapter 60. King: As I said above, and you may disagree with this, but I think the story would be terribly boring if Alex had complete and total control over everything that happened. If there was no push back from the girls if there was no conflict the story wouldn’t have any meat, it would just be sex… and that sex would start to get very boring without the plot that comes along with Emma and a few of the other girls gaining a little bit of power. I know its hard to see sometimes since I know a lot of people read this for the Mdom and force fetishes, but a good story has to have moments that challenge you or they just get drab and predictable and that is when the story dies… There will be 2 more characters added before the end. I’m hoping to bring them in sometime int he next 3 to maybe 4 chapters and I hope to announce them sometime in the next 2-3. We’ll just have to see. I can’t comment on the punishment room / breaking stuff other than to say despite Emma’s deepest hope the punishment room has not seen its last scene just yet . (And yet, I know exactly who the final 2 celebs will be). I guess that about does it! I hope you’re all reading chapter 45. I can’t wait to hear what you all think! Till next time, -Mal
    1 point
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