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  1. To be very honest, when an author downs their work all over the Internet, we tend to think that should be respected, and we don’t like links even to things like the Wayback Machine. Some authors have had to take down all their fan fiction when publishing original fiction, due to the requirements of their publisher. Sometimes, they’ve taken down their work for privacy concerns. So, we would rather be cautious, and not post those links. If the author posted the work on another fiction archive, we do allow those links in the search threads, or on the Great Wall Of… thread. We don’t allow links to those sites in the archive itself, however.
    2 points
  2. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hello again, I’m back tonight for the promised update! First, let me address the new chapter. A long time back, you guys voted on a scene with Emma, Ari and Alex. This chapter first and foremost was meant to deliver on that promise. I was pleasantly surprised and excited with how the chapter turned out. Once again, I found myself in one of those situations where my free-flowing writing style took me in a very unexpected direction. In this case, the ending. I’m very interested to hear what you all thought of the way the chapter ended. Though it wasn’t part of my initial plan for the chapter to end on such a dark note, I think it serves very nicely as a build up for things to come. As you all know, we are ramping up towards the end at this point. We are by no means there yet, but I think the little speed bump Ari and Emma hit at the end of 44 will definitely influence the way things play out from this point on. Perhaps it will be in a more subtle way at first. But as we get closer to the end game, I think, I hope you all will be surprised and excited for those things. Next, for the foreseeable future, I expect the chapters to come later in the month, as I won’t be starting new BDH chapters until the first day of each month. I will use the time between publishing the new BDH chapter and the end of the month to work on my new original story. But before I tell you a little bit about how that project is proceeding, lets talk BDH 45 and beyond. I have two more major scenes planned before the time jump chapter. The time jump chapter will, as I said before will be a long jump. Probably the longest yet. As for 45, it will encompass one of these two major scenes and hopefully will set up the other. I can’t say for sure how things will play out, since I now have the fallout from 44’s ending to deal with as well. But, if things go according to plan, 46 will then deal with the final planned scene and resolve the remaining plot points that are still floating around out there. 47 will then be used for the entire time jump. I will announce one of the two ladies at the end of 47, and the final girl will be announced in a very different manor with her very own chapter. I don’t want to say too much about this special chapter yet, but I will say that I’ve been thinking about this moment for probably close onto a year now so I’m very excited to finally be writing it. If things all go according to plan, the entire cast will be apart of BDH by chapter 48 and from there, we will really begin to ramp up towards the end. Now, my original story. The title is still a work in progress, but if you read my previous update post, you will know that I plan to release it in short episodes that will be around 50 pages each and contain their own mini story as part of a larger overall arc. I’m guessing each episode will have between 5-7 chapters, maybe less…. Anyway, after I finished up chapter 44 last month, I spent the rest of the month writing the first chapter of the first episode. That chapter is currently in a semi polished state, to be further refined as the entire episode takes shape. I don’t want to go into too much detail, but I will say that it is an original story, obviously and that it will contain many of the same themes / kinks / fetishes as Billion Dollar Harem. However, the primary kink I plan to focus on is Step Fantasy with a lesser but still significant focus on Slut Training / Mind Break themes. I plan to mostly shy away from the extreme and darker fetishes (at least with this first episode), in order to appeal to the maximum number of people. Perhaps in future episodes or when I eventually move onto a new original work I will return to the dark side… Finally, let me address all the comments. Juan: Thank you as always for your support. I’m very glad you enjoyed chapter 44 and hope you find 45 equally pleasing. I will try to keep you all at least semi updated on the progress of the original story. I obviously don’t want to divulge too much as discovering the story is half the reason to buy it . But, rest assured that as it nears completion, I will let you all know where and how to find it should any of you want to check it out. Romavictrix: Thank you, Romavictrix. I wasn’t really gone, but I did have a rather long break in production after my two unfortunate tumbles. Thank you for your enthusiasm about the original work, I promise to keep you all posted. Joe: I’m very glad that you liked Taylor’s progression. I can’t say at this point she is complete, but I think she’s reached about the maximum level of possible slutiness. The questions for her at this point will be more centered around relationships and winning back her friends…. It should be an interesting journey. As to Emma’s involvement in the punishment. As soon as I knew I was going to do a foot fetish as part of this scene, I wanted two things out of it. 1) I wanted the foot / feet in question to belong to Emma. and 2) I wanted that foot to be absolutely disgusting in order to humiliate Taylor as much as possible. I think most of Emma’s involvement was coordinated with Alex. He for sure picked out both outfits, and suggested the foot fetish. I picture the liverwurst part to be born in Emma’s brain though. He also suggested, in my imagining, getting one of the guards to provide a topping for her foot. But I like to think it was her idea to make it a team effort. Zack: First of all, thank you so much for your very kind words. I often like to think my work is appreciated. But you never really know unless someone tells you or shows it in some way. When someone tells me how much they appreciate the hard work I’ve put into this or any of my projects, it really makes me feel good and encourages me to soldier on when things are tough. My financial situation is tough right now. Hopefully my original work will help me get out of the enormous hole I find myself in…. <fingers crossed> I’m glad to know though at the very least I’ll have one or two people lined up to buy it . I’m glad you’ve been enjoying BDH. Is this your first post, I don’t remember seeing your name before (my apologizes if you have… ) I like to think the main reason my story is so different from the other celeb fan fiction out there is just the fact that 1) I pour my blood sweat, and tears into this story. (That’s not true exactly, mostly I pour wrist cramps into it and pent up frustration into it ) But I’ve always favored quality over quantity I never release a chapter until I’m happy with it and I try my very best to make each chapter different than any of the ones before it. and 2) This might be cliche and maybe even corny, but you guys, my readers / fans are the other reason this story has so much success. Without all your kind words, comments and criticisms, not only would BDH have died off long ago, but even had it persisted, it wouldn’t be half as good as it is now. I hope you enjoyed the new chapter, and yes, I am doing much better since my falls. Thank you again for your support, and I look forward to hearing more from you. A girl likes this story: Oh! Come on, everyone knows there are no real girls on the internet… this must be some kind of trap Seriously though, thank you so much for your support, and assuming you really are a real girl ( ) I ‘d love to ask YOU a couple of questions. (I’ll wait till the end) First when I set out to write this story, my main goal was NOT to just dump two dozen celebs in a basement and have some guy screw them once and thereby turn them into sex crazed sluts…. I wanted each girl to have her own personality (that’s realistic, right?) ( I don’t know any girls….) And I honestly wanted them each to have their own unique roles. That’s probably one of the reasons it took me so long to bring in more celebs after the initial five. When I sat down to start this, I never thought there would be more than five girls. But as the story evolved, I realized there was room for more. Besides if I didn’t write a story with Cara and Felicity in it, I was going to lose my shit. I’m glad you liked the way each celeb evolved and that you like the punishments. (More on that in a sec). I find it interesting when people tell me Ariana is their favorite. In my mind, she might be the least developed of the characters (she’s one of the newest), and I really feel like she needs more attention to be fully developed… My favorites are Emma (obviously) and probably Cara but mostly because I find her unbelievably attractive. Now, if you’ll indulge me, a few questions. I’d love a “real girl”(‘s) perspective. (Also feel free to email me your response if you don’t feel comfortable posting it. Alternatively, ignore this all together if you like. I’m merely curious) As a man (checks) yes, as a man, I know what is appealing about a story like this. (Hot female celebrities in wild, steamy sex scenes have been my fantasy since…. well ever since I starting having fantasies….) I’m curious what a girl finds appealing about this story? Feel free to be as vague or specific as you like. As a girl, do you find any of the more graphic / violent parts difficult to read? I mean, you made it this far, obviously you had to have encountered some of the darker stuff… Do you sympathize with say Felicity, Taylor or Ariana when they are handled so brutally and inhumanly in those really dark punishment room scenes. Or does it…. (how to put this delicately) tickle your fancy …. I guess the base question here is do you read a story like this for the plot or for the sex? What does a character like Alex make you feel? Do you like him? Sympathize with him? Love him? Hate him? Do you think he has any redeeming qualities, and if so what, in your mind, are they? (Last one) You said Ariana was your favorite character. I’m curious what makes you feel a connection with her? What qualities does she have that makes you identify with her? Or is it just that she’s really hot dressed up like a cat? Thanks again for reading along, A girl likes this story. As I said take the questions or leave em, I’m just curious. I hope either way you’ll continue to follow the thread and be entertained by the story. Sazbi: Yeah, I worried a little when I was writing 43 that people might think I was turning Taylor into a dog, but I was really just looking for a way to humiliate her even more. Personally, I think someone calling you a dog and making you bark and beg is pretty humiliating…. As for the whole pariah thing… I’m not sure that is going to be entirely true. After all, she didn’t directly assault Cara, all she did was cheat on her gf with her…. I think her social status is redeemable with some time and work. And, as you’ll see in 44 she’ll have at least one friend… As for the new girls and the new chapter, I’m excited to announce them and bring them in, and the new chapter is here! What are you waiting for, go read it! ArcherNexus: I get that it kind of sucked to end the RP between Emma and Alex. But, I was trying to show that he didn’t need some elaborate fantasy to show her how he felt about her. In my mind, Alex genuinely cares for Emma, certainly above all the other women in his harem and he has to use small things to show her that. Otherwise she might grow too bold, or on the flip side too meek to do her job. By that same measure, Emma wants him to care for her. She likes to tease him and find new exciting ways to entice him. But ultimately, she wants to be with him as herself. I thought that by flipping it, going from the sexy RP and transitioning to it just being Emma and Ariana as themselves was a great way to show that. (However, I can perfectly understand your feelings. Writing Emma as that cute, naive girl was a super turn on). I’m glad you enjoyed the ending. When I sat down to write this chapter, that wasn’t something I was intending to happen. But as I said above, I don’t think the fact that it was accidental takes away from the effect. Alex’s darker side was bound to come out at some point and Emma was the one most likely to see it (outside of the punishment room) so it really just makes sense. I'm not sure exactly what it is you’re hoping to see for Emma moving forward. But I will say this, of all the girls, Emma’s future is the one I have most set in my mind. In other words her path has a pretty set trajectory and its unlikely that it will alter much from how I have things set in my head. I guess I only hope that what I have planned for her and for the story at large doesn’t disappoint you and everyone else… Ok folks… wow that took a long time… lol Anyway I really wanted to take a moment to respond to your comments and to address things moving forward so it was worth it. I would expect chapter 45 not to be released until near the end of September as I won’t even start it until next week. I may pop on to address some comments if we get a bunch in the next week or so, if not I’ll talk to you all again at the end of next month. Till next time -Mal
    2 points
  3. Author’s Note for expanded/merged story to be linked from story: So here’s the thing. Originally, “The Slumber Party of Evil Doom” and “Blood on the Hay” (BOTH) worked ok as seperate stories, they were a couple chapters each and there wasn’t anything else going on. Then I got to writing more parts, and other stories with the characters and now it feels that Blood on the Hay should be merged with the slumber party as a continuation, with the story as a whole covering the four friends discovering each other’s new natures, and then going after Kate after she ran away in part 2 of Slumber Party. Since the admin is probably still really busy I have decided to delete it myself and add the existing two chapters myself. This sadly means losing the hit count from BOTH (currently a whopping 2182 hits since the original posting date of 2011-03-24 / later same year for part 2, and sadly also the reviews. Though lost from the archive, they can remain on the forum! I am re-quoting the original four reviews on BOTH in this post - I have responded previously in this thread, but this allows anyone following the link to see them all in one place. Also, thank you again to those of you who reviewed previously. I really appreciate that. So I am not bumping a story to the top of originals with no new material I’ll also be posting a new chapter today with at least two more to come. (I split one long part into two to keep them both at the 1000 word flashfic limit, and also had another part I already started on.) I will also be swapping part 4 of the Slumber Party story with part 3 so there’s a natural intermission with Eparlegna’s punishment, Blood on the Hay part 1 and 2 become slumber party part 5 and 6. Per above, this post in this thread is the author’s note explaining it, which I’ll link in the story! I probably won’t get around to going back and editing forum threads or story notes that refer to them as seperate stories any time soon, but I can point anybody who says they’re confused here. Seems unlikely tbh. The original summary for BOTH “He has bad intentions for the girl sleeping rough in his barn...” may have given some readers entirely the wrong impression. Guffaw. (Edit – although, thinking about it, the fact it got a couple hundred more hits in two chapters than slumber party did for four over roughly the same period absolutely suggests pervs are more willing to take a chance on a story than non-pervs… am I right? :p. Slumber Party currently at 1955 hits!) Phew. Hope it makes sense. Anyway, those original Blood on the Hay reviews: ...not many people read these non-sex stories – even with the sex in Jude’s Tale it didn’t get a lot of readers, but I enjoy writing them so eh. I’ll never be Stephen King or Jo Rowling and that’s ok
    1 point
  4. If it’s a link to a site where the story is posted by someone other than the author, we do not allow it. I can’t remember what we say about web archives, though… BronxWench will know.
    1 point
  5. Operation GetFired is not going well. I must up my SnarkGame.
    1 point
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