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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2019 in all areas

  1. Aww come on, come for a visit! You’ve got a good 50/50 chance of surviving! Those are some fine odds!
    4 points
  2. GeorgeGlass


    I agree, except when it’s clear that the person didn’t actually read the story and is just harassing you. Those I delete. I’ve also been tempted to delete reviews that aren’t flames but that don’t actually contain anything like a review. Like the one that was just a bunch of song titles related to each of the characters. But I haven’t given in to that temptation. Maybe my ego can’t stand to see that number in parentheses next to “Read Reviews” get lower.
    3 points
  3. Kudos for an inspirational teacher!
    3 points
  4. http://cherylzwrites.com/2019/08/13/learn-to-submit-the-wrong-way/ This made me laugh so thought I’d share it! Sample: I swear someone on AFF has already written that :p
    2 points
  5. With those odds, I’ll be sure to increase my life insurance policy first! xD
    2 points
  6. I’m reviving an old topic but I’m enjoying reading how others found fanfiction. When I was in elementary school around 5th grade-ish, one of my teachers introduced us to looking at a picture and making up a story to go with it. I fell in love with doing that. My friend and I around that same time discovered anime so it evolved from looking at a picture and thinking of a story to watching a show and creating a story involving the characters we liked. My BFF and I would write stories together on notebook paper and then eventually found FFN, started reading stories, and writing/publishing our stories on there. It’s been a great creative outline and I will be forever grateful to that one teacher (whom I remember his name) for introducing me, without knowing it, to fanfiction and creative writing.
    2 points
  7. So for a very long time now, I had an idea for an extremely extensive Sailor Moon work, spanning at least every single arc. I had a trillion ideas that I worked through in my head, but it was just a back burner pet project. So I finally decided I should sit down and start writing out outlines for characters, arcs and my changes. I even figured out ways I could work in whole new arcs, and even started working on those. Then I began a timeline of events. It was when my timeline reached page 30 and I wasn’t even a tenth of the way done that it came to me; this wasn’t just off the rails, it had jumped from and then off multiple sets and was now running across the ocean floor, well on its way to Europe. I had completely lost sight of this being a fanfic and it was becoming an original work sometimes featuring plot elements, vaguely, from an old magical girl series. Am I alone in this? If not, did you just make it into an original work?
    1 point
  8. AquaTonic


    It’s definitely an ego thing for me. I unhealthily used to measure myself by that number and would be disappointed when others would have double to reviews. It made me doubt my ability to write a summary or how good my writing was in general. Now it’s about the number of hits that makes me happy.
    1 point
  9. Yes. As a fellow “Moonie”, I have written SM fanfics for a long time. It got to a point where my characters were starting to be OOC and the plot lines were becoming more intense that I stepped back and decided I needed to charge the direction of my work. While I enjoy working with the canons I grew to love, sometimes it’s nice to leave the nest and fly. If you’re still around, I’d love to know how your development continued and if you’re going to start a magic girl series.
    1 point
  10. Can I just say it's really nice to have a forum and a writing forum especially where the atmosphere is generally pretty comfortable as well as actually helpful? Like I feel perfectly fine asking staff or other posters a question or for advice, because I’d actually get legit answers with no drama attached. I've been on plenty of forums before, and this is one of the very few that I feel like I'm going to be sticking with. For some reason I've noticed that people who are open about writing adult material come off as much less high-strung then people who don't (or who loudly proclaim to be against it). TL;DR: Just wanted to show my appreciation to AFF’s forums for being a non-toxic place (if it is, then it’s very well-hidden, lol). I don’t see that very often.
    1 point
  11. Bump bump. It’s one of the reasons I came back after time away from writing in general. I really enjoy the atmosphere here too!
    1 point
  12. I feel you, I have to write myself a full-on summary of what I’d like to see the direction of my fic going or else I’ll lose my intended vision/ending I had planned. I use notepad to just sit and write out the summary including whatever little details or scene/dialogue comes to mind while I’m inspired. Then, when I’m working on it I’ll add/retract and continue working those ideas/main plot points. I think it’s a great way to stay organized and would love to take a peek at the desks/notes of famous writers of large book series. I wish I could give you some ideas that could help with what to add in but it’s not my genre of fan fiction. Wishing you the best on your writing!
    1 point
  13. This was a great read, I’m in love with the sarcasm!
    1 point
  14. From Fairy-Slayer on August 13, 2019 Coincidences? I think not. Lana’s nightmare was so frightening that Lincoln couldn’t help but be sympathetic. All of the chapters will be fairly short: 1500-2500 words (so I’ll be banging them out fairly quickly). This chapter is at the low end of that range because this story requires less setup than most others I’ve written. Glad it hooked you nonetheless. Thanks for the review!
    1 point
  15. I’m doing fine. Work has been stressful so far this week, but that just seems to drive me to greater story-writing effort when I get home. As it happens, I just sent it off to beta. So I expect to have it posted soon. I recently did another cycle through all 20 in-progress stories, so I made a least a bit of progress on all of them, but I made a particularly good amount on TMTM. I think that chapter is about two-thirds complete now. Other things I made particularly good progress on include a couple of one-shot stories: “Goldilocked,” the dark, rapey Goldilocks story I’ve been working on for a long time now. I’ve just got one scene left to write and it will be ready for prime time. “The Order of Things,” a much shorter, furry story about an eleven-year-old boy who regularly fucks his five-year-old brother. When the younger brother complains about always being on the receiving end, the older brother teaches him to fuck their even younger (two-year-old) brother. Lots of semi-consensual fun.
    1 point
  16. AquaTonic


    I’m a big numbers person and wouldn’t delete reviews even if they were flames because hey, at least they reviewed! My first flame was on my first Sailor Moon/Dragonball Z crossover that I co-wrote with an old friend in 2002 when I was 14. If I recall correctly, fans of my fic messaged the flamer endlessly until they apologized. Later on, they came back (probably 6 months later) and gave a constructive feedback review that outlined how I could improve, what was wrong, and areas that I needed to work on. I appreciate that this person did come back later and give me constructive feedback. It’s probably one of my most memorable flames and later constructive feedback reviews.
    1 point
  17. MrsFigg was amazing, and very much missed, but I’m glad to think she inspired people to write fan fiction.
    1 point
  18. Oh, yes, writing fanfic certainly encouraged me to write original stories, too. I’ve just never had a fanfic idea evolve into an idea for an original story.
    1 point
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