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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2019 in all areas

  1. Had a huge burst of inspiration tonight and finished a rough draft of the final chapter of Auntie’s Home. I just need to give it a read-through, then I’ll send it off to betaland.
    1 point
  2. I was a dead star shone red into the infinite dark I bled A dying city my inhabitants long dead maintenance kept me just shy of that envied flat-line My roots dug deep your branches mixed with mine and my roots together entwine with thee and thine Until I could no longer tell were you me? Or was I mine? Did I bleed out? Or did you bleed in? A death that lasted yet was not mine But was thee and thine Here at the end Time’s Den To see with Dead and Dying sight A strange mix of you and me and through thine blooded light A stranger’s might. Impossibly bright. Beginning.
    1 point
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