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  1. pittwitch

    This witch is MELTING.

    This witch is MELTING.
    1 point
  2. Juan

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Incredible stuff, Mal! Looking forward to your new story and whatever you have planned for Billion Dollar Harem.
    1 point
  3. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hey gang, I just popped on for my promised check in. I’m sure by now most of you have read the chapter, so I won’t really say much about it. All I really have to say in regards to chapter 43 at this point is that it, (43) and the previous chapter (42) were some of the most difficult I’ve done since the pool party chapters. Writing chapters filled with basically non-stop sex really isn’t fun. Its tedious and almost kind of boring. That isn’t to say that they aren’t fun to read, and that they can be great pay off chapters for everyone reading along. But for me, the writing of those kind of chapters is just hard to push though. There is a lot of repetition, and little dialogue to alleviate the big bulky paragraphs of description… Just all an all not very fun to write. In this case it was worth it. This was Taylor’s big pay off chapter, the culmination of many many chapters worth of plot for her, and I think, especially in her case (being particularly slutty at this point), that such a chapter had to be filled with sex… And as for the dog / barking stuff… I never really intended to make Taylor a dog-girl…. I mostly used that stuff for a new form of humiliation. While I think it could be interesting to take Taylor down that path, I’m sure many of you would agree that such a transformation would only serve to limit her character as beyond that point she would be locked into a role similar to Ariana and I just don’t think that would be in the best service to the story…. Now, let me just say a little about the whats next for me and for BDH. For the rest of July, I plan to work on some original fiction. As I stated many months back, I would really like to create some fiction that I can market and sell. My financial situation at this point is so dismal that I’m sure it would make most of you tremendously sad if you knew even half of the truth… The only way I can see to change that is to create a story that I can market without being sued, in other words, an original story. A while back, I began work on such a story, but the scope and honestly the setting were just far too ambitious for a first attempt at this sort of thing. Therefore, I have put that story on the back burner, and embarked on a new project with a much more modest, yet still sexy as fuck, story. I don’t want to go into too many details at this point. But I will say that I plan to work on this each month after I’ve published that month’s chapter of BDH. I plan to work in small manageable “chapters” of about 50 pages each that I’ll put up for sale on Amazon as soon as they are ready. My current goal for this first story is to write 3-4 of these 50 page “chapters,” and then to see where the story and I am ready to go from there… I’ll try to keep you guys posted, as its still in the early stages of development… As for BDH 44 and moving forward. I plan for chapter 44 right now to continue to evolve a few of the plot lines that have been developing in the past several chapters as well as for it to contain the fan selected scene featuring Emma, Ari and Alex. I can’t really say yet what plot lines I’ll be moving forward on… But I can say that I have a rough guide that I’ll be following moving forward all the way to chapter 50. Most likely, the next 3-4 chapters (depending on how long it takes to resolve certain things) will all take place in the next few days following the Taylor show. I then plan for there to be a fairly big time jump (maybe the largest time jump we’ve had yet…. I plan for the end of that time jump chapter to tease the final two celebrities who will enter Alex’s harem. So hopefully sometime in the next 4 possibly 5 chapters you guys will know. After that, I plan to bring those characters in very quickly (much faster than the other ladies). By chapter 50, I plan for all the girls to be in place. Then I’ll begin ramping up towards the big finish. I expect this to take approximately 10 chapters. I know all this is a long way off… But I hope to bring BDH to its dramatic climax (pun intended) sometime right around chapter 60. All right guys, I’m going to sign off. I’ll try to pop on again soon to address any comments or questions you might have before I settle in to start work on chapter 44. So please, if you have something you’d like to ask or say let me know . Till next time, -Mal
    1 point
  4. Sinfulwolf

    Title Help

    @InvidiaRed does have great ones. But you can also go something a little closer to the subject matter. “Time Out” or playing with that kind of concept. “Time Out Tension”, or “Steamy Time Out”. “Kiss and Make Up” a kind of sister title to @CloverReef’s “Hug it Out” There’s always that classic line “While under this roof (instead thing here)”. Could play with that a bit. “Under this roof” If Ii think of anything else I’ll toss it your way. Unless you already found it.
    1 point
  5. Sazbi

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hope you’re feeling better, Mal and taking it easy. Loved the conclusion to Taylor’s punishment, and what I think it’s leading to for Taylor’s future If I’m right, Ari wanted something to do and it seemed like she might be getting more than she bargained for. So definitely can’t wait for the next one!
    1 point
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