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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2019 in all areas

  1. PervertedPages

    Can't log in

    Thank you Bronxy!!
    1 point
  2. The chapter is very much meant to be emotional and to raise the stakes for the hero team. There is an obvious tension from the superheroes not making any progress with finding the source of the attacks on the city and only stopping attacks already in process, but it gets more interesting when this chapter add the plot element that there are groups that want to shut down the operation for other reasons. Yes, there is much more to happen around the dilemma Eagle has ended in. Actually the situation is also a bit more complicated than what it first looks like. The sister talks about their mother not being convinced to avoid saying what she really thinks herself. As for it to be wonderful to meet the family there is intended to be parallel here with the scene at the end of the chapter. Interacting with people that you don’t remember yourself might not be the best thing that can happen. That is very much the intention with the Firefly character, no matter how good she is as superhero she can never escape the gossip since she is too sexy to be taken seriously by the media. Same goes for the opposing superhero team plot...would media really stay on the superheroes side if there is a possible story about the underdog that is not state funded. Good that it gave the intended reaction, but I want to point out that Mindeye is also not totally wrong about there being large parts of Carol there. The upcoming story will reveal that there are serious differences between the characters even while Carol might have inherited some skills from Jennifer they are not the same. All aboard the NOPE Train! Seriously, for me, that would have been where the energy blades came out, because I am not allowing anyone to hit me in the junk. Jennifer would have agreed totally about that. It is a play with identities here where the cover persona does things Jennifer herself would not do herself if she was in charge of action. He is literally doing a jump from the air plane in motion and using its momentum to smash into the house. Hitting a few threes on the way inside is just a plus side to avoid that he smash the house too much. The actual action he does here is kind of rash actually since his entry could literally murder just about anyone in the house except Jennifer. He is too worried about his love interest to follow superhero protocol. I suppose there off screen is a scene where the management have quite a lot to say to Thundercloud about this. I don’t actually recall exactly why I skipped this scene, but it not quite obvious how such a scene would end. Nice you liked it. Myself I really like the different perspectives as the other superheroes take time disposing the mindless smaller demons while Blade’s demon think the leader of the demons is just critter she can execute.
    1 point
  3. I was literally fuckin’ singing the “Holly and the Ivy “ Christmas Carol in my head when I named her. Well, the first verse anyway. Been a good 20 years or so since singing it in school. *Looks up the Japanese* Heh, exactly! I figured it also worked because most folks’d assume it was just a Polish version of Lucas. He’s definitely a power hungry controlling POS, but I think even he can change – heck he’s probably gonna make a great parent. “Son, your pappy used to be a real asshole.” Heh, I half wondered if it was a TV Tropes thing. My tiny reference pool showing there! Ahh I see, yeah, doing it from Lailah’s point of view would probably make for a pretty interesting/more nuanced take on both the wider politics, the ethics, AND Shannon’s mpreg malarky. After all, she’d know every one of the State Senators involved, too.
    1 point
  4. JayDee

    Need advice

    I now have a mental image of the Diablo 2 Sorceress’s lightning powers being harnessed towards charging a smartphone. *Hits chain lightning* *Phone explodes Samsung style.* “Whoops! Too much juice there….”
    1 point
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