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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2019 in all areas

  1. Before I get into this, I’d just like to tell you that I was signed on writing a reply on another thread when you posted this. I happened to have headphones on, but had Youtube paused. The point of all this is that I was jumpscared by a notification. Anyway… You haven’t seen barely readable bullshit. I don’t want to name names, but I’ve read some stuff that is riddled with typos to the point of it being genuinely distracting. Well, while the use of Hsilgne would have fit with other demonic casting, it’s entirely possible that spells designed for mortal use might, once cast, respond to commands in the user’s own language. Also, it would have lost the comedic value. Seriously, that made me laugh so hard I kind of want to reference it in the Holiday Special now. *As Luzurial is dealing with the Dread Tree* Necromancer: “No! I can’t let you stop me.” *places backup weapon* “Box...” Kevin: *smashes box with a hammer* “I don’t know exactly what that was going to do, but I’mma just preemptively say fuck that noise.” That would make sense! I think Thundercloud’s even mentioned it. Who knows? Sometimes ideas come to you when you’re not thinking about the story in question, at least not consciously.
    1 point
  2. Asras' Abomination may be the first of a series of prompt oneshots showing the effects of dark magics and demon dealings. If so I’m tempted to change part one to an index page, move it into paranormal general, and lump them in together given the connected themes and recurring characters that’ll no doubt show up.I seem to recall that’s allowed *Checks guidelines* yep – specific exception for Table of Contents for oneshot collections! I’ve finally realised putting ‘Flashfic’ in the summary is a good way to let folks know how damn short it’ll be too, to avoid folks getting over excited by the story codes. Anyway @InBrightestDay has kindly reviewed it, due to what must be the site’s highest tolerance for my barely readable bullshit. Thank you for revieing this! I’ve always said tentacle porn is one of my weaker areas, keeping it real short may have helped me hide the deficiencies but absolutely is gonna leave it too short for anybody to really enjoy as porn. I’m actually kinda surprised there is any hot imagary, so thanks for that, but thanks also for the frank appraisal of why it’s got negatives. S’all good feedback. I almost feel like this is meta humor about people ignoring the tags or bold face Turn Back Now warnings you put on your snuff stories. The link to Sarsa only makes me think of this more. In addition, I kind of like the fact that spells here are apparently named like some of the ones in D&D ("Asras' Abomination" would fit right in with "Bigby's Crushing Hand," "Evard's Black Tentacles," etc.) and that instead of being named after Sarsa, it's named after her Mary Sue. Heh, I’ve said before I’m not great at subtlety. You’ve nailed it there with some of the folks I was thinking about- ya see an evil summary, ya know it’s wrong, don’t damn well read it! Asras is no Mary Sue! Just because her magic is the strongest anyone has ever seen and even Voldie loves her for it… Oh, wait a sec… I literally burst out laughing at this. I can't even fully explain why. In Slumberverse America, Box X you. Initially I was going to have the box require the old backwards speaking reh ckuf etc, but I felt that might actually need explaining within the story and there wasn’t the word count, so eventually I just decided the spell was dumbed down enough to only need ‘Box’ for the commands. Oooh! This one was waaay overthought. Basically, Octavia’s a shoes fan. She goes in the room, everyone is wearing in dancing shoes on that expensive wooden sprung floor, so not worthy of comment in her thoughts. Then in stomps Kizzy wearing totally unsuitable boots… and stomps right through a box onto that expensive floor. Kizzy wearing docs got a mention in another story somewhere. Quite why she favors them is a bit of a mystery, I suspect they were a present. Heh, thanks. I liked it! I figure another time I can have folks get the vampire/werewolf mixed up too “Lupa? So you must be the werewolf?” “Oh sure! Yeah, when I was born they said ‘This kid? She’s gonna be a werewolf some day!’ Fuck you, I’m a bitch but I’m not a bitch.“ They got some great stuff on that internet. Thank you again for your review! I don’t do the prompt fics really expecting reviews, but it’s nice at least to get something down and created and of course to make something of DG’s efforts in setting the prompts. I wonder now if I can get the damn re-write done or if I’ll just end up doing another prompt fic.
    1 point
  3. Re: “Snow” From InBrightestDay on April 24, 2019 Wow, what’s it like there? I’m picturing damp stone walls, bare bulbs dangling from the ceiling...basically Drusselstein. I learned about yuki-onna from watching Rosario + Vampire. (I don’t watch a lot of anime, but now and then one sucks me in.) I thought the young yuki-onna Mizore was hot, and I liked the concept – sort of sirens of the snow. Thanks! Sticking to the limit definitely took some doing. (Full disclosure: I had to look up “psychopomp” at Dictionary.com.) I have the idea that members of Hisashi’s family have been doing this for a few generations at least. (They’re prone to cancer, but it doesn’t tend to strike until they are in their 40s or 50s, after they’ve had kids.) They know where to go to find a yuki-onna; then she gets a meal, and the terminally ill man gets a pleasant death. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
    1 point
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