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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2019 in all areas

  1. Why do all the ideas that sound awesome and inspiring at night sound so ridiculous and boring in the morning? Is it the sun?! Is the sun ruining all my fun? Bite me, sun!
    5 points
  2. I took a challenge story back on March 24, and since then I’ve Calculated a Hohmann transfer orbit from LEO to the Earth-Moon L4 point. Calculated another such transfer orbit (from Jupiter to Earth) to represent the planet-killing asteroid’s fall toward the Sun and thus the Earth. Looked up several minor moons of Jupiter. Done research into how dark matter can hypothetically collapse into small objects like planets or asteroids. Looked into the differences between baryonic and non-baryonic dark matter, to explain why nobody sees the object coming but it can still cause a mass extinction upon impact, and… Done research into a proposed space colony (the Stanford Torus) to have dimensions and structural plans for the station upon which our characters escape the devastation being inflicted on Earth. All of this for a mostly-incest PWP where a young man, his mother, his female best friend and his elder sister must repopulate the human race. I may have gone overboard.
    5 points
  3. See, this right here is what happens when I only read the summary instead of the actual fanfic. That’s likely to be several stories down the road, assuming it gets written at all. As I mentioned to you in our email discussion, if the villain’s plan works the result will be the apocalypse. And I don’t mean the destruction of Earth, I mean the actual apocalypse. I’m just saying, you start with The Avengers and then make your way to Infinity War/Endgame. Also, I’ll need another story or two to introduce Lailah to readers, so that the borrowed plot point will hurt. Also, the fact that there’s a borrowed plot point is why it’ll likely never get written. I’d almost forgotten about that.
    1 point
  4. listening to music to try to get back to writing. going to try to re rewrite chapter 1 of my pregnant fic again. fingers crossed.
    1 point
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