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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2019 in all areas

  1. I think a possible way to explain it would be that even though an angel has incredible ability to recover from injury their very nature also makes them more susceptible to suffer from rapes. You could probably extend the concept to that angels gain courage and power from virtues and are easily hurt by sins. What kind level of competency are we to expect of minions of Eparlegna... The problem with comms SNAFU would IMHO be that it would be really weird if agent Chloe did not follow up with the National Guard about the bad agents. I would assume that tracking what Hobbs might have ordered is kind of essential if you have second Rapturee coming. Actually speaking about that...who actually sent the list in the first place? Until the latest chapter I thought that Kevin sent the list to Chloe based on Luzurials mindreading, but now it was suddenly the reverse. It makes sense that Kevin still has the list on his phone and need to check it since he has not memorized the names, but the current double messages about who wrote the list is confusing.
    2 points
  2. Well, it’s only polite when reading someone’s work to leave something at least. But yes, a little touching on the military certainly goes a way into world building. I don’t think JayDee really played with that aspect cause the world building took a second seat to the act of that the story was displaying really. But yes, the soldiers with some preparation should be much better trained and prepared. I’ve been tinkering with some ideas of sloth based demons and monsters for a bit, so I feel the difficulties there in trying to put it out there as being associated with that particular sin while also being a viable threat. But the slug design and bone plates really sold the image. Glad I was able to help somewhat. I’m glad ye had that thought. Cause holy hell, nothing mucks up an operation like a bunch of people running around thinking they know what they’re doing yet not having a clue. While Luzurial confronting Kevin would have made me smile, it’s good you didn’t cause that could have been hurtful. No one likes having their pride poked at. Especially by the pretty girl you slept with and wanna protect. There’s a lot of reasons why Kevin acts the way he does, down the cultural ones, love, etc. etc. etc., and you have made good points and listed them. But… after all the times it’s brought up Luzurial is an arch angel, and how strong she is despite not being at full strength, it comes across really thick as a kind of male pride thing in Kevin’s behaviour. It’s part of his character for sure, but it’s also a little sad that nothing’s gunna change much in the next 75 years in regards to viewing women as the one’s that always need protecting on all those levels. There are reasons it could have happened sure, but it’s something that really popped out to me. Especially after promising an arch angel that these kids would be protected. Guess it all comes down to ROEs, which you’ve only slightly dabbled in. But considering the world ending threat, I kinda figure the thing should have gotten a few rounds up the grill and hood… I’ll try not to mention all the machine guns and such. And I am looking forward to seeing the conclusion.
    2 points
  3. It’s possible they may not fire, but it’s more likely they would at least have used the non-lethal weapons under the pre-tense of actually protecting those trying to break in. I’m not sure what an electro gun would do to a vehicle, but it’s possible it’d be able to shut the vehicle down. Or a few well placed bullets to the tires. In the end it’s a small thing that I picked up on that sometimes has to get swept under the rug for the purposes of the story going ahead.
    1 point
  4. Oh, JayDee, that’s ridiculous and you know it. There’s no reason to assume the elites will be inbred. Well, color me surprised. In all seriousness, my view of the future fluctuates from day to day, so some days I’m completely with you, and some days, when I don’t want to get so depressed that my family gets scared, I feel like I have to hope that things can get better instead of worse. This was kind of what I was thinking when I wrote it: that they’d definitely fire on anything coming out of the barrier, but may not fire on someone going in. Having said that, Sinfulwolf has actual military experience, so if she tells me I did something stupid with regards to the military, well, I’m going to assume that I did.
    1 point
  5. Luzurial knew that there were ten agents total, and that they reported to Hobbs, so that’s what Kevin sent to Chloe (the cultists didn’t all know each other’s names, so Luzurial couldn’t pull that info from mind reading). Chloe and Cole then worked out who the remaining agents were and sent that list to Kevin.
    1 point
  6. I’ll admit, I may be overly optimistic. I know it’s difficult to change behaviors ingrained since childhood, and that discussion of gender relations can be difficult to even have because the issue is so sensitive. All I can say is that I can see the effort being made, so I think there is some cause for hope.
    1 point
  7. No you can do anything you want to do
    1 point
  8. Part of this is also just my fault. You know how I’ve mentioned in the Author’s Notes and here that my talents as an author are very limited? Well, the reason masculinity hasn’t changed as much as it should have for this story is down in large part to my weakness at writing a future society with a different culture as opposed to just different technology. By the time 2082 rolls around in the real world, I think we’re likely to be in a much better place on that front.
    1 point
  9. I think you have the possibility of quite funny dialogue when Kizzy gets Shannon free...
    1 point
  10. I’m sure it’ll be good either way!
    1 point
  11. I banned the person permanently.
    1 point
  12. Watched this with my little niece then this happened. When Disney goes dark they don’t kid around.
    1 point
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