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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2019 in all areas

  1. Jude's Tale (original title Fate of a Fagottist) part 4 review! Thank you for your review! Though I feel a little bad about keeping you from your tea. Also, this is weirdly similar to Kate’s reaction. You’re… you’re not a werewolf are you? I have another story started that would explain how Shannon had hooked up with Trenna for the night, not sure I’ll get it finished, but she needed someone to have been having fun with and hasn’t met her friend Astrid yet at the time the story’s set. Not stone As if I’d write a story where an angelic character ended up in a statue… cough cough ahem. Shannon can get much stronger when she charges her succubus form up with sexual energy, but normally she’s at the fallen angel baseline which’d still be above human norm (and so able to jump through a ‘not stone’ wall!) Yay! It was an idea I had for a while I wanted to use, kind of a mood swerve but so very Shannon. I’m really glad it worked. She didn’t take the time to remove it either… Plus Kizzy’s alive at the end of You! which is set later, but other readers who know I kill off characters needlessly all the damn time might feel some suspense! Probably no surprise that Kizzy’s idea will be shown in Part 5 – A Succubus. They were definitely easier to use than some of the prompts. I mean, I use juice in a whole load of my stories anyway, and the image of a body lying like jetsam feels like it works and may well have been used before. The next set are a bit harder, but I’m sure I’ll muddle through. Thank you! Amended to landing! It was a last minute change from another phrasing and so didn’t get as much re-reading. D’oh Thank you again for reviewing, I’m very grateful and it brightened my evening! I hope your tea was good, or is good, if it’s some kind of 8 course banquet you’re still feasting on as I type this.
    2 points
  2. It works fully! I definitely felt it. Don’t mind me, I’m a tough cookie, and furthermore I’m British therefore I understate. You should read ‘it touched my heart’ as: ‘I was suddenly transported to that bathroom, and I could feel all the same things she was feeling, and it hurt, and I wanted to put my arms around her and make it all right again.’ Ah… well, I just recently rewatched ‘Fallen’ and I kept imagining a lovely young Denzel Washington, so it was a bit of a surprise for me when he suddenly turned.
    2 points
  3. Well, going from nervousness over my handling of Kevin and Luzurial’s relationship to a wonderful review from pippychick is some serious Mood Whiplash. Thank you so much! So JayDee knows about this, but recall how you said during your review of Whore of Heaven how you have to feel things to write the stories you write? Well, I work exactly like that too, very possibly moreso. I’m kind of sensitive emotionally (which is why I asked for permission to write this story) and I actually made myself cry while writing this sequence, with Luzurial’s PTSD flashback and her breaking down crying in the bathroom. I was hoping I would manage to communicate at least some of the emotions I was feeling, so I’m glad it worked at least partially. I feel like it would be a pretty crappy hurt/comfort fic if I didn’t acknowledge just how badly hurt she is (not just physically) by the end of the first story. I hope that what I’ve written going forward works for you. Well, not exactly what happened to Shondra and Molly, but there are bad things in store for Cassie and Hobbs. Speaking of which, now that you’ve reached this point, it’s time for another Names That Mean Something. “Adrian” doesn’t really mean anything as far as the story is concerned, but “Hobbs” is an English surname derived from the medieval given name Hob. Hob is a medieval short form of Robert, but “Old Hob” is a nickname for Satan, so you know...bad guy name. Funny you should say that, because Barbara is like a microcosm of what happens to characters in Whore of Heaven. She mostly resembles Luzurial, in that she’s an admirable female character committed to doing good who makes an honest mistake (Luzurial disobeys orders; Barbara assumes a dirty cop will surrender when caught instead of lashing out), suffers sexual violation, and then has something horrifically violent happen to her. She’s also linked to Yolanda Dawson, since the horrifically violent thing is that Eparlegna eats her alive. Very, very slowly, complete with hell magic to keep her alive until her disembodied head was swallowed. At the very least, an eighteen meter dragon takes larger bites than an eight foot demon, so it took a little under ten minutes for her to be eaten (I think Yolanda was eaten over the course of an hour). I knew I forgot something! Well, I wanted to have a big, climactic battle at the end of the story, so… I did research. Literally, I looked for things both here and on Literotica with the “tentacles” or “tent” tag and then tried to analyze what the authors were doing in the scene. Some of them were pretty bad, but others were pretty good, and I did take some pointers for writing this one. Gundam fanfiction. That’s what I wrote over on fanfiction.net (and if I ever get my act together, I have more of that to write!), and it allowed me to practice writing prose as well as action scenes (the Gundam shows are space operas, so there’s lots of directed energy weapons and things blowing up). Thank you so, so much! I may very well faceplant before reaching the end. As I mentioned in previous posts (I won’t spoil anything in this one) I’ve tried to gradually build up the relationship between Kevin and Luzurial in a way that doesn’t make him look like a creep or make her look weak, but my ability to mitigate the cliches is not guaranteed. I hope it remains entertaining to read for you nonetheless.
    2 points
  4. I fear you may have overstated there, but as it happens you did sum up my feelings throughout the last chapter of Whore of Heaven. You can look at my review of Part Three for the full explanation, but the TL;DR version is that I started at “this woman needs a hug” and ended at “Ooooooh God someone please hug her now.” Which, of course, is why this story exists. Its alternate title could pretty much be “Hugs for Luzurial.” Like I said, I’m kind of emotionally sensitive. Don’t worry; it wasn’t supposed to be obvious. Never actually seen Fallen, though Denzel is awesome in pretty much everything.
    1 point
  5. So, I need to rewrite two scenes in Part Seven to varying extents (one scene is getting shifted from Kevin’s PoV to Luzurial’s, and another scene just has the setting changed), and on top of that my muse called and wants to throw something that will (hopefully) be kind of sweet and romantic at the beginning of the love scene. Combine that with the fact that my work schedule the last few days has been somewhat rough and the result is I have to try and do all of this tonight. Should I not be able to manage it, nobody be surprised if Part Seven doesn’t appear until Tuesday or (at the latest) Wednesday morning. This will not affect when Part Eight is uploaded, since Eight just needs a little polishing instead of the work going into Seven, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
    1 point
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