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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2019 in all areas

  1. I kind of agree that the concept of the Judge is pretty cool, on the other hand I think Buffy is pretty much on spot when she names him a smurf. :-) It is actually kind of interesting to consider the similarities in story building with the Judge and Warren. Both are promoted as bad guy of the season but in the end it is just a diversion and they are suddenly removed from the game as the real big bad of the season makes his/her appearance. I also agree that InBrightestDay is doing great at capturing the essence of JayDees Eparlegna demon. This discussion makes me think on Battlestar Galatica that builds much on catch phrase that the Cylons have a plan and kept people guessing about what the plan was. After the series finished the show runners admitted they did not have the Cylon plan figured out and just used the notion of the secret plan to give the show a tense setting. The lesson to learn from this is probably that for a story where the readers/viewers perspective is limited you don’t need to figure out all details of the bad guy to tell the story. Your Eparlegna demon is in some senses in the other camp from the mysterious plan when he acts the perfect meglomanic that does not seem to have a good plan, but where you can still use the had-anticipated-the-heroes-move-and-had-a-trap-planned ploy when it looks like the heroes are about to succeed.
    1 point
  2. “Sleazy E” presumably being the name he used when he released his rap album. When dealing with Jude, I liked that she got to be kind of scary, stopping his physical attack, and there’s that funny bit where he tries to slap her and just hurts his hand. Of course, the followup is some frank but understanding moral advice, again demonstrating her learning. As amusing as it would be to see the homophobic guy end up as MPreg, I imagine that’s more him impregnating someone...or something. That sounds pretty cool in general, and the masturbation would allow Lucifer an opportunity for manipulation.
    1 point
  3. Mediocre writer….erhh...you have a bunch of experienced authors here that is giving you a number of reviews that say your writing rocks so please don’t listen too much to your inner critic. Every author make omissions and mistakes that we will regret or rewrite afterwards, that is why professional authors have professions producers. You are far ahead of the pack. There are plenty of possible solutions. Perhaps the ground is so solid that she gets good leverage to stop the momentum, perhaps she is standing enough forward of the others to have space to end the momentum or as you suggest in your answer the car is more dropped on them than thrown. Even more important I also think think that an actual angel doing heroic save of mortal are entitled to do miraculous things that would not be possible for an ordinary super hero. Allowing Luzurial to do the impressing save here without explaining the details is fair game IMO since the details is obviously not important for the scene, but the reason I commented about it is that is often good to think through the implications of what the hero can do so that you don’t end in a later situations when the reader wonder why she cannot repeat her feat of strength to save the day.
    1 point
  4. Jude's Tale (original title Fate of a Fagottist) Sometimes you get an idea for a story that almost nobody else is going to want to read, but you feel like writing it, and posting it, anyway. I have this concept for how to end this but I’m still not sure how to get to the end. Still, bit of sex in part 2! Thank you for your review! I appreciate it. While I don’t think she’ll be in part 2, Kizzy’s definitely going to be important in the story – Jude’s the title character, but then it was Jeb’s blood on that hay in the title of Kate’s story (I’ve been working on part 3 of that in my head, too). I figure it just happened to be that Jan needed help with homeless stuff that night. It’s probably not the first time Kizzy’s volunteered there – another time it might have been assisting elderly people, or one of other community outreach jobs. She’s certainly volunteering at non-church places, too. Probably sometimes she just goes out for a walk, and sees what she can do. Kizzy’s first appearance shows her solving Jack with violence, but that was after first getting into a position where she had enough friends for a sleepover. Slow, careful work. Then she didn’t demonstrate quite the best negotiating skills with Shannon, before once again using violence against Eparlegna – but both Jack and Sleazy E were pretty evil, and that’s easy for her to deal with. When it comes to Jude, she’s got things a little harder, especially beause until fairly recently she didn’t really understand mortals so well. She’s getting better. Jude… eh, he’s got some pretty unpleasant traits on display – the racism, homophobia, slapping Kizzy – but maybe he can turn his life around… and maybe instead he’ll give into temptation in Part Two. Where one of the prompts is gravid. I don’t know how soon I’ll get the second part done, it depends on what the ol’ muses help me put down. Might even get the Fall of Chastia story done first. I kind of want to write a ‘before the battle’ section for that. The Temptation of Chastia, maybe, so I can include a bit of Lucifer and make it less entirely OC for the bible section. And maybe even throw in some thought-to-be-totally-against-the-rules masturbation. Get caught jilling off by Lucifer? Well, it might appeal to someone. Thanks again for the review!
    1 point
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