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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2018 in all areas

  1. “A Visit From Shota Claus” seems to be coming along nicely; I expect to have it ready by the weekend. When I took a break from that, I unexpectedly finished chapter 7 of “Make It All Better,” a story that has been in progress for three and a half years now. I have to be in a particular frame of mind to work on it because the characters are so complex, and a lot goes on under the surface. Yet, at the same time, the story is relentlessly pornographic. Trying to be deep and shallow at the same time is tricky, but I love making the attempt.
    1 point
  2. Title: A Visit From Shota Claus Tags: MF, Minor1, not sure what else yet Summary: When Ellen finds herself struggling to assemble her child’s gift on Christmas Eve, she receives some unexpected tech support – and more – from Santa’s young son.
    1 point
  3. Thanks! I don’t know how that slipped my mind.
    1 point
  4. Oh, hey, good news on your laptop!
    1 point
  5. XfoXshoreX

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Well it’s very good to see you still reply to this thread. First off, I’d like to thank you with the power of a billion people for this story. It’s so excellently written that, no pun intended, I can’t put it into words. I’d come across this story probably over a year ago but only read part of the first chapter and then forgot about it. Oh how stupid I was. I finally got around to reading it, expecting to only find mindless sex. But the way you manage to weave this story into what could, in a horrible alternate world, be a factual story is so beyond my own writing comprehension (I have a story of my own in the Fallout category named The Lone Wandering Couple if you’d like to check out what I’ve got so far) that I can barely understand how you managed to write it. The way Alex has planned for every eventuality is incredible. From the infallible (save for Zeru, that lazy dumbass) African guards to the code locked doors that can sealed from a central CIC to the knockout gas to the end of the line neurotoxin hall. The way Alex is able to play with his girls buttons like a master accordionist playing Säkkijärven Polkka and was able to turn Emma from a feminist, women’s rights, UN ambassador to the lover and supporter of a man who’s kidnapped her and 8 other celebrities and holds them in a doom fortress in the middle of the Yukon wilderness and who, when presented with the choice (rigged choice of course) of being able to call for help or continuing the life she and the others live, she chooses the latter. Everything is so perfect that I’m practically giggling just writing this. On a side note, I just thought. Is it possible to hike/climb up to Alex’s mansion? I mean, if people can climb Everest and return alive, then surely someone could stumble upon the mansion. If they could, how would Alex handle it? Also, do you think it’d be interesting for one of the new captures, Ari or Dove whichever, to get some alone time with Emma and have a conversation explaining how she could’ve fallen so hard so fast? The idea of having someone who knew Emma as a women’s rights feminist find out that she assists Alex in breaking new girls and keeping the rest in line is so juicy, my mouth is practically watering. Just some random, curious thoughts. Now if I tried writing out everything I loved, this post could be a story in and of its own lol so I’ll just sign off with letting you know that I have officially named Alexander Whitley my honorary brother. This is a title that no other character in any mode of media, from TV shows to Movies to Anime to other fanfiction, adult or otherwise, can boast. Please keep up the writing. I can’t get enough.
    1 point
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