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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2018 in all areas

  1. Now if you were a deity vying for control of a world with pantheons(teams/alliances) With the standard alignment axis and you only got one avatar(lynchpin to said world. Its destroyed you’ve irrevocably lost your bid for said world) With the alliances having access to far greater resources and power of said world. With heroes, monsters and even demigods duking it out over this vast map. Fog of war at play. You’re a loner god with no ties to any faction. Where would you decide to place your avatar?
    2 points
  2. Thanksgiving was good, but it did have its stories. An eager helper rubbed a bunch of pepper in the skin of the bird, for a family who don’t use it. (we keep some for guests). Also my brother said an oops! That all the leftover mashed spuds fell on the floor. I managed not to cry. Hope everyone had a less challenging meal...
    1 point
  3. For everyone celebrating today, a very Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for my family, both real life and my extended online family. I’m thankful for a warm home, and food on the table. I’m thankful for so many things today, and grateful, too.
    1 point
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