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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/2018 in all areas

  1. Excellant, Its got prideful elves conducting genocide. Dragons being subject bullet hell. A creation that fights back fun for the whole family. Wooo! Now i’ll edit it and slowly drive myself insane in the meantime.
    2 points
  2. Whenever I got an email – or review somwhere you could direct reply to reviews – on one of my much less extreme stories eg Just a Cat with a “I liked this story, and will read more of your stories!” review, I’d always panic a little and respond to be really careful with the codes because going from cheerful consensual oral/anal to flaying or shit eating or twincest (I guess my first twincest was probably Luke/Leia way back when...) is a bit of a genre leap for a reader. There’s a few things I’ve done as JayDee I’d have absolutely thought fit my retired pen name better – stuff like You!, and the related stories, and a few others.
    1 point
  3. On October 20th, I’ll start the anthology and then participants can click the ‘add chapter’ to put their entry up. If you’re curious what it’ll look like, here’s last year’s anthology, hosted by @Tahn http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108780 It’ll look something like that. I will make an announcement here in the forums as soon as it’s up. Grats on finishing your story
    1 point
  4. I was thinking about that. I feel like I typecasted myself and the good name of Praetor is now well associated with hyper proportioned harem fics of varying quality, and possibly old men in togas. It just feels weird writing anything else now and when I work on Overwatch one shots and bleaker projects like Mad Love, I almost feel like I am betraying my core constituents. But it’d be too much work to invent a whole new personality and brand name for the internet, again.
    1 point
  5. Hey, I’ve written NoSex!
    0 points
  6. CL Mustafic

    Scam Alert

    I received this in a PM today: Good afternoon, CL Mustafic. I was intrigued by your story "The Glory Hole to Hell". My name is Oleksandr Demchenko. I am an agent of Sowo d. My job is to look for interesting stories . So I would like to offer you cooperation. We will publish your story (in the long run more than one) into our platform and provide you with an account which will give you access to see the story reviews and also gain credit points which will allow you to claim prizes. We will be releasing our app in both ios and android so you may gain a wider audience and fan base. Please let me know if you are interested. Respectfully yours, Oleksandr Demchenko I looked into it a bit and it seems that once you submit a story to them they get the copy write on it and it's no longer your property. It is most likely a scam so if you get this message, send it to the trash. CL
    0 points
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