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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2018 in all areas

  1. CloverReef

    Am I a Mary Sue?

    Yaaas! Let shit happen! Might I also add to that, let good and bad things happen to other characters? Our lives aren’t always about us. Sometimes we get involved in other people’s shit and we’d be douchebags if we went around making all that other stuff all about us. But maybe your character is a douchebag, so they make things all about them, which is fine, just make sure the surrounding characters react accordingly, and don’t all rip off their clothes on sight and throw themselves at the douchebag.
    2 points
  2. Here is a little something, in honour of all of our wonderful sisters. For anyone wondering how to write female characters properly, and who doesn't want to wear corsets, bras, or high heels to do some necessary research, BoredPanda comes to your rescue! (Or you could just actually have sex with a real woman, but you know...) https://www.boredpanda.com/dear-men-writers-women-tumblr-post/
    1 point
  3. Very informative. And I will forever remember the phrase “boob turbulence.”
    1 point
  4. GeorgeGlass

    Am I a Mary Sue?

    I don’t think just “letting things happen” to a character is enough to combat the Mary Sue disease. A lot of stuff happened to Rey from the current Star Wars trilogy, but that hasn’t prevented her from being good at absolutely everything she does on the first try, which makes it kind of pointless for her to have a story arc. For example, she had no real motivation to seek out Luke Skywalker, because he had nothing to teach her, so that part of the story came off as contrived. Compare that with the story arc of young Luke in the original trilogy, who had to confront not just enemies and hazards but his own flaws before he could become a Jedi. That’s what made his story worth watching.
    1 point
  5. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hey guys, I know it feels like forever, but I’m back. First off, I just want to say I’m sorry this chapter was a little longer in coming than I would have liked. There were a number of problems that conspired against me getting to you guys as soon as I would have liked. The first, being that this is the longest chapter yet, at 24 pages in word. The second being that there were a number of continuity problems, caught by my editor that had to be addressed before I could post it. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, is, and basically there is no other way I can put this, THINGS HAVE BEEN A GODDAMNED NIGHTMARE AT WORK! (sorry for the all caps assault.) This is the busiest time of year for me at work and it just simply makes it harder to find the time and motivation to work. Also, and I’m very sorry to say this, but its likely things won’t get much better in the next month / month and a half. Which is another way of me saying that chapter 35 is here, but it might be just as long before chapter 36 is up. (I’m officially putting Emma Watson’s Blowbang Spectacular on hold till things slow back down at work.) I want to do my very best to deliver one chapter of BDH every month and right now I just don’t know that I can do both. (I’m not even sure I’ll have 36 done before September is over. (But, it should be close either way.) And that’s not to say that things at my job could slow down earlier, and I’ll have more time and motivation, making it possible 36 will come faster…. Its just too hard to say right now. (I HAVE A VERY UNPREDICTABLE JOB!) Ok! Lets talk 35. This chapter, as promised has a ton of plot for upcoming stuff in it. Plenty of harem politics, new friendships, old friendships and even a touch of the unexpected… Overall, I think this chapter is one of my best from a writing perspective. We get to see Alex continue to work with his new kitty cat. We also get to see Emma really beginning to thrive as harem mistress as she goes above and beyond to bring people together. As for the smut scene, it should be (at least I think) a very pleasant surprise, and, if I do say so myself, exceedingly hot. I won’t spoil the surprise of who’s in it and how things go down, but I really hope you guys enjoy it. Finally, as I’m sure some of you will notice, I’ve laid all the ground work I’ needed to finally include the first fan selected smut scene. If everything goes as planned, it will be in chapter 36. As I’ve said, I plan to only work on chapter 36 this month. I have some big things planned for this chapter. Lets see, well first off, as I just said will be the inclusion of the first fan selected smut scene. To those of you who voted it should be no surprise as to who will be in it or at least part of what it will contain so I won’t say more about that. We also should see an end to the Bella-potty and the Ari-cat’s introduction as well as some surprise torment involving (section deleted). The only other thing I really have planned right now for 36 is to continue to build on relationships and plots that have begun to develop in 35. I’m not quite sure yet just how that will take shape though. I’d like to offer a big shout out to my editor. It was just over a year ago on August 14 2017 that I started working with him. He has had an immeasurable impact on this story and my writing, and I can’t imagine this story taking shape without his influence. So, THANKS BUDDY, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! I really really hope you guys will take the time to thank him as well. Without him I guarantee this story would be very different, and not for the better. If you want to thank him for all his hard work, just please add a #THANKS to any posts you make. I’m quite sure he will appreciate it and I will too. Lets move on to you guys: ArcherNexus: All I can say to that comment is that there is a reason I write. I have all these fucked up fantasies and I think the very best way to get them out is to write them down. That way no one gets hurt, and ideally, I can entertain some people in the process. As to your Ariana fanfic, I really enjoyed your Emma Watson fic, so my advice would be to write it down. Ariana is smoking hot and in my opinion doesn’t have enough stories. Anything you write would be welcomed I’m sure. There is more Ariana training stuff in this chapter (admittedly, though not as hardcore) for you to enjoy and plenty of Emma, although I don’t know that she could be described as bitchy in this chapter… Niveral: I’m really glad you enjoyed 34. I hope you like 35 as well. as I said, I think its very good. But then again, sometimes I really like a chapter and it ends up getting like zero feedback so...who knows… I also hope you enjoy the short little Emma/Margot scene in this chapter and I should say that your comment in no way influenced the way their interaction went down. I’ve had an end game in mind for those two well… basically since almost the very start so… I can’t wait to get you guys there. As for your suggestion about Chloe…. hmmm what can I say without giving anything away…. I think all I can say is that big, no, little… yeah… little things are in the works for her Sazbi: Ariana’s intro will have to wait till the next chapter… unfortunately. I just didn’t have enough space in this one. But, you will get to see her official kitty uniform. I hope you guys like it! Also, Alex goes over some of the logistics of her being a cat, so that should answer some of your other questions / concerns. And, there is a conclusion, of sorts, to the Margot / Cara problem. It is my hope that after BDH, that I will continue to produce fiction. Now, what form that will take I have yet to decide. But, I started this with the intention of practicing my writing, and I think I’ve grown by leaps and bounds. If you don’t believe me, just re-read chapter 1… wow is that a mess. I do have a few ideas about what will come after BDH ends but I’m just not ready to share them yet. As to your plot to smut ratio concerns… we’ll just have to see how that goes down. When I say I want them in by chapter 40, I hope to have them in and ready by 40 not announced and in transit…. (hint that means an in story announcement will be coming soon) Juan: As I said above, there’s more Ariana stuff in this chapter and its much lighter fair so you should really enjoy it… its logistical rather than sexual, but the build up is half the fun...right... and I completely agree with your assessment. One of the main reasons Ariana’s initiation was so rough was so that it would be believable that she would fall in to this new role and do so without much rebellion. As for your question about whether I always intended Emma to be in charge. The simple answer is yes. From chapter 1 I knew that Emma was going to be the level 5. Now, back then, I had a much different vision of what that would look like. In the beginning, I pictured Emma behaving more like Margot behaves now. Someone who cared and nurtured for the girls and always tried to protect them. That obviously evolved. I wouldn’t say that other plots crossed my mind… I always had a general direction I wanted the story to go. What has changed and therefore changed how the plot developed was how the character of the different ladies evolved. When Emma becomes a dom and Chloe a sub for example. Those weren’t things I knew would happen when I started, so as they came to pass through the organic way that I write it created subtle changes in how the plot developed around them. I hope that answers your question… Ambien: Glad to see you back and glad you’re enjoying the story again! Sounds like this next chapter will be right up your alley. There is stuff with Ariana, and more harem politics… lots of interactions between the ladies and one hot smut scene that evolves from those interactions. I can’t wait to hear what you think. Zoetrope: Glad you like the kitty stuff. There’s plenty more where that came from, but just a taste of how far I plan to push it in this upcoming chapter. But, stay tuned, I’ve got things planned for “meow.” Reader: Glad your liking the kitty stuff! I have some big things planned for (section deleted) that I bet your going to love along the lines of your comments. I don’t know how much of it will come in 36 but I expect it to be fully in the works by 37...so stayed tuned and keep reading along! Backerton: Again, sorry for the delay in the chapter. But, its here now! No latex mask, but you will get the fully kitty suit in this chapter… happy reading. (Your vote has been tallied) Well: Glad you like the kitty stuff. There’s plenty more of it in the works. Sorry there probably won’t be any cat fights… its just not really my thing. As to BDH, the story might be ending, but I won’t be going away. When I decide exactly what I’ll be doing next, you can bet I’ll be posting it here so you guys will all know the plan. Ok, I’m out. My battery is dying, and for some reason my lap top isn’t charging…. This could be a very bad thing…. Hopefully not…. Thanks as always for reading along, Till next time, -Mal
    1 point
  6. ty MuggleAngel, I've deleted the flame post
    1 point
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