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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2018 in all areas

  1. Sadly some users just never got into toilet, blood or rape content. It’s a weird world out there, but I wouldn’t hold it against FrankT to not like that stuff.
    2 points
  2. That sounds like an application for a position as one of my moderators. If the author doesn’t remove all of their stories in the said story-universe once published, either they have an extremely lenient publisher, or they’re taking a radical approach to marketing themselves. But since they are the author of the original world, the work remains in Original Fiction. Any fan fiction based on that original work goes to the Books subdomain, in the category for that particular work or series. Clear as mud?
    2 points
  3. “No!” Suddenly reminded of the scene from Spaceballs. “If you don’t give us the combination to the air-shield, we’ll give your daughter back … her old nose!” If I publish, it’d likely be self-publish, with a philosophy that I don’t want to remove the stories from public display, at least not permanently. Not certain on any of that, just idle thoughts. Though, I’d be curious if any published author has submitted “fanwork” under a different pen name (ie, exploring a different course of action that they had been considering at some point in their work).
    1 point
  4. Comments like that piss me off. Honestly when someone says that to me, and they have, I spend the next 2 days bitching about it to my friends and taking their review apart. If they're going to come to me in a disrespectful way, I'm under no obligation to reward their dickishness by stroking their egos and letting them feel like they’ve helped me. I try to politely tell them to Fuck off, because even if I’m pissed, I’d prefer not to be a dick too. If I get critiques that are respectful and specific, however, I'll usually think about them and, when possible, compare it to other feedback. If two or more people are touching on the same issues, I start to make fixing it a priority. Someone nicely told me to change my style when I was like 14. I took all their suggestions and ended up with a way too poetic, long winded mess. The kinda book I can't even read. So I don't listen to that kinda advice anymore.
    1 point
  5. You make sense, Tcr and like I said, I don't mind criticism. I had one offer me suggestions on another story and I listened to the suggestions and I was able to see where they were coming from but this most recent review and then have the audacity to add, right below the rewrite in their style: "I hope this helps."
    1 point
  6. Well, in answer to the question: I listen to them to a certain point. I've had plenty of trolls lately (Not here, but some others) and a few really good, in depth reviews. For me, listening to the reviews is a good way to gauge the readership (if you get good, non-troll ones). Sometimes, it can be good in terms of assisting an idea to its fullest potential or correcting some minor errors. (Something like the one first posted here, not helpful, in my opinion.) As has been said, your style is yours. You decide how you want to write it. Taking, for example, George R.R. Martin: I cannot get into his writing... I cannot for the life of me, but he's doing a little fine (yes, sarcasm, my third language) for himself. And way to go for him. To have someone change that to, say, DP's style, or BW, or mine would take away things people do like about it. And if one person has a problem with your style, then maybe they shouldn't be reading it. As for reviews, when I leave one, I do a good-concrit-good idea. But I make sure it's not stupid concrit or nitpicky to begin with. I hope I'm making sense...
    1 point
  7. For some people, this is a phase of their life and they move on. In the case of DA/Magus/etc, IIRC they wanted to go off grid, and they’re obviously been successful. Though, I wish they’d jump back in from time to time, give us an update with their hurdles. DA had become such a regular reviewer to one of my stories that I even “purely-coincidentally” gave a side-character an inspired nickname, but I don’t know if she’s even seen it .
    1 point
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