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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2018 in all areas

  1. Melrick

    Is this site dead?

    See, this is why I didn’t respond first, because I knew Bronx would be able to find a less offensive way to say “What in the actual fuck are you talking about?”
    3 points
  2. No, this site isn’t dead, but we’re discussing murder over here … http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/66894-committing-murder-of-your-characters/
    2 points
  3. Oh, Bronxie probably went through a couple of versions of that, before she got to the polite response, Melrick And I’m moving this to GSQ, since it doesn’t belong here…
    2 points
  4. Was there someone in particular you were looking to find? I’ve been moderating here for the past 7 years. I’ve seen people come and go, largely based on how their real life has changed. Maybe they’ve graduated from college or university, and don’t have as much free time for writing fan fiction. Some people have moved on to being published. Some have returned after a break. AFF, like any other Internet site, is in a constant state of evolution and that reflects the way our membership is always evolving. There’s still a good many original members around, but we’ve also gotten some amazing new members who are well worth discovering.
    2 points
  5. Most character deaths in my stories are planned well in advance – sometimes when I’m first conceiving of the character. Thus, even if I become attached to the character, it’s okay when they die, because the way they die is part of who they are. I couldn’t change my mind and save the character from death without changing who the character is. Of course, this only applies to characters that I myself created. I don’t think I’ve ever killed a canon character in a fanfic (although I’ve killed off OCs in fanfics).
    2 points
  6. Why do I feel like this might be dragged out into court? “Objection! Just because my client may have been discussing slow cooking vs flame broiling their murder victims has no relevance to this case!” (While also ignoring the BBQ pictures in the evidence pile.) I’ve done it both ways, and it comes down to the circumstances. An illness can easily be drawn out, however, the quick can be a blink-blink-unexpected sort of thing, really jarring to a character (especially the one getting unexpectedly murdered). I drift to elegant, appropriate, it’s still a situational dependent thing. As I also tend to strive for realism, this restricts how the deed can be carried out, also tends to make me focus on simple/available ways. i.e. rage+fight on the platform to the train becomes a push in front of an incoming train.
    2 points
  7. I hadn't noticed. Lol. I think it all depends on the writer. An 'elegant solution' written by the blunt force writer won't really work that well, even well written, because of the style. Which I'm probably repeating… I think, too, it depends a lot on what sort of feeling You, as writer, want to convey. A quick death can be intense, fast, and portray a "blink and you miss it" situation. A slow one can also be intense, but be meant to show a devastating death that's meant to linger in the minds of the reader. Maybe I shouldn't answer when tired...
    1 point
  8. Elegant solutions are totally a good way to go. I think it takes a certain kinda writer with a sense for that kinda thing to keep them meaningful and interesting, and I envy that. My mains are very rarely the elegant solutions type though, so the proverbial blunt-weapon-to-the-head solutions tend to happen. My favourite type of book is the fast paced, thriller, so I tend to lean in that direction in my writing. When at all possible. For some reason when I try to get too poignant and meaningful, my readers get confused lol.
    1 point
  9. They like to feel needed. I had a boyfriend once who was genuinely affronted that I replaced a malfunctioning toilet cistern while he was asleep, as if I'd stolen the job from him. This despite the fact that we worked together, and every night he used to observe me climbing into dangerous machinery with a toolbox to dismantle it, and later rebuild it. I'm afraid I have no patience whatsoever. *shakes head*
    1 point
  10. I'm dying laughing ... thankfully Mr. is talented with vehicles, but we have walked this road in other "manly man" aspects of life!
    1 point
  11. I laugh only because I feel your pain... To bad it doesn't work for you to tell the daft bugger that you'll do it his way and then just go about doing it the way you want, would save you a lot of hassle it seems.
    1 point
  12. Awww... *giggles*
    1 point
  13. Wow, he should just stay away from... everything, really. Light bulb needs changing? Just let you do it in the future! Christ knows what he'd end up putting in.
    1 point
  14. I am going on hiatus. I’ll write and stuff...and finish updating what I need to update...but my sister passed away sometime today, and I need to be here for family.
    0 points
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