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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2018 in all areas

  1. I thought it was high time that I started a thread for general news and discussion about my stories and such, so here it is. As I’ve mentioned in other threads, I tend to have 20 stories in progress at any given time. The stories I’ve made progress on most recently are “Country Summer” and “Make It All Better.” This does not mean, however, that these are the next stories for which I’ll be posting new chapters, because I’m a flighty bastard who works on whatever story he feels like working on when he has time to write. This is basically the only process that works for me; if I try to force myself to work on one particular thing, the result is often writer’s block. I re-learned this lesson recently when I tried to make myself finish the last chapter of “Splinter” (just to have the story finished), only to stall out on that story and every other one. But now I’m back in the groove.
    2 points
  2. Really, it takes a LOT to push me over the edge. I’m (((this))) close. Teenagers. Bah!
    1 point
  3. GeorgeGlass

    The Big Question

    That would be nice. It would help me to conquer both my acrophobia (fear of heights) and my arcophobia (fear of rainbows).
    1 point
  4. Juan

    Billion Dollar Harem

    hmmmmm…. so what were Felicity and Chloe up to that they weren’t able to hear what was going on??? Maybe they were busy… On that note, how soundproof are the cells/ punishment room/ different wings of the harem? Like could one person hear someone else in another cell, even if they are just talking? Or is it so soundproof that you couldn’t even hear someone on the other side of the door?
    1 point
  5. Hope all the moms on here had a Happy Mother’s day yesterday. One of the kids I helped raise nabbed me for a Sushi Meal yesterday. Was great to spend time with her, since I hadn’t in 6 month. Really miss some of my heart adopted kids. They all grew up and got busy in their own lives.
    1 point
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