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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2018 in all areas

  1. Always room for more comments! And more tags – can I finish this? It’s been a quiet couple of days for me... Exhib – This is a fun theme! I think my best scene with it was Sonya Blade happily showing off her pierced nipples in the Sonya/Sheeva fic to an appreciative audience. FF – Yep, done some of this! For when you’re a strong independent four armed monster woman who don’t need no man. That Witch/Rochelle L4D fic was fun to do as well. Fet – Don’t recall using this tag, but might have done if it was specifically fetish heavy or the fetish wasn’t covered elsewhere. Fingering – So there’s this comedian, Mae Martin, who talked about the difference between types of FF she reads, being a bit of a Bellatrix/Hermione shipper. And how she didn’t like references to girls curiously exploring each other’s bodies, because “nobody wants to be curiously explored, they just wanna be fingered” But, yeah, I’ve written this. Fist – Been here, too, but not so often. I tended to find it a harder one to get right. Also, kept getting muppet flashbacks. FD – Yay! I like this tag. I’m still proud of my “Just a Cat” story making the old Topless Robot Fanfiction Friday mockery column. Some of the fantasies are now perhaps seen as transphobic, but my fantasy futas are never intended as accurate representations of Trans issues and I have some experience there. Lets face it, though, they are the very least of the reasons I have had to get flamed when it comes to identify politics. GB – I haven’t played around with this too much, although I did have one story that revolved around it as kind of a punchline, Crazy Pillow Talk. HC,HC - Hurt/Comfort – Don’t think I ever really explored this theme. TBH I always think “hardcore” if I see HC. I seem to recall it being quite popular in Yaoi for a while, especially in “canon female partner hurts canon male partner, who then gets helped by not-partner-in-canon male/original character male/futa fox with giant furry cock” stories. HJ – Jerkin the gerkin has for sure appeared, much like fingering. Herm - I’m 99% sure I always went the fantasy “dickgirls with bigol’ balls” route rather than writing characters with both sets of sexual organs. I guess that time I gave Cho Chang pussy tentacles to rape Draco with semi-counts. Hum – I was never that choosy about interspecies or otherwise relationships in fiction so have had stories with this tag since it was introduced. Humil – Definitely have had characters being humiliated and feeling intense shame. If I was a better writer I might even have shown rather than told sometimes. Bit shameful on my part really. Inc – As mentioned, the original story I wrote got me in a spot of bother. I kind’ve wish he’d mentioned all the real details were real as I coulda said “How about I change all the names/main details for the posted fic, and if you want to edit it to include them for your personal acts of self-abuse, well, that might work.” But one of my earlier stories I was pretty happy with, Rhode Island Redneck was a good ol’ incest fic. Loli – Nah, not my thing; pretty illegal in my jurisdiction, too. MBP – I don’t think I ever wrote a story with this specific fetish included, but I read one not too long ago with a Harry/Narcissa scene that was just fantastic. MC – I did one, long time ago, with a mind controlling character from DC comics. I think this can be a fun little topic, along with the CR tag, but it’s not one I explored too much. MF – Obviously in fanfiction any pairing that isn’t MM is treated with disgust and revulsion by 90% of the fanbase but I’ve persevered with a few pieces. I kid, I kid, it’s only 88%. MM – I’ve dabbled. I was quite proud when one of my TF2 stories inspired a piece of art from a TF2 MM artist. I don’t have a copy of the art as it’s also likely illegal in my jurisdiction. Very popular tag tho’ Ms – Actually writing relationships tended to stretch my PWP to plot so didn’t happen often. I doubt I have this tagged on anything. MCD – Kind’ve a speciality for a time, but there’s a lot of authors did it better like Deathstalker. “Flaying Solo” and “Taking the Sky from Kaylee” are the ones that earned me the most flames. MiCD – “TONIGHT, SOMEONE DIES... but it’s not a main character. It’s Bob from accounts. Now Superman will have to do the JLA’s tax returns.” In some ways it was simpler back if you were just tagging death, but I understand how these two can be big ol’ triggers. Minor1 – See Loli. I once thought about doing something with the old “hunting a predator” theme, like what if the girl from Hard Candy was an eldritch abomination who was really hungry. Trope has been used before but I thought I could do something new with it, and a Minor1 tag would probably have been needed, but wouldn’t have done any actual sexual contact stories or anything. It woulda been the molester screaming and getting ripped open. Minor2 – It’s sort of a cultural thing, in my jurisdiction anybody 16 or over can legally have sex with anybody 16 or over and for quite a while 16-17 year olds featured in softcore photoshoots so I ended up with a cultural mentality that writing about 16-17 year olds was ok and younger was not. Of course, when I first started writing dirty stuff under earlier pen names I was a lot closer to 16-17 than I am now and it’s probably a bit creepier these days. Plus, you know, A lot of the people I used to like have got older just like me and Tilda Swinton and Brad Pitt are still freakin’ hot. MPreg – I always have a hard time taking this one seriously. A lot of that is down to the mocking term “ass baby” and also male pregnancy often being a matter of comedy or slightly odd religious myths. I always intended to do a jokey story with it, but I don’t think I ever did. Nec – The best thing about Nec is that most of the time (yes, not always) it reduces the amount of dialogue you have to write by at least one character. Also, my short story “Nymphadora Necrophilia” was very well reviewed so either I did something right, or folks were just being nice in the hopes that I’d stop. NonFic – Way back in the day there were journal bits and game guides and the rest posted to the archive, but I thought all that stuff was gone now. Authors notes and that relegated to the forums over the set length. Possibly something I’m overlooking tho’ OC – Yeah, I’ve done original characters. One of them was specifically requested for a Wonder Woman request I did and I got a review saying it was a Mary Sue, but since it was a request original character it’s totally a sue by proxy instead. Maybe. I dunno. Oneshot – Short, to the point, and I get to use a Complete Tag. Then, uh, take it off when I write another part. I like ‘em. Stories don’t need to have 80 chapters to be fun. The weakness with the Oneshot format on AFF though is that once it’s off the front page, barring edits, it ain’t never going back there. Some of my oneshots have tens of thousands of hits but they’re a) years old now and b) apparently in more popular fandoms/themes. A multi-chapter story with regular updates seems to be the way to go for more reviews anyhow. Oral – Yes! And not just because, again, it reduces dialogue for a bit for at least one character. It’s so much fun to give oral. Other – Well, there is no warning for “frottage” or “bad fucking jokes,” so I think I’ve had cause to use it. Although actually not sure if I did frottage. “Parody - Parody (Note ALL parodies must be approved by original author)” – I have done a homage story to another author’s fic with permission, but have never done a parody of one. I guess if I wanted to rip the piss out of another author’s story, and they didn’t want to grant permission/approval, I’d take the moral and ethical high road and just not post it to AFF. Peg – Yes, have at least a couple peggings. Adult Bart Simpson got a fun one in one story. This tag does make me think of pirates though. Have any Disney fics ever had Peg-Leg Pete pegged? And if not, why not? Preg – I did a whole trilogy around impregnation. Can be fun! PWP – Yeah, up with MCD, a whole lot of my stories have been PWPs. Get the pervs touching themselves and hopefully leaving a sticky review. Racist – Topless Robot mocked my use of “Honky” in “Just A Cat” but it was set in the 1970s and that term was still in use. Obviously if I did it set today I’d have gone with something more modern. Oh, and as with bigotry I’ve written some nasty motherfuckers. I remember one of the reviews I got elsewhere mentioned that my constant belittling of a character for being a racist moron detracted from the story. Rape – My memory is kind’ve hazy. I think I might have written 1 or 2 or 30 or so stories with rape content. Rape fantasy is fine and healthy and I often have mental images of myself being horribly violated, but as long as it’s only fantasy it’s fine. Rim – Was definitely in my other Sheeva fic, the futa one with Stryker. SandM – Not sure if I ever tagged for this. Lot of my stories have elements of Sadism and a few have had Masochists but may not have been in this theme. Scat – I’ve had it as an element in a few stories but only ever started one story dedicated to it, which I didn’t get time to do beyond the first part. It’s pretty hardcore, but even I’ve never done vomit play / Roman Showers, mostly due to lack of effort. Puke snowballs probably have their place. SH – Jumping straight into the fucking most of the time probably left my stories without time for this, though there might have been some basic elements if you include – as people really should – verbal harassment. Not sure if I ever considered it and tagged. Shouta – Nah. 16 year old Link is cute, but younger is meh. Soldier over Scout! SI – I’ve never written myself into a story. I wrote you in, though. You’re welcome. Sarsa says hi. Slave – I’ve had characters enslaved – that Potter pregnancy trilogy – so probably tagged this. Solo – Characters on their own can have fun. I’ve definitely written characters pleasuring theirself. “Something about JayDee’s story really spoke to me.” Spank – They used to call this the British Disease. There’s a ridiculous amount of Victorian pornography on the topic. I think I had a spanking in an FF story, but mostly folks were getting hit by blades or clubs rather than open hands to the buttocks. TBDL - ... ... ... this must have had a big phase at some point. And yet when I want to find a good Tribbing it’s waaaaay hard. Oh well. No, see ABDL above. Tent – I always found tentacle stuff hard to write. Like, I wanted to show where they were and what they were doing, but it was hard to get it across properly. I’d say some of my least successful porn was my tentacle attempts. I wanted to revisit the monster from “Under Joan’s Bed” though. TF – Yeah, I did at one point. I wanted to do a gorgon fic for a long time, too. Everybody must get stoned, as Bob Dylan sang. Tort – Yup. Did some really unpleasant “dying slow and hard” stuff at one point. Still less extreme than than some of the “American exchange student comes to Hogwarts” stories I’ve been subjected too. Toys – Have had toys involved. Sometimes the definition is stretched. To power tools. Trans – See above on FD/Herm, haven’t done proper exploration of trans issues. I think I did a crossdresser bit once. I’ve actually had a story planned for years with a crossdressing male protagonist, but I could never get the plot right. UST – Heh, no, all the tension gets resolved in a few paragraphs. Quicker, if Shannon’s there. Violence – See Tort, MCD, Rape etc etc. Had some nice fighty bits as well that were not sexual, occasionally. I’d have liked to maybe have done more about an Orc and her axe. Voy – Yeah, where fucking’s been public I’ve had people watching and enjoying. I think I’ve never done anything about a character who prefers to watch though, which could have been interesting. WAFF – Don’t remember using it, but I haven’t done a whole lot of anime. WD – Bit of a specific tag. I don’t remember using it, either. Ejaculating into a sleeping character on the other hand... WIP – I prefer to think of it is “finished optimistically early.” WS – Have definitely written this stuff. Both as willing and unwilling degradation. I think my favourite scene was when the Elf unintentionally pissed over the Orc, but she liked it. Xeno – There was a point before the “hum” tag when I think I used this for demons. I know some users are disappointed it’s not the “Greek philosophy” tag, with a bit of corruption of youth thrown in. My big Predator story likely had it as well before “hum.” ....and done. Breathe.
    3 points
  2. I guess it is semantics. I just see it as if you’re adding Rape to BDSM it ceases in any way to be BDSM and so the BDSM tag would not apply. I guess to me it’s completely different, unrelated level of content even with many of the same elements and I suppose I have a mental block of seeing it any different, whereas, as you’ve explained, you feel differently. I think we probably just see it from completely different viewpoints and might have to agree to disagree, or end up repeating ourselves in slightly different ways and failing to get anywhere! Damn semantics…
    3 points
  3. I totally agree that in the confines of your story, both tags are required. That doesn’t make them codependent or interdependent. My gripe is when BDSM and D/s are used as an alternative to the Rape tag. That’s never the case, because it’s insulting to anyone who is in those lifestyles (it’s not always just role-playing) to insinuate their consensual relationships are rapes, or that rapists are really just misunderstood because they’re “only training their submissives.” Honestly? Any true submissive would greet that statement with a skillet to the head, and their dominant would hold the idiot for them. It misses the essential dynamic of those lifestyles because both partners have equal control. Both partners can stop everything with a single word. Even in a M/s relationship, the slave partner has willingly relinquished control to the Master. Consent, control, and trust. A rape victim lacks any of that.
    3 points
  4. Aww man that is horrible, I cannot understand how, as a writer, someone could let that happen. That feels like weaponized writing to me. Which is why I tag, tag, tag rabidly and why I put the BDSM tag on there, I really wanted to be thorough on what other people might think is BDSM as well. I feel like all of my tags in combination provide a preeetty good idea of what to expect from the content, and if that isn’t enough of a warning, then I can’t think of anything else I can do but go around yelling into a megaphone every time I get a hit @BronxWench I totally feel you. I currently use those tags the same way Mal does, but I understand that the BDSM community is legit af, and they don’t deserve insulting representations of their lifestyle. I learned a lot from what you and JayDee said on this thread, and that can only be a good thing. I do have consensual BDSM in my story, so I’m gonna keep the tag, but I would totally and without question drop it if I didn’t. Side note (well actually the main note since that’s what this thread is about ), I love how these tag profiles are turning into writer profiles on the kind of stuff we write and why. I WILL BE BACK TO DO MY OWN JUST GIMME A SEC
    2 points
  5. BDSM is specifically Bondage Discipline Sadism Masochism, so domination and submission has a separate tag, D/s. But we do have separate tags for Abuse, S&M alone, Slave, Torture, and Violence, which I think is sometimes what other authors are looking for, rather than BDSM, especially when they factor in Rape. Rape isn’t a sexual tag for me, anyway. It’s a form of violence, and like JD, I think it might just be a matter of semantics. Honestly, as a mod, I don’t warn for what is my personal view on the use of BDSM, but if there is any lack of consent in the story, I’ll warn for a missing rape tag. I’ve had far too many emails from readers who were profoundly upset by encountering untagged rape content. I don’t have the time to read every new story or chapter daily, but we do sweep weekly, and we’re tough on trigger tags. And I entirely agree about dubcon. There’s no such thing as dubious consent. If there’s any hesitation, it’s not consent.
    2 points
  6. Ok let’s see, tags I’ve used, or might use in the future… this should be hella fun! 3+ Oh yea, I’ve used this one. My latest chapter of Billion Dollar Harem had my first big orgy scene that included 7 characters all having sex together...it was actually kind of a gigantic pain in the ass to write... ABDL: Don’t get this fetish… Can’t imagine I’d ever write something like this... Abortion: Probably not… unless it was just to mention that someone had an abortion but to me a circumstance like that really doesn’t warrant this this tag and I certainly can’t see myself writing an in depth abortion scene… Abuse: I don’ t get the specificity of this tag… Is abuse somehow different that violence or rape or torture… to me those three tags are more descriptive and useful than abuse… I guess unless its habitual… AFFO: Sorry guys, I spread my stories around too much to use this tag... Ageplay: This one seems fun. Haven’t used it yet though. Anal: One of my favs… I’d say at least a third of my chapters/stories have this tag stuck on them Angst: Again, don’t get this tag… I’d probably use a different tag if something like this were being done in a story. Anthro: What like intelligent dog uprisings That could be fun! BDSM: I think I just covered this... Beast: I’ve used this tag in one story… though its on a different site. I might use it again but probably only if I were to venture out of the celebrity fandom... Bi: I guess the main way I’ve explored this tag is by have the celebrities of Billion Dollar Harem who weren’t previously into women be sort of forced or discover that they are into women… I doubt I’d ever play with male bisexuality. I have nothing against some good old dude on dude, just not my thing is all. Bigotry: This isn’t one of my favorite themes. I did use it slightly in a recent story. But since I personally really detest discrimination, I have a hard time including it. However, I wouldn’t rule this out simply because I try to put as much realism into my stories as possible, and bigoted, hateful people exist so... B-Mod: I played with this briefly in a story on another site where I turned a woman into a futanari after impregnating her with alien eggs… that was fun… might have to try it again sometime… Bond: Ropes, stockades, straps and restraints… “give me the duct tape!” Oh yea, love playing with this... BP: Not my thing, doubt I’d ever play with it. CBT: Again… not my thing… can’t see me ever doing this (at least in a story) j/k ChallengeFic: Never played with this… I did recently write a fic based on some ideas given to me by a fan… is that the same thing… COMPLETE: Usually only used when I write a one shot. Contro: I think basically everything I write could technically have this tag... CR: Billion Dollar Harem is technically a story about corruption...don’t know if I’ve used this tag though. But corruption is one of my very favorite themes. Ds: Again, basically covered, see above… Dom: I think almost everything I’ve written features a MDom protagonist of some kind. Don’t know why...just one of the things that gets me going I guess. DP: I’ll take two… or three… I love this tag Exhib: I’ve recently been playing with some voyeurism in Billion Dollar Harem. Though the nature of that story kind of makes outdoor exhibitionism impossible, I do love the idea of putting someone on display… I’m sure I’ll play with this tag at somepoint. FF: Gimme a V! Oh yeah, love me some good ol tongue ‘n cheek. (or is that a different tag...) Fet: Isn’t everything… Fingering: Practically goes hand in hand with FF so yeah been there… Fist: surprisingly no, not yet but likely will play with this at some point. FD- Futanari/Dickgirls: I’m very interested in writing a futa story at some point or maybe just finishing the one I already started… we’ll have to see. GB, GB - Gender Bender (a canon character whose sex is changed for the story) Did I mention the alien impregnation story above… oh right, I did HC,HC - Hurt/Comfort: Some of these tags really seem superfluous… this is one of those... HJ: Yep, been there done that… wait are we talking about story tags? Ok done that too… Herm: I’m guessing this is somehow different that futa... Hum: If it doesn’t have an all alien cast… doesn’t every story need this… weird… Humil: One of my very favorite fetishes… plainly evident if you’ve read...basically anything I’ve ever wrote. Inc,Inc - Incest: Not to long ago, I wrote a pseudo sci/fi fantasy where a guy found an orb that could warp reality. He made two women, who stared on a TV show together as sisters, believe they really were sisters…. does that count? loli: this to me is different than Minor 1 and yes I’d play with it. MBP: Nothing against people with this fetish, but to me its one of the most stomach turning on the list… MC: Yeah, I dig this fetish, I’m sure I’ll play around with it more in the future… MF: Yeah, obviously MM: Again, I don’t think there’s a damn thing wrong with making the penises kiss… its just not my thing. Ms: Basically Ms is the plot of Billion Dollar Harem so… yeah done this… MCD: As pretty much everything I write is in the celebrity fandom I’m not terribly comfortable with this tag… wrote one story (not on this site) that would use it… Don’t know how much, if ever, I’d use it again. MiCD: Don’t mind this tag as long as its not a celebrity I’m killing… Minor1: Again given that I write almost exclusively celebrity fiction this tag just doesn’t work for me… Actually with this tag I doubt I’d ever use it. Just not my thing. Minor2: I might write a story with someone 14-18, but only if it was outside the celebrity domain… I’m a little more comfortable with this… MPreg “Its not a tumor!” Next… Nec: This fetish is one of those things that makes me extremely uncomfortable… but is also sort of like driving by a horrible train crash with bodies and stray dogs strewn everywhere… You know something you just can’t look away from. I’ve used this tag once (again a story that is located elsewhere). And again its something I’m not to fond of using when I’m writing about celebrities… so maybe if I did something else... NonFic: What like history… I don’t get it NoSex: Whats the point of this… I did use this tag once though. In a early intro chapter of Billion Dollar Harem where I just did a lot of set up stuff... OC: In the fan-fiction world this tag probably doesn’t get used alot… Though I suppose Billion Dollar Harem does have a few OCs … a few OGs too for that matter. Oneshot: been there, done that, will likely do it again. Oral: Yes please… Oh the tag… Yeah that too. Other: LOL… next… Parody: What… I mean isn’t all fanfiction a parody of the original or of reality… don’ t get this tag... Peg: Whatever two (or more) consenting adults do in the privacy of their home is none of my business… Just not my thing...sorry. Preg: Is this different than impregnation or does this include impregnation… PWP: I think Porn is the point Racist: Again not my thing I just don’ t have the stomach for a tag like this and most of my stories feature rape… so yeah. Probably won’t ever play with this but as I said I do value realism over basically everything so I guess I can’t rule it out… Rape: This tag isn’t to be taken lightly, but it is one of my dark fantasies so yea, I write about it... Rim: Honestly I’ve never tried it, but I think I’d be into it after a proper cleaning of course. I know its one of my favorites to watch/read/write about SandM: Yeah Sadism and Masochism is basically the plot of all my stories… Scat: I’ve played around very lightly with this fetish in Billion Dollar Harem… light play with light description and I can deal with this, but heavy scat turns my stomach something fierce. SH: Never used this and yet I feel its in like every one of my stories… Shouta: No problem with this fetish, just not my thing and doubt I’d ever write a story with it.. SI: Sorry, I have a really hard time picturing this and honestly it sounds really really painful so… probably not. Slave: I guess in a way I’ve used this. All the celebs in Billion Dollar Harem are prisoners and technically slaves since they are expected to perform or face punishment so yeah. But at the same time I don’t know if I could write this fetish in a hard core kind of way… Solo: When the mood strikes me… Spank: Goes hand in hand with punishment yeah… No I love a good spanking… I mean I like writing about spankings… yeah that’s it. TBDL: Sorry I just don’t get this and probably never will Tent: one of my favorites… I’ll definitely write a tentacles attack fic at some point. TF: See alien impregnation above. Tort: as in like pulling fingernails and water boarding, probably not. Torture as in psychological and or sexual torture, most definitely. Toys: Recently gave one of the celebs in Billion Dollar Harem a feeldoe (look it up if you don’ t know what it is) so yea I love toys. Trans: Again, I have nothing against this lifestyle or against its members I say do what makes you happy and will in turn bring happiness to others… But this just isn’t my thing. UST: I don’ t know, like every one of my chapters ends with this I think... Violence: I’m not into the blood and gore aspects, but I’ve used some physical violence in stories before and likely will again. Voy: Been playing with this and having fun with it recently can’t see why that won’t continue. WAFF: I don’t write anime, but even so I don’t get this… WD: Never played with it… probably won’t… WIP: I feel like all my work is a work in progress… WS: I have played quite heavily with this as a form of degradation and punishment. Using it in that way I enjoy, and is probably the only way I would ever use this. Xeno: I did mention alien egg implantation above there somewhere didn’t I… Well I think that’s all the tags listed on this site, hope you enjoyed my insight on them.
    2 points
  7. And to do this properly, in the name of this topic, you ought to be at the front of the room, naked, waxing off while peeing all over everybody, that’ll add in some more tags to the discussion.
    2 points
  8. I totally read this in a uber posh academia voice. I’m a writing-tips-ophile, and now I am completely disappointed/outraged that all the podcasts I follow don’t cover this shit!
    2 points
  9. I started this for the thread Never Would I Ever Write this Tag… but realised it was increasingly off topic and derailing, and if I finish my thoughts on all the current tags it’d lead to wall-of-text breaks in the conversation there so started a new one to keep it in place. If you’ve got a tag you wouldn’t ever write, click the link and talk about it there! Meanwhile, my thoughts on tags I have written and other tags and general stuff from a writer’s perspective. If it belongs more in aimless babble or something then I hope one of the mods will be happy to move it (Thanks if so!): 3Plus - Yep, have written this. The more the merrier but it can be hard for less talented writers like myself to keep track of where things are at any given time. So, you've written a cock up an ass and then you write another cock up the same ass and then you've got either a cocktinuity error or double anal. ABDL - If I was back writing and there was a challenge that really engaged me I could see me doing a story with it, but it falls squarely in the "very specific fetish that doesn't arouse me so is hard to understand" catagory for me. I'm semi-surprised it's even popular enough to have had a tag while more common weird fetishes like sizeplay/shrinking/growth don't, but of course some of the tags were very different in the early years and it's grown and changed. Abortion - I have a story that would qualify for this warning tag ("Revenge of the Ravenclaw" -self abortion sort-of-blood-magic) but doesn't have it. I think it may have been brought in after the story was written, because I was always pretty hot on tagging anything triggering that had tags available. Could have missed it though. Definitely a tag that you want not because there's any kind of fetished/meant to be sexy content in it (certainly isn't in mine) but because of the importance of helping people avoid content that would disturb them. Incidentally, while I fully support that for porn I think it's fucking stupid in an academic context. Abuse - Have written. Have had characters get the shit abused out of them. And indeed into them, but that's later. AFFO - I've got some AFF exclusives! I think all of the Slumber Party stories are AFFO. You! is too. Ageplay - I don't remember exploring this kink, but you could have some fun with it. Yoda/Luke for example... I guess I'd take a crack sometime if I was writing again. Anal - Written it from both the rough hard violent angle and the gentle more fun loving angle. It has it's place. Angst - This is a hard one to get right. Fanfic writers do like to see their favorite characters summer emotional torments that can only finally be soothed away by a spot of anal. I think I have had some angsty characters, although my stories having PWP tendancies tend to reduce the options. Anthro - Yiff in hell furfags! You and all your anthro loving kind can... wait, what? I wrote what? Loving furry yaoi? Oh, yeah. Let me rephrase that. Anthro's great! Can't go wrong with a furry fuckfest. BDSM - Me? Write anything “Safe, sane and consensual”? Not in this lifetime. This is a tag that I feel gets misused. If a character is tied up and tortured and raped and hasn't given clear prior consent, limits, boundaries and the rest or got the option to withdraw consent at any time it's not BDSM but it still gets tagged as such. And joking aside, I did write a consensual BDSM scene one time I'm sure, with an Orc/Elf, but it was in the same story as earlier rape and such. Beast - Have written. It's fine in fantasy, abhorant in the real world. Got a few requests that made me smile. Although throwing out the word "Horsecock" just makes me giggle like a schoolgirl. I'm doing it right now. Giggle. Bi - I've written Bi encounters. Bi visibility is something that could definitely be improved in this world of ours. Possibily not through one of my fics though. Bigotry - Ahh, trigger warning time. Yeah, I've done it. Lot of bigoted characters in my fics, generally because if I was writing someone doing something horrible to someone else it was easier if they were not a nice person. My List part 2 http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/66607-on-tags-ive-used-by-a-writer/?do=findComment&comment=414406 My List part 3 - http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/66607-on-tags-ive-used-by-a-writer/?do=findComment&comment=414416
    1 point
  10. KassX

    On tags I've used by A Writer

    Okay, I just had one question: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? Please tell me Incest wasn’t a companion tag on this fic
    1 point
  11. And here I worry that I’m overtagging….
    1 point
  12. Mal

    On tags I've used by A Writer

    I completely get where you’re coming from here, BronxWench. From you’re previous statement I didn’t realize exactly what you meant about BDSM and rape being two different non interchangeable things. Of course rape isn’t interchangeable with BDSM. I’m of the mind set that anytime consent isn’t given, or where both (or more) parties are all portrayed as willing participants, then that scene/chapter must have a rape tag. To me, the whole concept of dubcon is ridiculous. There is either consent or rape period, end of discussion. Even in stories where a character is reluctant, and believe, me reluctance is one of my favorite themes to play around with, but in the end, in a reluctance story, if the character who is reluctant ends up having sex, either it is with consent, or it is rape. I mean, you wouldn’t use a reluctance tag, and then have that reluctant person not give consent, be forced into sex and then not also include the rape tag… To me, its the same thing with BDSM you can have one with out the other, but you can’t have both without using both tags... Also, I totally get that BDSM is about control and that both parties are equally responsible for that control. But I guess what I’m saying, and this goes back also to JayDee’s point: Is that BDSM is about bondage, dominance, and submission… and this may be semantics, but if you add the rape tag to a BDSM tag I think you are inherently removing consent from the equation. Yes, I suppose you could just use the bondage and D/s tags separately but in the end you’re essentially conveying the same level of content. Especially as a rape tag, at least to me, also inherently includes torture. All I think you’re saying when you add a BDSM tag is that this story will include, bondage, domination, discipline and submission and by adding the rape tag you’re indicating those things are being forced upon the person, rather than that person being a willing participant.
    1 point
  13. Some more thoughts on tags: B-Mod – Yes, I did this! I had a nipple piercing scene as part of the Sheeva/Sonya Blade story. It’s kind of a fetish thing in some areas, of course, and I can see how it could be quite triggering. I bet fans of the “gothification” subgenre search for ‘em too. Bond – They took this one away for a bit and I asked ‘em to bring it back for all the rapey bondage stuff (here http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/12402-content-code-suggestions/?do=findComment&comment=354332 ) because a lot of the time characters were getting restrained for the violatin’ and such. Good wholesome tag BP – I have used this, but rarely. I think I tended to assume it was pretty fetish specific while blood just tended to get splattered around the place for mine without being focus or toy. Maybe if I’d done more vamp stuff? It’s on the Sheeva/Sonya story but I finished that ages ago and cannot specifically recall what for. Maybe after the flaying near the end? Did I leave the flaying in? Damn, my mind is getting hazy. CBT – A lot of the “male being dominated” stuff I’ve done has involved unlikely anal insertions so I don’t know specifically if I used this. I always wanted to do a sounding fic. Can’t specifically recall having used it though. ChallengeFic – Ha, yeah, many of my finished stories are request fics or story prompt words. Making someone’s fucked up fantasy appear on the page was always a nice challenge. Always a shame when they didn’t give any feedback afterwards though. This also caused me the most trouble too though, after I did those original fics where the guy provided his real name, his sister’s real name and enough real life details for his family to find them because for fucks sake that was a good idea. COMPLETE – Always nice to be able to use this. There’s a few I have that’re unfinished and likely never will be. A tendency to write more parts for “oneshots” has been a little self defeating sometimes. Contro – This is a relatively newer tag (cue “It’s been here a good five years now!”) and makes sense as a trigger warning. I guess it’s a little subjective – there’s some areas where anything pro-abortion or pro “not letting fuckwits with raging paranoia and drug induced psychosis have easy access to guns” plot points are pretty controversial but I think the tag works quite well. Some of these work as well as advertisements as warnings! CR – I don’t really remember the corruption tag. Is it newer? Perhaps I’ve just overlooked it? I’ve done stories with corruption elements so if the tag had been there I hope I’d have used it. One of my favourite original stories is Tantric Legion’s old Infernal Destiny from years ago. I like the theme! Ds – I’ve done some stories with dominating and submitting characters but I tend to think of this as implying a more formal ideal than I’ve written usually. I may have a story with this tagged but don’t recall it. Dom – As with DS. I think I used it once or twice? Maybe? Certainly had some domination going on. My fading memory is really leaving me with less to say about some of these! DP – Multitasking characters are fun! I have used this’n a few times generally in 3plus situations. My List part 3 - http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/66607-on-tags-ive-used-by-a-writer/?do=findComment&comment=414416
    1 point
  14. JayDee

    On tags I've used by A Writer

    So I guess the reason I think it doesn’t make sense is because what you’re describing isn’t BDSM at all. It’s rape and torture and bondage and sadism – all of which are fun for fics! and most of which have tags seperately - but it’s not BDSM because it isn’t consensual and one party is unwilling. I mean, if you have all that then later on consensual BDSM stuff then that’s a “both tags” situation for sure, but if it’s all rapey it just ain’t BDSM. This is likely one of those things where I’m kind’ve anal about terminology I guess, but hey, just my thoughts on things. I know my views on the whole “dubcon” label aren’t widely popular either! @Desiderius Price Tentacles pending sounds like a hentai character’s todo list
    1 point
  15. Mal

    On tags I've used by A Writer

    As to the whole BDSM if its not consensual its rape thing, I guess my take on it is… That yes I agree, but that doesn’t mean the tag can’t still be used and used correctly. I mean the term encompasses everything from Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, and yes, its USUALLY a role-playing thing between two (or more I suppose) consenting adults but that doesn’t mean it can’t also be a training tool for an unwilling participant especially if the tag is being used in conjunction with the rape tag. I tag BDSM quite often in stories where someone is bound in one way or another and being punished for something they did, said or refused to do. The protagonist in my story often uses bondage, discipline and forced submission as a training tool to break in the women he has imprisoned. If you’re writing a slave training story, which, besides it also being a pseudo psycho romance, is essentially what my story is about, then I think the BDSM tag when used in conjunction with a rape tag makes perfect sense.
    1 point
  16. We’ve tried with a notable lack of success to plan on meeting at DragonCon one year. RenFaire is easier.
    1 point
  17. This is the precise reason we need an AFF Con, mods make it happen
    1 point
  18. DUBCON what fresh pussyfooting-around-morality hell is that? @JayDee So where do we report for the seminar? Okay, so I went to college in California and they drilled it into my head there that no means no, maybe means no and silence also means no, so there isn’t a whole lot of wiggle room to get out of a Rape tag! Since I like rape as a conflict setup, and my characters don’t ask each other for permission all that much (ever?) I just tag that bish and proceed on my merry way.
    1 point
  19. The thing with BDSM is that everything needs to be consensual. Period. It’s not subject to negotiation or interpretation. If both parties don’t fully consent, it’s not BDSM. It’s rape.
    1 point
  20. Rape can be in conjunction to other tags, including BDSM. I suppose it’s a cultural thing too, depends on how the author was raised, thinking if the victim didn’t explicitly opt-out, then it’s okay. But in my fics, I generally know already when I’m setting up the scene, consensual or not, making it clear to me if it’s rape or not. And rape is a tag that can creep in too, when you’re not thinking about it from the victim’s point of view.
    1 point
  21. Trust me, when I’m moderating, if I see Dubcon, I look for Rape. If I don’t see Rape, I warn and hide. Trigger tags like Rape are not something I take lightly.
    1 point
  22. The tag on AFF actually was “NC” instead of “rape” or “rapefic” for quite a long time, but the codes have changed and clarified since. I think NC was stopped a good few years ago now. The one that hacks me off is “Dubcon.” Either characters have established consent (whether it has been made aware to the readers or not) or they haven’t. And if they haven’t, it’s rape. If they have it’s consent. There’s no dubious consent. Bah. There’s loads more points I have to rant about this but, screw it, I don’t like the term, other writers seem to, and I’m a bitter old nobody left behind by modern events. Edit: ps Horsecock. chortle. Edit2: @CloverReef “Today’s seminar: The correct use of pegging in establishing a character as a right little bitch boy.” Edit3: The @ tagging didn’t work first time. So I’m also left behind by modern forum tagging. Bah and indeed humbug.
    1 point
  23. *renounces the internet in shame and retires to become a cave hermit for the rest of her life* Okay but in my defense, sometimes it is consensual, but yeah, mostly not I mean I use the rape tag of course and it's always clear that it IS rape. Can I just mention how glad I am that we don’t have a non-con tag? Like some people want to pretend there’s a difference and there really, REALLY isn’t
    1 point
  24. Okay, “Horsecock” made me giggle, too. But I’m going to agree entirely on your take on BDSM. The misuse of that tag drives me nuts, right up there with D/s (which I write) and M/s. If you aren’t in the lifestyle, and can’t be arsed to do a little research, stick to something else. It’s just irritating to see poorly disguised rapefics masquerading as BDSM. If there’s no consent, it’s rape. Period. Own it. And yes, I’ve written Rape, too.
    1 point
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