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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2018 in all areas

  1. And it looks like the new hard drive is doing the trick, for which I am profoundly grateful! Just in time for the first round of edits for the republications….
    3 points
  2. Merry meet, everyone! I'd just like to say that I am happy to be a member of the forums and wish everyone well.
    2 points
  3. GeorgeGlass

    Back history

    I agree--backstory has to come at the point when it’s relevant, and not in a data dump sometime beforehand. I remember someone sending me the first chapter of a story to beta, and my chief comment about it was, “I don’t want to know all of this yet.” She was explaining way too much, which tends to lead to all telling and no showing.
    1 point
  4. I’m still checking in every couple days but been a little more busy than my social phobia can take so my online life is suffering. I’ll be back!
    1 point
  5. How do I edit or delete a chapter? The processes are very similar. I'll first show you how to edit a chapter. Steps 1 through 3 are identical for both. Editing a Chapter Ensure you're logged in to the archive. Then click the three bars, as per below. A drop-down menu will appear. Select Archives and go the the subdomain where your story is published. Find the subdomain that contains your story and click on the green icon next to that subdomain. For example, if your story is a Harry Potter story then find “Harry Potter” and click on that icon. A new screen will load showing you all the stories you've uploaded to that category. Find the story that you wish to edit. Beneath the “Edit Story Info” button will be a drop-down box. If your story has multiple chapters, then clicking on this will drop-down a box showing all your chapters. If you wish to edit the chapter, first select the appropriate one. To the right of that, you should see another drop-down box with the word “Edit” in it. If it says “Delete” then select “Edit” from the dropdown. Click the “Go!” button to the right of that. A new page will load which will enable you to edit the story as you wish. Click the “Edit Chapter” button when you're finished. Deleting a chapter Firstly, follow steps 1 through 3 as above. As above, select the appropriate chapter that you wish to delete. With that selected, click the drop-down box to the right of that where it should say “Edit”. Select “Delete” instead. Now click the “Go!” button. Now pray that you've got your story backed up onto your computer because you just realised you deleted the wrong chapter. 😉 Deleting the entire story Follow steps 1 through 3 as above. To the right of the “Edit Story Info” button is a button that says “Delete Story”. Clicking on this will enable you to delete the entire story.
    1 point
  6. How do I edit my story info? Do you want to rewrite a story summary? Fix up the disclaimer? Perhaps add some more content tags? There's an easy way to do it. Just follow these steps: Ensure you're logged in to the archive. Then click the three bars at the upper left corner of the home page. A drop-down menu will appear. Click the link for ARCHIVES. Another drop-down menu will appear. Find the subdomain that contains your story and click on the green icon to the right of the subdomain name. For example, if your story is a Harry Potter story then find “Harry Potter Story Manager” and click on that green icon. A new screen will load showing you all the stories you've uploaded to that category. Find the story that you wish to edit. You'll see a few buttons for each story, including one that says “Edit Story Info”. Click on that button. From there, you'll be able to edit all the info you wish. When you're done, click the “Edit Story” button down the bottom and you're done! NOTE: Let's say you upload a story to the "Original" category, and placed it in the "Erotica > General" subdomain, but as the story has progressed, you realise that it's actually more of a horror, then you can also change the subdomain for your story here. Where it says "Category", click on the drop-down box and select the most appropriate subdomain for your story. Remember, though, if you uploaded your story into the incorrect category (for example, a Harry Potter story into the Original category) then you'll need to contact an admin to get that sorted out; you can't change that yourself.
    1 point
  7. Melrick

    How to add a chapter

    How do I add a chapter to my story? Ensure you're logged in to the archive. Then click the three lines on the upper left corner, as per below. A drop-down menu will appear. Click Archives. Another drop-down menu will appear. Find the subdomain that contains your story and click on the green icon to the right of that subdomain name. For example, if your story is a Harry Potter story then find “Harry Potter” and click on the green icon next to that subdomain. A new screen will load showing you all the stories you've uploaded to that category. Find the story that you wish to upload a new chapter to. Next to each story, you'll see a few buttons, including one that says “Add Chapter”. Click on that. A new screen loads to enable you to write or copy and paste your story into the box provided. As ever, you should always check over it to ensure all the formatting is correct. If it is then all that remains to be done is to, firstly, ensure you gave your new chapter a name and then click “Post New Chapter” and you're done!
    1 point
  8. How do I upload a story in the archive? The first thing you need to do is to ensure you're logged in as per the picture below: Click the option in the dropdown menu for Archives and a list of subdomains will appear. Find the subdomain that’s appropriate for your story (e.g. Harry Potter, or Originals) and click on the little green page icon to the right of the subdomain name. If you’re not sure where your story should be uploaded, look through the archive for your fan fiction and see where it’s uploaded. If you’re still not sure then don’t hesitate to ask a mod on the forum for help. Always make sure you’re uploading it to the correct subdomain before you upload it though! When you click on the icon to the right of the subdomain you want, it’ll take you to a new page. On the next page, you’ll first have to enter all the relevant information regarding your story, such as title, summary, disclaimer, etc, as well as content tags. It is very important that you choose all the appropriate tags relevant to your story. Click that field to open a dropdown with checkboxes for each tag. Failure to include tags will warrant a warning from a mod, and failure to correct it will cause your story to be hidden or removed. Towards the bottom of the page is where you’ll enter your story, usually be copying it from your word processing software and pasting it into the box provided. It’s always a good idea to go over it to ensure the formatting is correct. If all is good then click the “Post New Story” button. And there you have it!
    1 point
  9. How do I reply to reviews? So, you've written your magnum opus, uploaded it to the AFF archive and, lo and behold, you get a review! Fantastic! You'd like to thank them for their review, or perhaps to answer a question they've asked. How? Do you just leave a review to your own story? No, you don't. The review section of the archive is there solely for genuine reviews only. But there must be a way for you to reply? And There is! All you have to do is to click here to read the rules of how to set-up a review reply forum.
    1 point
  10. Add to the "Round Robins" subcategory in whichever subdomain you're adding your story TO. The first chapter should outline the requirements of your round robin. As controlling author, it's up to you to decide what stays or what goes of submissions. This does NOT count as an "Author's Note" chapter, as it's instructions for the round robin. As a reminder, separate chapters dedicated purely to author's notes or to review replies are not allowed and are in breach of our Terms of Service. When you add the story, where it says "Allow other authors to add chapters", make sure you select "Yes" from the drop-down box. Otherwise, other people cannot add to your story.
    1 point
  11. Word exported to html In your user cp select edit story select edit chapter open the chapter click "edit chapter No real editing involved, other than opening it up and resaving the chapter Wall o' Text in the editor In one tab, have open your user CP In a second tab, have open your chapter (so you can have a visual for the paragraphs) You have a couple options here. First, would be to open the chapter, delete the chapter data, and recopy it from your word processor. Be sure to use "copy from clipboard" or "copy from Word" to do this. The middle button is "copy as plain text". This removes all your formatting, so you don't want that. Second is to open up a second tab as described above, and then manually insert the paragraphs using the enter key. If you get the javascript error window, click ignore. It will have no effect, and will speed up the processing, rather than bogging down and/or locking up your browser.
    1 point
  12. Can I withhold a chapter in order to get my readers opinion on where to take my story? NO. Polls that demand or request for the opinion of readers in order to continue a story are not allowed. If you want the opinions of the reader as to pairings, different scenarios you are considering or other things such which name is best for the child or children of a character from a list that you've created, you do have options. In the adult-fanfiction.org forums, you CAN create polls where your readers can vote and leave suggestions. Below the link to review the story is a second link that says 'Discuss this story' and create the poll, then post the link into the story so your readers can voice their opinion and vote. This is beneficial because you will be able to freely converse with your readers and you can also set the topic so that it notifies you when you receive replies to your topic. If you have a question, you can contact one of the moderators through the forum, or send an email to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org
    1 point
  13. Is it okay to request/ask/demand for reviews or ratings in order for me to continue my story or post a new chapter? NO. This practice is also known as 'review whoring'. It is not something that we've come up with, but a common term used in the fanfiction and original writing communities. Because of the large number of complaints that we receive about this practice, as of November of 2009, it is no longer allowed on adult-fanfiction.org. They are usually found in the author's notes of stories or sometimes, on an writer's author page or even in the summaries at times. Examples of review whoring: - Did you like this chapter? Do you want to see more? Well, you'll need to review in order to see what happens next! - You review, you'll get the next chapter faster! - I will not update this story unless I receive _ reviews. - U guys suck! I'm gonna delete the story if I don't get reviews! These are just a few, but as you can see, these phrases are used to persuade or influence a reader to leave a comment in order to see more. Many of the moderators and admins are authors on the site so we do definitely understand that getting that criticism to improve the story, hearing what the reader likes about it or even getting that little kudos for the hard work that you put into a story is gratifying. However, when looking from the readers' side, it is a way of making them do something that they may not wish to do, with the punishment being that they don't get to see what happens next. Examples of what is NOT considered review whoring: - Please rate and review! - I'd love to see your comments and appreciate any constructive criticism. - Thanks in advance for the review! - If you have a few seconds, feel free to review! I'd appreciate it. - Your comments help me improve my writing. We do a visual check every story added to the archive several times a week. If you are found to be demanding reviews for your stories, we discreetly ask you in an email to remove the demand for reviews and if you have any questions, you are free to respond to the email and one of the staff members of adult-fanfiction.org will get back to you. In the instance that demand for reviews remains, your story can be hidden after having already given you several days to edit your work. Your story can then be hidden for up to approximately thirty (30) days and after that time, the story in question is deleted from the archive. If your story is hidden, you will have to contact us at afftosteam@gmail.com with the name of your story, your penname, and the subdomain that your story is in. After that is received, we will review the story and if the issue is fixed, then we will make your story visible once again.
    1 point
  14. Short answer - NO As with anything, there are some exceptions to this. Generally speaking, those are the published authors we have here, who wish to experiment and DON'T want that associated with their normal writing. That is the most common exception. Should you feel the need to have more than one login, you need to contact an admin or moderator, explain your reasons why, and then you'll be told yes or no. Some common occurrences of multiple memberships - I can't access my account In this for instance, don't create a new account, CONTACT someone. Once you can show you do belong to the account in question, your login information will be provided to you. I wanted to separate certain characters within my stories, with a new profile These are subject to immediate deletion. As often, there is double uploading as well. Aside from that, it's not a sufficient reason to create another login. I am writing with someone else and we both need access to the account This is generally allowed. However, you DO need to inform the moderator team of this, so you're not accidentally deleted as a duplicate.
    1 point
  15. We've been coming across this a fair bit recently. Someone sees a story which is unfinished, maybe abandoned, hasn't been touched for a long time. That person decides that they'd like to see it finished, so go ahead and do it. Here's the thing. UNLESS the original author has given permission to take over the story, this can't be done, as we will treat it as a form of plagiarism. Unless the user can provide proof they've been given permission to continue the story when asked for it, the user can expect that the story itself will not be allowed to stay on the site. Now, since this is something that hasn't been made clear in the past, here is how you can expect to have this handled. Rather than an instant deletion of your account, the first time this happens, the story will be hidden, and the user emailed so that the user can remove the story in question. If it happens a second time, one can expect to be processed completely as a plagiarist, which INCLUDES account deletion.
    1 point
  16. Short answer: NO. This is considered unauthorised advertising and is against site rules. Whether the pay site is yours or someone else's, we don't allow links to them within stories uploaded to the archive. Links to personal websites are permissible, but really should be included on your profile, not in a story. If you wish to advertise on the site then there is more information here. If further information is needed then feel free to contact an admin.
    1 point
  17. Melrick


    Please don't use great long signatures in the forum. Some people love to put their favourite quotes, favourite stories, favourite fandom, favourite belly button lint colour, all in the signature... this can easily get out of hand. Keep your messages short. And if you wish to display a picture in the signature, one picture is preferable, and make sure that it is small. You should also be aware that sometimes when you place a picture in the signature, you think it's going to appear small, but in reality appears full size; always double check how your signature looks after changing it. There's no hard and fast rule as far as to size and dimensions regarding pictures in signatures, it's mainly a matter of common sense; simply choose a small picture, and if there's any problem with it for any reason then you'll be notified of it. Oh, and keep in mind that if the picture is deemed offensive for any reason then it'll be removed, regardless of the size, with a warning not to use a picture like that again. Many people dislike huge signatures, and if your signature is deemed annoying for whatever reason then you'll be asked to change it. If you don't then we'll change it for you, with a warning. People are here to read topics, not signatures.
    1 point
  18. Short answer: NO. Long answer: Some people like to communicate with reviewers of their own stories by leaving their own reviews in response. Some people like to carry on arguments with negative reviewers of their own stories. Some people like to make comments in their own reviews to artificially inflate their review count. Whatever the reason, we don't allow it, and will actively delete them. Continued breaches of our Terms of Service may get you banned. If you wish to communicate with specific reviewers then either email them, or if that's not possible, make a short author's note at the beginning or end of a chapter to address them. Do not create a separate chapter just for review replies. The reason is two fold: One; we want the review section to be purely about reviews, and nothing else. And Two, it's an unnecessary waste of bandwidth, something that's extremely important with a website that is entirely free to you, but definitely not for us. Is there anything else you can do to communicate with your reviewers? Well yes, yes there is! It's the very thing you're looking at right now: the forum. Here's what you can do... Okay, let's say you wrote an Original story. Firstly, you would find the "Fan Fiction" subforum. Find the "All Other Archive Categories" subforum. Click on the "Original Writing" subforum, then select "General". Then you click on the "Start New Topic" button near the top right. For "Topic Title" you could write the exact name of your story and indicate that it's for review replies (e.g., Review Replies for "Story Name"). Then you would start it off by perhaps introducing your story, leaving a summary (just to be sure visitors know it's for the correct story), any other info you want to include, a link to your story on the archive, and encourage people to comment. Make sure you don't include spoilers for your story! Finally, regarding your actual story in the archive, include an "author's note" at the end of the story/chapter, encouraging people to go there to comment, making SURE you include a link directly to it in the forum. And if you didn't write an Original story? Once you're in the "Fan Fiction" subforum, just look around until you find your fandom. As always, if you're unsure then simply ask a forum mod.
    1 point
  19. First of all, there are SOME special circumstances where this is allowable, and in fact done. However, the forum is set up to where one is supposed to have an archive ID to be able to create a login for it. Say, for example, you've visited the site for a long time and simply don't choose to create a login. I did that for many years myself, so I do understand that. Finally created a login for reviewing purposes only (for those writers who require logged in reviews), as I'm not a writer. In any case, should you want to join the forum, and don't have an archive ID, email me at forums@adult-fanfiction.org with your reasons as to why you REAAAALLLLY don't want an archive ID, and would still like to be active in the board. I'll take it from there. Otherwise, one can safely assume that UNLESS I know about it, and the reasons why one is logged into forum without an archive ID, that your user ID will be deleted from forum.
    1 point
  20. DemonGoddess


    As we all know, there are people who go to discussion boards and groups and make posts designed to create problems with the members of that community. Frequently, you'll see that sort of behavior in political discussion, religious discussion, things of that nature. Where a poster (almost always someone new to the community) posts an opposing argumentative view to piss off the other posters in the topic. It's certainly obvious enough when it happens. Trolls tend to show a PATTERN in posting. There are a couple ways to handle them. First is to NOT feed the troll. Ignore him or her. Simple, and usually works. The second option is also simple. report the post and member. Forum admin (me) will handle it from there.
    1 point
  21. First of all, everyone has their own unique viewpoint as to what actually constitutes flaming. For the purposes of the forum, I'll keep it on a simple level. By flaming, I mean no PERSONAL attacks of other forum members in your posts. You know, no name calling, directly verbally attacking another member to incite a problem. If a member does flame another, there will be consequences if the behavior persists. Generally, I've found that a private request to take the argument private usually works, and there is not usually a NEED to place someone on moderated status. That's something that will only occur where absolutely necessary. In other words, we don't want to prevent healthy discussion, and/or heated discussion. But flaming someone directly is not acceptable as a method of posting and will be dealt with accordingly.
    1 point
  22. Duplicate accounts will be deleted. Generally, if a Member has two Forum accounts, the one with fewer posts will be deleted. If the reason for creating a duplicate account is because you no longer have access to the email you registered with, for example, rather than creating a duplicate account, simply email forums@adult-fanfiction.org SUBJECT: Forum account problem. Detail the nature of your problem, and it can be usually be corrected in short order. Do not create a duplicate account to relieve restrictions upon your main one; it is possible that this will earn you a stricter punishment than the one you were originally assigned. We are penalizing the Member, not an account. So you all know, if I FIND a duplicate member, duplicates are subject to IMMEDIATE deletion without notice, upon discovery.
    1 point
  23. Creating an account with an invalid and/or dummy email address will cause that membership to be immediately DELETED. It is common for spammers to sign into a discussion board using a "disposable" email address which subsequently disappears within a 24 to 48 hour time period. This allows a really dedicated spammer to actually validate IN PERSON, and then spam later. There are clear instructions you need to follow when signing up to join the forum; all you have to do is read all the information provided and follow the instructions. Failure to follow those instructions will ensure you do not get approved to join the forum.
    1 point
  24. A spam topic, is one in which it is the same topic, blasted througout the board. A good example of this would be where a spammer has created a login, and the next thing you know, you have links to pill sites in every forum in the board. There are tools in place to prevent spambots from infesting the board, however, a DEDICATED spammer will actually sit through the verfication process in order to be able to spam a discussion board. ANY discussion board. What happens next These type of topics are ALL moved to the "spam graveyard". A member who comes onto the board with the express purpose of spamming the board, will be suspended INDEFINITELY. If upon further checking, that it is found that a new spammer is actually an old one that was suspended, then that person will be banned. Keep in mind that a spammer isn't just someone really concerned about the size of your penis, or desperate to help you out by selling you cheap pills. If you have a great story that you feel everyone should read and you subsequently post a link to it on multiple forums across the board, then you're a spammer and will likely get suspended. If you'd like to promote a story that you've uploaded to the AFF archive, then we have a forum for that: Promote a story forum If you have a website or a forum you'd like to promote, or if you'd like to place an ad asking for role players, etc, then we have a forum for that, too: Great wall of...
    1 point
  25. Guest User Guest users may view and post to limited areas of the forum. In order to actually USE the board to its fullest, a person must create a login. A guest user can not use the Shoutbox. The areas available for guest viewing, posting replies and starting topics are: Support forum Contest forums Suggestion forums Report forums Bug Tracker (this was installed to be used for both the archive and forum for bug reports) Searching for a Fic forums Challenges/Requests forums Archive FAQ Requst The areas available for guest viewing, posting responses are: Site Announcements All fanfiction related forums The areas available for view ONLY are: Archive FAQ Forum Rules Request a Beta Junior Member up to 29 total posts May send no more than 5 emails a day via the board May upload an avatar, to be no bigger than 100x100 pixels, and 20kb in size May edit their individual profile Is limited to a total of 20 messages in their PM message center Is limited to an image 150px x 300 px, no more than 4kb in size for signature use. Can rate topics (where topic rating is enabled) Status changes once member reaches 30 posts Member/Artist 30 and more posts May use the board email function, no more than 15 times in a 24 hour period May upload an avatar, to be no bigger than 100x100 pixels, and 20kb in size May edit their individual profile Can rate topics (where topic rating is enabled) and change topic votes Is limited to a total of 100 messages in their PM message center Is limited to two images 150px x 300 px, no more than 20kb in size for signature use. Validating Member in validation queue May NOT send emails via the board May NOT upload an avatar May NOT edit their individual profile May NOT post May NOT have a signature May NOT rate topics (where topic rating is enabled) Status changes to Junior Member once member is released from validation queue by admin
    1 point
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