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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2017 in all areas

  1. Well, today was just a big ball of shit. Here’s to tomorrow being super awesome for the sake of homeostasis.
    4 points
  2. It’s an extraordinary sensation, DP is. I’m sort of assuming Clegane will be the bottom of the cookie, so to speak, with Brienne as the filling and Tormund topping the lot, which is good. He’d have the most experience with this, and he’ll be in the trickiest spot. But for Brienne, it will be an overload of sensation. There is an added level of stimulation from feeling both cocks moving in you, and pressing against each other, with you in the middle. If the men set up a slightly alternating rhythm, it’s absolutely breathtaking. It’s also incredibly empowering, because both males are going to be just as caught up in the sensory overload. They’ll be surrounded in tight heat, and feeling something big and hard pressing against them every time they move, or even breathe. I think you’re right about Clegane being easy to keep in character, and Tormund, too, since he seems a natural as a teacher, or guide, for them both. But Brienne? This is miles outside anything she would ever have dreamed of, and I think she will either let them know (“Move! No, don’t move!”), or be reduced to almost animalistic moans and grunts. But really, this will be brilliant for her, and enormously fun to read, I suspect!
    2 points
  3. Guest

    Problems loggin in

    This is how it worked for me in case anyone has the same problem: Ease all the caches and cookies. Since the beggining, not a week. Restart your computer, not only chrome This enabled me to reset the password, that for some reason, wasn’t possible before WRITE THE FUCKING NEW PASSWORD DOWN SOMEWHERE Thank BronxWench Go back on reading/writing Thank you very much! It’s fixed now!
    2 points
  4. pippychick

    Writing a DP scene

    Well, I’m about ready to start. I don’t think I’ve written this before… it hardly matters even if I have, since I’m doing it with vastly different characters. If I had, it would have involved Nimbrethil, and she was dominant, but she definitely wasn’t a Brienne. Not at all. So... I’ve done the usual oodles of research and stuff, so there’s a lot going through my mind as I attempt this, but if anyone has any tips at all on writing a good double penetration scene, here would be a good place to post them. The biggest challenge, despite the mechanics, the preparation, etc is keeping these three in character throughout. I don’t see the opportunity for all that much dialogue, which is a bit of a bind. I mean, they’ll speak, obviously, but they’re clearly not going to be talking about anything or asking each other the time of day. Dialogue is usually the easiest way to establish character, which pretty much just leaves action, which is already a really busy area, description wise. Still, it should be quite easy to get Clegane in character there, since Brienne will be looking at him through most of it. Rather more difficult for Tormund. But then I suppose he could have more dialogue, as the instigator of this. You’d think Brienne would be easy, as the pov character, but I don’t think that’s going to be the case. This is going to be overwhelming for her, and having her in character in her thoughts isn’t enough anyway. She needs to display it outwardly. Mind you, if ever there was a character likely to ask the time of day under these particular circumstances, it’d probably be her. Actually, I can hear her doing it… But, yes… I’d be really grateful for any suggestions, hints, tips, etc. you guys have.
    1 point
  5. Writing a scene for me? - DP
    1 point
  6. lol my first thought was you or Sara. But I thought maybe TCR could have been feeling frisky too. Because I thought only people fucking around start a review by calling it ‘crap’. <3 I wuw u wifey
    1 point
  7. wow that's some insightful shit right there Like anyone would take writing critique from someone who cant even spell weird right seriously Oooh you just got burned son! lol did u think it was me? is it because of the misspelling?! well now I regret that I white knitted ur ass! but I would never let any lil bitch throw shade at ma waifu!
    1 point
  8. @pippychick Sad thing is, I wanted something to go Crispin’s way too, and I didn’t give it to myself! After I finished this story I kept getting these ideas about things I could do with him, but then I’d remember how the story ended so I couldn’t. Course, I could set it before the story, but who likes going back in time (Besides every historical fiction writer and reader ever, including me...)? I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I honestly didn’t think most people would. Not because of typical writer neurosis, but because it was kinda a weird story where the character development and interactions were all a little off. I wanted to write something like those creepy little stop-motion horror shorts that aren’t particularly scary but are often very artsy and weird in a way reminiscent of nightmares. Most people I know hate those things, but I adore em. Thank you so much for the thought-provoking review <3
    1 point
  9. Hello ‘none of your business’. lol When I saw the email pop up, I legit thought it was one of my friends fucking with me. Not sure what’s going on in your life that you feel the need to be a dick to me, but I hope it helped and someone got something out of it.
    1 point
  10. Chapter 16 is up! Calaca and Iddy finally get a chance to put everything on the table… Well, not everything.
    1 point
  11. Well, at least he made his reasons for leaving clear so all his readers don’t have to wonder? Of course, he also made unfounded judgements and claims about everyone on this site. People he’s never met. I dunno why I’m saying he, maybe it was a woman, or somewhere in between; I’m not sure that matters. I’m not really offended by it, I’m just baffled and incredulous, because of how fricking presumptuous their rant was. In my case, yes, my family would be shamed if they found out what I write. My family is made up of seventh day adventists and uber catholics and bigots. They’d be ashamed of me if they knew I was a feminist, or if they knew I was pro-choice, or if they knew I didn’t believe in a cosmic hierarchy. Or even if they knew I didn’t completely hate the Canadian prime minister lol. The pro-choice thing would probably horrify them more than the writing smut thing. (My grandmother founded a pro-life movement in our area.) Writing smut and violence is healthy. Unless you’re a psychopath and what you’re writing is actually your personal memoirs about rape and cannibalism… It’s therapy. At least for me. It’s a way to vent. I hope y’all never feel ashamed of the depraved things you enjoy writing and reading. People on this site are a million times more creative and open-minded and kind and supportive than any of the anti-smut people I’ve known.
    1 point
  12. Okay… so: I object to having it inferred that I don’t know the difference between fiction and reality. I do. I may at times describe myself as a hobbit, but on official documentation, I tend to go with British, or human if they ask for it (they usually don’t). I object to being expected to feel some kind of additional shame for sexual writing, because frankly, bollocks to that. As someone who has written dark things, and some spectacularly dark themes on despair, I consider that portion of my work falls into the horror/erotica genre, which is perfectly acceptable. While I write fanfiction, a lot of authors who write original fiction have made a lot of money out of that genre. It’s popular enough. No doubt there are people in my life who would be shocked at some of the things I’ve written. Just because I can touch them, doesn’t make a difference. Don’t like, don’t read still applies in their case. I have no intention of changing anything about myself merely for the sake/comfort/enjoyment of others. Ever. Frankly, bollocks to that too. Life is too short for that nonsense. As to you, OP (ForgetMeNaught), I have no idea what you wrote, or of your problems, then or now. I would simply ask that you do not include others in them. You may have changed your mind on what is acceptable, and you are free to do so, but your change in opinion does not mean you should come here and accuse this community of being sordid, distasteful and reprehensible. Nor should you come here and urge others in this community to stop enjoying their activities here. Your issues are your own. I wish the best of luck with them. That is all.
    1 point
  13. The original poster was the member known as ForgetMeNaught. The accounts have been removed from both the archive and the forum, along with any posted stories. ::takes off moderator hat and puts it aside:: As an author, I have to agree entirely with @Desiderius Price on this. Fiction is exactly that: fiction. What I write is not reflective of my life, or my beliefs, or my personal desires. I can, like the vast majority of writers, tell the difference between the imaginary worlds I create, and the reality in which I live. Stephen King is a genuinely nice guy in real life. I had a friend who lived on his street, so that is not conjecture, but rather a factual statement. (Not to mention his corgi, who is known as the Thing of Evil… ) The people I love all know what I write, and to be extremely blunt, I don’t write porn. It’s not about the sex, but I don’t always fade to black when sex happens. If people find that upsetting, they are more than free to pass over my work, here and as published. Seriously. I don’t expect everyone to buy my books, and fawn over me (like the rather promiscuous James Patterson, who is the biggest review whore on the planet). And to be honest, this reminds me of when a bartender I knew decided to go on the wagon, and would lecture me about having a drink while pouring me a double shot when I’d asked for a light drink. It was even more annoying than when he quit smoking, and would lecture me about that habit as well. I’m an adult, and I am responsible for my own life, and own decisions
    1 point
  14. I agree, wasnt too sure what to make of this but after the 5th time reading it (Yes I did) because something felt off, it sounds like to me that someone has high opinions about things and feels they are icky and sick, well guess what buttercup, thats the real world. So you told someone it was ok to do bad things ….. your a dick, even if you told them to do good things, its still their choice to or not to do it. Fiction is just that, fiction, its not real but can use real world things in any number of ways. Its up to the reader/viewer to understand that it is just a story/show/game, if you can not tell the difference, you need to have your head examined. Frankenstein, Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, The three billy goats gruff, all just stories I have a story that is and will involve torture, does not mean I want people to suffer from it or to do it myself, its all about plot and story, if anything in a story makes your skin crawl, and its that kind of a story, good job. if its something simple and just a life style thing or what have you, thats too bad. there is nothing wrong with making content that is shocking, dismaying, hurtful, appalling, or outrageous. once a pon a time, it was seen as scandalous if a woman showed her ankles, look at the world now. if you are emulating something from a movie that is hurtful to people or yourself, physically or mentally, yeah get help, but if its just the narrow minded views of someone else, the world will eat them for lunch.
    1 point
  15. To the original poster, Having seen people just vanish, this announcement, in the least, will be around for when others come asking. Your statement is a rather broad statement, implying that people are incapable of distinguishing fiction vs reality. That you carried fiction into reality when you shouldn’t have, I do wish you learn from this, but your overall reaction seems a bit of a knee jerk. If you’re implying what I think you’re implying, that you become what you write/read, then I should be highly suspect of all Agatha Christie or Sherlock Holmes fans as very shady people. We all have somebody around us who’s on that end of the spectrum where even we try to be “family friendly”, they’d find our work to be irreprehensible. The only way to avoid that is to simply not write, not create, and the world would be a much duller place.
    1 point
  16. Ahhhh! It’s been seven years since I had to write a conclusion to a chaptered story. WTF I have no idea what to do with this conclusion lol. Now I’m all excited and proud and nervous and frustrated all at once, so I’m just gonna scream again, kay? AHHHH!
    1 point
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