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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2017 in all areas

  1. The original poster was the member known as ForgetMeNaught. The accounts have been removed from both the archive and the forum, along with any posted stories. ::takes off moderator hat and puts it aside:: As an author, I have to agree entirely with @Desiderius Price on this. Fiction is exactly that: fiction. What I write is not reflective of my life, or my beliefs, or my personal desires. I can, like the vast majority of writers, tell the difference between the imaginary worlds I create, and the reality in which I live. Stephen King is a genuinely nice guy in real life. I had a friend who lived on his street, so that is not conjecture, but rather a factual statement. (Not to mention his corgi, who is known as the Thing of Evil… ) The people I love all know what I write, and to be extremely blunt, I don’t write porn. It’s not about the sex, but I don’t always fade to black when sex happens. If people find that upsetting, they are more than free to pass over my work, here and as published. Seriously. I don’t expect everyone to buy my books, and fawn over me (like the rather promiscuous James Patterson, who is the biggest review whore on the planet). And to be honest, this reminds me of when a bartender I knew decided to go on the wagon, and would lecture me about having a drink while pouring me a double shot when I’d asked for a light drink. It was even more annoying than when he quit smoking, and would lecture me about that habit as well. I’m an adult, and I am responsible for my own life, and own decisions
    3 points
  2. I agree, wasnt too sure what to make of this but after the 5th time reading it (Yes I did) because something felt off, it sounds like to me that someone has high opinions about things and feels they are icky and sick, well guess what buttercup, thats the real world. So you told someone it was ok to do bad things ….. your a dick, even if you told them to do good things, its still their choice to or not to do it. Fiction is just that, fiction, its not real but can use real world things in any number of ways. Its up to the reader/viewer to understand that it is just a story/show/game, if you can not tell the difference, you need to have your head examined. Frankenstein, Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, The three billy goats gruff, all just stories I have a story that is and will involve torture, does not mean I want people to suffer from it or to do it myself, its all about plot and story, if anything in a story makes your skin crawl, and its that kind of a story, good job. if its something simple and just a life style thing or what have you, thats too bad. there is nothing wrong with making content that is shocking, dismaying, hurtful, appalling, or outrageous. once a pon a time, it was seen as scandalous if a woman showed her ankles, look at the world now. if you are emulating something from a movie that is hurtful to people or yourself, physically or mentally, yeah get help, but if its just the narrow minded views of someone else, the world will eat them for lunch.
    3 points
  3. To the original poster, Having seen people just vanish, this announcement, in the least, will be around for when others come asking. Your statement is a rather broad statement, implying that people are incapable of distinguishing fiction vs reality. That you carried fiction into reality when you shouldn’t have, I do wish you learn from this, but your overall reaction seems a bit of a knee jerk. If you’re implying what I think you’re implying, that you become what you write/read, then I should be highly suspect of all Agatha Christie or Sherlock Holmes fans as very shady people. We all have somebody around us who’s on that end of the spectrum where even we try to be “family friendly”, they’d find our work to be irreprehensible. The only way to avoid that is to simply not write, not create, and the world would be a much duller place.
    2 points
  4. Sounds like one of the count to infinity regulars. or me, except for the being ok with emotional abuse part.
    2 points
  5. Hey, I take offense to that (being one of the count to infinity regulars).
    1 point
  6. This is the essential NaNoWriMo survival kit...
    1 point
  7. Corey16


    I am Looking for someone to write some stories as requests
    1 point
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