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  1. “...I couldn’t take another round with you,” she said, and her voice was a quiet purr of sound, full of satisfaction. It made him feel… blah blah blah… Obviously, I am from the school of: why use one word when ten will do? But I do feel that putting it that way leads nicely into the next thought in the paragraph, which for me is how the male pov character would respond to what she said, and how she said it.
    2 points
  2. The Halloween party is tomorrow guys. I am hoping to get it up before I have to go to a wake that day, but bear with me if I’m a bit late. Everyone is still invited, put on your best Halloween stories and join the fun. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/65894-2017-halloween-party/
    1 point
  3. CloverReef

    Why do you write?

    This stuff is friggin fascinating. I think I'm in the middle of both. My stories begin both as fantasies sometimes and from characters or little random scenes other times. I've always had an element of a sexual theme right from the start even when I was a kid. My stories got dirty especially when my friends were involved. (Apparently groups of 11 year old prairie girls can be twisted.) But even though they were always sexual, the story itself was always super important, second only to character development. I didn't even know pwps were a thing until around the time i came here to aff around 13 years ago lol.
    1 point
  4. I just saw the most amazing thing on here: HOW DO YOU GET A GIF FOR YOUR BANNER??
    1 point
  5. Tcr

    Why do you write?

    And my experience with writing was entirely opposite... To the point that, if I went back in time and showed myself, my younger self would laugh and be like "Can't be me". My original writing had no sex whatsoever in them... How far and strange I have come... How very strange...
    1 point
  6. Review for “The Repair Guy”, chapter 4. Think of it more like a deer in headlights, Konnor’s a bit dazed, and wants out of the situation ASAP. From his perspective, he goes to do a repair job, only to get a girl dangling by his balls and she’s holding on tight. Church… I was picturing it along the lines of a bigger megachurch, it can’t be too big because its in the middle of Atlanta, near a college with an obvious transient population. So, on this particular Sunday, it’d be closer to empty because of the college year being done. I didn’t invest too much time, just a mental picture, no maps/charts/etc, because I don’t plan to revisit that particular building.
    1 point
  7. You know, I’ve always looked to Sheffield’s industrial past and thought there must be a good supernatural horror story or two lurking there. Sheffield’s heart is a dark, dead space filled with crumbling red brick buildings blackened with grime, and smashed factory windows. And it’ll remain like that forever, no matter how much “regeneration” they engage in. It’s our history. All those souls lost to industry. And through the middle of it all, making it possible, the river Don. Without the river, there’d have been no industrialisation of Sheffield. If that river was conscious, and it could speak, it would hate all of us. Without a doubt. I mean, I won’t write that, but that’s the angle I’ll probably take. I love your idea! It’s the resentment of the natural world, personified in a single instance between a river and a man. If effluent, toxic chemicals and waste from manufacturing processes can hurt and kill a river, I’m sure there’s an equivalent for a man. The body horror I’m evisaging is kind of taking you literally. I mean, sticks, stones and riverbed mud in odd places would be incredibly painful, perhaps even fatal. And especially if they just kept appearing. How long would this man endure something like that before he went along to the doctor? Would he? How would he hide it? When exactly would he get past the point of entitlement (once he realised what was happening to him) and decide that it was time to appease whatever it was he’d angered? Would it have a chance in hell of working? And that’s just first thoughts. Lots of evil potential! *rubs hands together*
    1 point
  8. Haha… seems to me there’d be a whole lot of scope for genuine body horror in this one. Similar theme, completely different approach to the other one I wrote. If I ever get done with GoT, and no one else has taken it, I might keep this in mind.
    1 point
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