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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2017 in all areas

  1. Hide_My_Sins

    To ANON

    Thank you. That’s nice to know. But as I said, I won’t be working on my AFF stories for a long time. At the start of the new year, I will be working on 4 books. A sci-fi story, a fantasy, and two fiction books (one of them a sequel to my first book). I also have a script that I’m do for a special project I’ve joined. My last post for the time will be for my Powerpuff collection, then I’ll only be on here to read. Just think of it as a LONG hiatus. I might get back to working on them, if ever, but I’m going to be giving my unfinished works up for adoption. So don’t worry, I’m not giving up writing at all. I’m just going to be working on what’s most important to me. Again, thank you. And don’t worry about the review. I just want to leave some responds, as I wanted to make sure I responded to all reviews in the next chapter. This was only made because I plan on taking a hiatus.
    2 points
  2. Hide_My_Sins

    To ANON

    I’m making this topic to address a critic to my works. I don’t know who they are, as they leave anonymous. I just want to say to them, you’re right. My stories are way, WAY to insane and unbelievable to make to good ficition. At least the Pokemon ones you reviewed. I don’t blame you for calling me out on it. I’m glad you told left that review the first time. I did not know that would happen, and it was nice. You learn something new everyday. BUT, I have to just say this. I originally wrote these to release sexual fertilization I’ve been having. That’s the reason my Username is “Hide_My_Sins”. Yeah, I need to get laid. That’s the main reason I wrote these, around the same time. Just to get them out of my head. I decided to post them to see how people would react. So I should have expended this. But yeah, if you’re wondering why they have the same “issue”, it’s because I nearly all of these at the same time, without any way to know these facts before hand In other news, I’m going to stop writing my fanfictions for a long time now. It has nothing do to with you, weather that makes you happy or sad, or anyone else for that matter. I just have some other works to do. Stories that I’m working and want to write. Manuscripts I hope to one day publish, and a script for a fan series. Don’t worry, I working with others to made sure my stories don’t go completely bonkers. No matter. I said my piece. I hope you have a wonder day and life full of happiness and fortune.
    1 point
  3. BronxWench

    To ANON

    The reviews are harsh, yes. They don’t quite cross the line into flaming, but in case ANON decides to peek in on this thread, I’d like to ask one thing as lead moderator: ANON, you’re reading a fan fiction about game characters based on an anime. In other words, the story revolves around cartoon characters. Why on the good green Earth are you looking for sensibility? Can’t you just suspend belief and try to enjoy? If the answer is no, then let me point you to some other subdomains where you might encounter a larger dose of sensible reality… wait… oh! Perhaps the Non-fiction section of Originals. Aside from that, we’re all about the fiction here, sensible or otherwise. We’re also all about being adults, and the phrase, “Wow, what a retard” is hardly an adult way to begin a conversation. If you care to debate that point, PM me, Anon. I can do this talk all day long. I have a 22 year old and a 19 year old at home. Trust me, the topic is a hot one around here. Hide_My_Sins, I strongly recommend setting your account to block anonymous reviews in future to avoid future visits from those who don’t have the courage of their convictions and won’t leave their pen name with a review.
    1 point
  4. pippychick

    To ANON

    Hello, Hide_My_Sins As a moderator of the archive, when I saw this post I had to respond. I’m so sorry that these reviews have been left for you. After reading your post, I did go to check them out, and see if I could identify the user at all. I’m sure the lead moderator will have something to say too, but we take a very dim view of flame reviewers here. As long as a stories’ tags are correct, this archive is against censorship of any kind. That includes those who leave flame reviews, since often the aim of them is to stifle the free creativity of others. If you want those reviews removing from your stories, we can help you with that. You can also turn off anonymous reviews in your preferences, which would force this person to log in, and therefore stop them from hiding behind anonymity. Lastly, I hope that this experience won’t put you off, and that we’ll continue to see you making use of AFF and the archive for a long time to come. That’s what we are here for. We are all of us, together, a community, though we all write different things for lots of different reasons. When you joined us, you became part of that, and you are as important as any other member here. As I say if you need any help or guidance, just let us know.
    1 point
  5. Of course, the most guilty party in all of this devastation is the author
    1 point
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