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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2017 in all areas

  1. pippychick

    give me prompts

    Someone moves into a new house. While waiting for their new wifi to be set up, they can’t help noticing that alongside all of their new neighbours’ locked wifi connections, there is an open connection with an innocent title. Maybe it calls itself “Free Wifi” or something. Maybe the person ignores it at first. So it gets creative. It changes its tag. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? (OPEN) JOIN THIS NETWORK (OPEN) WHILE YOU’RE WAITING FOR YOUR OWN WIFI TO BE SET UP (OPEN) Maybe it starts calling the person by name. Until, eventually, overcome and doomed by their own curiosity, they connect. What do they expect? The world to fall down? Did they use that less valuable laptop? The old one? You know the one, the one that it doesn’t matter if it gets compromised somehow? The one they never use for banking? Does it matter? They’re online. They can do all the usual things they do while online. They can read the news, go on twitter, talk to friends. They can view pornography. They can post any old filth that they want. Perhaps it’s surprising how quickly they trust this new connection, having run a couple of virus checkers and malware programs. There’s really nothing wrong with it. Maybe there’s something wrong with them. Possibly, they never actually made it to their new house, and their newly freed soul got lost somewhere on the way to the next place. The choices they make and the spaces they visit would determine which place that would be; heaven or hell. Obviously, I’m imagining it would be a lot more fun for the MC to be damned by themselves, but you could go the other way. It’s a microcosm (in a story) of the whole ‘free will’ thing, so you could make it as philosophical as you want, as satirical as you want, and clearly there’d be lots of lovely temptation going on left, right and centre that you could play with.
    3 points
  2. JayDee

    give me prompts

    No, I don’t have any prompts for Wat. As fine a name as it was for many a medieval commoner. Most famous being Wat Tyler.
    3 points
  3. JayDee

    give me prompts

    Some prompts: The last Angel in a universe abandoned by god and overrun by demons goes on a quest to find a really good taco stand and falls in love with the woman running it. ** A woman finds using Tinder finds herself. She gets in contact thinking it is someone pretending to be her, and discovers it’s connected to a parallel universe. She has phone sex with herself. ** A redheaded witch gets gangbanged by… wait, no fanfiction. And it’s not my prompt anyway. ** The (fictional) world’s shortest woman meets the world’s tallest man at a world record event and has sex somehow. They’d probably need lube. ** A nerd goes to fuck his mom’s vacuum cleaner. When he kisses it, it turns out to have been an elven princess under a curse. She mocks him for trying to fuck a vacuum cleaner and then fucks his sister. ** A Dwarf, an Elf and an Amazonian warrior walk into a strip club. ** A woman with vagina dentata meets a man with a regenerating penis. ** Man picks a woman up in a bar and she turns out to be an IRS Agent. ** A woman can only come in haiku. ** A man and/or woman engages in some form of sexual contact with a man and/or woman. ** A werewolf accidently gets knotted into a glory hole. ** The spirit of Lake Chaubunagungamaug has sex with the first person in history not to laugh at her name.
    3 points
  4. GeorgeGlass

    give me prompts

    Maybe try writing something from a perspective you’ve never used before. I recently wrote a story in the first person plural (“We look down into the hallway and see...”), and it was a very interesting experience.
    1 point
  5. Okay, so I wrote a book for last years Nanowrimo and couldn’t find anyone to beta it, and I realized I didn’t look here, so, I’m looking here. I have a problem with my tenses, staying in the proper one at the right time, I just slip up, I also need help making it more marketable for mass readers without taking away it’s original juice, but I would like this done with someone who uses my word processor at least (which is Microsoft’s Word) so it’s done with as little work for you and me together. It is a totally original story, no fandom, I made all of this crazy shit up myself and I want all the credit durnit so please, if I give it to you, do not publish, share, do anything with it other than possibly keep it for yourself and maybe in case I lose my copy that way I have an emergency with you, but that’s up to you. I’m a squirrel when it comes to files, but I recently lost my entire history, so I’m massively starting to save again, like a squirrel, crazy. It’s set in present time, about a girl who’s just graduating high school and she has these psychic powers and shit happens that’s kinda really bad, and stuff and stuff and it’s got a lot sci-fi/fantasy of setting up a world as I plan on writing four books all together in this universe. I would like to see at least a few things that you have done, so I have an idea if we mesh or not, I hope to find some one!
    1 point
  6. I’m currently working on an AU Bleach story and have two full chapters written and currently working on the third one which is turning out to be a lot longer than planned. So far there are no xxx themes to the story but as it progresses and things develop I’m not going to say there might not be erotic scenes down the road. Mostly I just want someone to help point out any gaps that I should maybe fill, better ways to word or describe things. Just want help fixing the little things I overlook as I write.
    1 point
  7. spiritwolf

    Non exsistant

    Mine told me my story was good but that my telling it was not soi much then I never heard from them again Soifon, I am sure your a great beta, but its been over a month and it's kinda harsh when someone throws stuff like that out then doesn't bother to beta to let you know exactly what you meant
    1 point
  8. Aysha c.c.

    Non exsistant

    I sen't Soifon my Teen Titans story on July 14th about a month and a half later she told me everything was going well and then I mever heard anything from her again. She seemed so enthusiastic; I really thought she was going to be a good beta! What happened Soifon???
    1 point
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