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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2017 in all areas

  1. So, today marks another milestone... Through doubts and all, Blood and Honour has received 1000 dragon prints.
    4 points
  2. It’s official, our first over 70 degree day as it is currently 73 degrees out! There are buds on the trees and it’s time to break out the summer clothes! Woohoo! (Nah, I’m not excited or anything like that. )
    2 points
  3. I'm really getting tired of reading M/M fics where two manly men are turned into simpering little girls because they start fucking. Seriously folks. Now, I've ranted (rather incoherently) about this before, and since that's gotten washed out, I shall rant again in a far more coherent and helpful manner! Here, folks, I shall list the myths and facts of homosexual relationships, all taken from chatting with my male gay friends, or from reading articles and interviews on the subject. Woo! MYTH: There's always a top and a bottom. FACT: This isn't even always true in heterosexual relationships, why would it be in a relationship between two men/women? While there are some couples who work like this, as far as I've seen, most don't. There's usually no official top or bottom, and even when there is, it's not always determined by how flamboyant a person is. It can be determined by age, but usually, it's done by preference. Some, no matter their personality, prefer to take it up the ass rather then give, and visa versa. MYTH: All gay men are flamboyant, and all lesbians are butch. FACT: Erg... Just because that's what's most commonly advertised doesn't mean it's fact. I believe this one comes from the fact that the most identifiable homosexuals are those who act out of "gender norm," so to speak. However, the idea that all people act a certain way do to sexual preference is rather short sighted and narrow minded. There's also a lot of pressure on homosexuals to act this way, primarily by other homosexuals, with the belief that if a person is a certain way, they must act a certain way as well or else their posers. That's just ridiculous folks, there's more to a person then who they fuck. MYTH: All gay men have AIDS. FACT: ...WHAT? Folks, if all gay men had AIDS, EVERYONE would have AIDS. COME ON! While, yes, it's shown to be most prevalent in the gay community, it should also be noted that half of all people who have AIDS are WOMEN. MYTH: All anal sex must be prepped no matter how often you have sex. FACT: The first few times? Definitely. However, if the "bottom" is particularly experienced, and has had his "booty plundered" pretty often, then all that is needed is lube for a smooth entry because the anal muscles have become accustomed to being stretched and are no longer so tight as to cause pain. Hmm, I think that's all. Feel free to add to that list, and I'm also open to debate on these points.
    1 point
  4. I’ve suspected as much, but I wasn’t sure. Glad to hear that it was merely spam! Thank you very much for your hard work!
    1 point
  5. Oh. My. God. Howl’s Moving Castle is an amazing movie. Now I have to go devour the rest of Studio Ghibli’s films I’ve been procrastinating about watching for years. If I disappear for another month, blame Turnip head.
    1 point
  6. From all_possible_worlds on March 18, 2017 Thank you! I can't resist a cliffhanger. It's like heroin. You called it. Pretty much all of that will be addressed in chapter 12. Thank you! I've always believed that any kind of story can have depth -- even a porny cartoon fanfic. All shall be revealed... Wow. That's awfully high praise! I wanted Janna not to end up the odd girl out after doing the right thing by Star. Then I thought about Ruby, and how much the two of them have in common, and there it was. Not in this story, because we're down to the last chapter, but who knows -- I might be inspired to write a spin-off story at some point. Like most villains, Tom (or my version of him, anyway) doesn't see himself as a villain. He is so self-centered that he sees everything he is doing as necessary and justified. That's what makes him irredeemably evil. Never! Your wish is my strongly worded suggestion.
    1 point
  7. sweetmamajama

    Naming places

    Ok...I got nothing more to add. But yeah thanks clovey as always you are most helpful!
    1 point
  8. There always seems to be some breakdown of communication somewhere that leaves authors and readers frustrated with each other. To open those lines of communication I submit this post, one of two, that will help break down what both writers and readers like to see. These are working guidelines, so feel free to add on your own opinions. I'm only going to post a few that I know of and hope that other people can help feel out the form to its fullest. Remember, don't be unreasonable with your suggestions. Ten Commandments o1) Using author's notes is not necessarily a bad thing, but using them excessively is both annoying and hinders reading of the story. o2) Similarly, making author's notes in the middle of the story should almost never be done. If things need to be noted, make a mark indicating a footnote and explain it at the end. o3) While the size of each chapter is completely dependent on the author's own opinion of how the story needs to go, it can be exceedingly frustrating to see a one page update. o4) Do not hold your story hostage for reviews. It's incredibly immature and it is rude to your dedicated readers. o5) Don't assume that just because you've posted a story that you are entitled to reviews. o6) While everyone has different schedules and RL to deal with, not updating your fic (without any word to your readers) is frowned upon--sometimes it cannot be helped but it is best to try and avoid it if at all possible. o7) Authors should always proofread their story before it is posted. Betas are bonus points and can only really help a story and author.* *There is a whole subtopic in the forums that is dedicated to beta reading. If you're looking for one or would like to volunteer, please go check it out.
    1 point
  9. I have to say that I have someone in my family that thinks all of these myths are true, and quite a few more as well. Her favorite ones... Myth: All homosexual people are pedophiles. Truth: Just because you like the same sex does not mean you are more predisposed to this. If anything, there might be a few less - I don't know as I haven't really done a lot of research on it. Myth: All homosexuals are just "mixed" up and need someone to show them the right way to act. Truth: There is no right or wrong way to act or be when it comes to sexuality as long as your partner is of age and you're not hurting anyone. Myth: Homosexuality is a disease that can be cured. Truth: Give me a fucking break! Even if down the road we find out that it's a genetic disposition it's not a disease. It's how you feel, what you believe to be right, what you prefer, and above all how you are. There is no cure because there's nothing wrong with it. And my favorite one of all (which she throws at me all the time)- Myth: If you can write M/M or F/F relations then you must have dabbled in it at some point. Truth: Just because I've done my research, talk to people, and write about M/M or F/F doesn't mean I've dallied. I'm female - and I love cock. That's not to say I'm not curious about the opposite side of the coin, it just means that I haven't found anyone I found to be attractive to try it out with.
    1 point
  10. MYTH: People who write slash or M/M or F/F must be homosexual. FACT: Writers of any sexual preference can write just about anything and everything. Just because you write a slash fanfic doesn't make you homosexual. I am heterosexual and I've written just about every sexual preference.
    1 point
  11. Myth: Most folks are only bisexual because they can't seem to find a sexual relationship with the opposite gender. Fact: You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard this. For some people, gender flat out just doesn't matter. Bisexuality is just another orientation. Myth: Gay men are easy. Fact: Yeah, there are a few downright sluts out there, and I do know a few, but come on, people. Just because I'm gay, and you're gay, it doesn't mean I want to sleep with you.
    1 point
  12. This made me laugh....I do know a couple of flamboyant gay men, but most gay people I know are 'normal' people and one of them I would never have guessed was gay! That was a real shock!! (I have no gay-dar so...) LOL. Myth: Bisexual women are more than likely full on lesbians. Fact: Okay this isn't true LOL. A friend of mine said this to me once and my only comment was "No, sorry it's not true." Most bi-sexual people enjoy both genders. There is no particular preference. They enjoy the best of both worlds
    1 point
  13. Myth All gay tops have penises the size of Canada. Fact Just... no. Sorry girls.. no....
    1 point
  14. Here's one I forgot... MYTH: Bisexuals are usually promiscuous. FACT: I have no idea where this comes from. Perhaps bisexuals are more open minded by nature, or perhaps it's due to the notorious "College Bi" who's not really bi, but either experimenting or just doing it to attract attention from guys. Whatever, I don't know. What I do know is that sexual orientation does not dictate promiscuity level. Bisexual just means that a person likes both men and women who fit a specific mold, not a person who'll fuck both at the same time.
    1 point
  15. MYTH: There is always a man in a lesbian relationship. FACT: Lesbians are rather notorious for being women. There is no 'man' in a lesbian relationship. Even if the butchiest butch hooked up with the femmiest femme there would still be nobody to take on the role of the 'man'. Because they're women who like women.
    1 point
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