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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2017 in all areas

  1. I really should make time to write that explicit pornographic retelling of “Bobby Shafto”...
    4 points
  2. My new rule is to only read any work of fiction if it contains at least one character, male, female or other, called “Bob” or “Bobbie”.
    3 points
  3. I’m a bit anal about character names. There’s a lot of criteria I need to check names off against when I’m planning MCs. I typically use baby name lists for real world names and name generators for fantasy name inspiration that I chop up and smoosh together. They have to collectively not sound too alike, both phonetically and syllable...wise? Course they have to fit the world, and region, and whatever other social circumstances. If it’s a rare or fantasy name, my biggest concern is finding something that doesn’t look too odd when repeated multiple times in a paragraph. And I like to know the meanings and pronunciations of course too, just to make sure I didn’t name them after a cow turd or something. Then, once that’s all figured out, they have to feel right for the character. This process can take anywhere from 10 minutes to hooours. Like the fantasy world char I’m trying to name right now. Lufer… Elari… Luflaraoisjd…? FML.
    3 points
  4. Strickly no Robbies. It’s a short step from Robbie to Rabbie, and before you know it you’re up to your neck in witches called Cutty.
    2 points
  5. I want to read about the adventures of Mister Luflaraoisjd now.
    2 points
  6. As the title implies, I am wondering what thought processes (if any) people use in the naming of their story’s characters. Thoughts?
    1 point
  7. Like BW, I have no Bob or Bobbie, but I do have a nicknamed Robbie... Doesn't count? Damn, I tried...
    1 point
  8. ::peruses WIPs:: Well, shit. I have no Bobs or Bobbies, but I do have lots of dangly bits. Oh, well…
    1 point
  9. Thank you so much, KimiDoll! I’m glad you liked it. Riki (kind of) behaves for one day here. I don’t expect this will continue, and neither should Iason, but he wants it so much he’s forgetting, hence the forward thinking. Also, Iason thinks enjoying what Riki feels like, and Riki himself are two seperate prospects, and that he can keep them comparmentalised, but he can’t. That’s going to come as quite a surprise to him, even if he doesn’t realise it until the very end. And, yes… Riki really didn’t want to hear that. What an utterly awful thing, even to think about. Poor Riki. I don’t doubt that psychologically, he’s going to find a way to survive what Iason wants from him, but he’s never going to give up. I’m glad you like those little mentions of the differences between machine and human, especially from Iason’s pov. Also glad you like the psychology. I wonder how Iason will deal with himself, when he realises he’s being driven by more than logic? Btw, welcome to AFF – I’m so glad you came to follow the story here
    1 point
  10. I will accept the hug but not the you sticking to fanfiction (though I do love your stories). And yeah, I sort of forgot about that, think I almost passed out the first time and I know I cried then too. Mustn’t forget the good. Interestingly enough, if I hadn’t come here to AFF I’d have never found the courage to submit to a publisher so you’re on the right track.
    1 point
  11. *sighs* *hugs CL too* I think I’m going to stick to fanfiction.
    1 point
  12. Oh, I really wouldn’t worry. Just as in RL, the people whose good opinion you’re worried about are far too busy deleting and editing their own forum posts while worrying what you think… I guarantee it *g*
    1 point
  13. I'm kind of strange in this regard. Some just come to me like that (...I guess snapping fingers is a little pointless to show...) while others have taken a while. When I can't just come up with one right off the bat, I often form up a list of random names. Everything I can think of potentially working with regards to the world I am creating. A three column sheet that has given, middle, and surnames. Then I take a look through. It depends a lot on the character as well as the story and consequent plans. Usually I have a bit of an idea of what personality and whereabouts their character arch is going, so this helps a bit. But... A fantasy world is not likely to have Bob for an Elf (okay, someone's throwing tomatoes...), although I would love to hear a tale about Bob the Elf... Depending on the character, too, does the name suit them? At least with me, it becomes a challenge to find a name that I feel fits a character. There a many times, too, that I'll take an existing name that may fit, but doesn't 'look' right for the character and twist it. (For example: Erica - Arika, Zachary -Zakari, Xavier - Zavier.) People are quite creative with names, so I wouldn't be afraid to experiment. And finally, at the end of development, the epic question (well... To me at least): Does it sound like something someone would have? In my case, as mine is not fantasy, I cannot speak much there,but I'm guessing there might be similar veins as naming conventions help make a race... But, I will leave that to other, more experienced, people. Anyway... What I mean is, I have found that most people I know, myself included, have names that roll off the tongue... Most do not have a name like Rhodel Adriana Benedict. Many have something like Thomas Christopher Anderman. It may not roll off the tongue well, but it's not as much a tongue twister as the first... (Okay, the audience is throwing the beer bottles; I'm off.)
    1 point
  14. I holler out to whoever’s in the room with me “Give me a girl/boy name!” My kids love playing the naming game. Of course this is usually just for non MCs because the MCs usually come to me with a name already attached.
    1 point
  15. I like the old dracula/alucard thing of giving them a backwards name. Hence the demon Eparlegna and his hobby of appearing in the sort of story that Tumblr’s more activist users do not care for. Also, occasional jokey/wordplay names. Otherwise, I just mess around until something fits.
    1 point
  16. I’ve seen sites with name generators keyed to several specific genres, too. Sometimes I’ll just flip open the phone book to random pages. One time I did that with the in-flight magazine on an airplane.
    1 point
  17. mix and match names of people I know. First name of one person, last name of another. I know someone who named his MC after our cat LOL
    1 point
  18. For me, it depends on the world. If I’m writing for a fandom, such as Lord of the Rings, or Dragon Age, I look to the fandom’s naming conventions. Tolkien resources abound online, nd for Dragon Age, each realm corresponds to a degree to a country in our own world. Ferelden is English/Scottish. Antiva is Spain. Orlais is France. So, using names from those countries works well. As far as original work, however, that’s part of my world building. I absolutely agree with Des that you do need to adjust for balance. And for how it sounds. Say it out loud, because I promise you, your readers will, and if it sounds wrong, it takes them right out of the story.
    1 point
  19. Random name generators help out a lot. (With some selection for balance and having it sound right.)
    1 point
  20. Re: “Excuses” Unlike most of my stories (which take months to write, even the single-chapter ones), this one was mostly written in the space of a single day. It just took hold of me and made me keep going until it was done. I think that’s why it came out as you describe it. Thanks so much for the comments!
    1 point
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