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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2017 in all areas

  1. So. My almost 81 year old mother is wobbly and not feeling top form because she has a sinus infection, but doesn’t want to take the nice antibiotics which will clear up said infection. My YoungerSpawn is acting out at school and being generally a difficult young male creature, complicated by autism. We may, for the first time, require behavioral therapy. My corgi was back in hospital with cluster seizures, and now has a second medication which makes her sleepy. We’re hoping she’ll adjust to the new med and come back to her sunny self, but the current flattening of her lively nature is heartbreaking. I need it to be April 15, so I can open the lake house and go hide there for a solid week. Alone. With wine and coffee.
    2 points
  2. Any chance of developing seperate Mobile and desktop versions (like how sites have those m. versions that auto-detect a phone)? Seems to work for https://m.xkcd.com/ Wouldn’t have to be implemented right away, just a thought. If it’s a question of server room you could go ahead and delete celeb. I wouldn’t mind, and as a solipsist I think my opinion is more important than y’all illusions. Edit: This isn’t a complaint, just a query!
    2 points
  3. The new layout was done to accommodate mobile users, and the side menus, while admittedly more convenient from my perspective as a devoted desktop user and as someone who trawls through every archive while moderating, were not going to work. There’s always some give and take, and as much as we’d like to, we’re not going to please everyone. However, we’re hoping this makes it easier for the growing number of our members who want to do everything on their mobile devices. The rest of us will eventually get used to the extra steps (says the cranky old dragon who still uses a Galaxy IIIs phone on purpose).
    2 points
  4. Guest

    Site not working

    I'm a guest on the site, and everything was working until 2 days ago. Now none of the links show up, I can't get to the list of different fanfics to pick one to read, and It doesn't show the chapters list on the side of each story anymore.
    1 point
  5. Well, this is a new one on me. On another site, some time ago I received a troll review which was full of swearing and nastiness. It was deleted and reposted again and again over the course of about an hour. Since the troll review was from a registered user, I took a screenshot from my notification email and reproduced it on my review page so that I could reply, thinking that would be the end of the matter. And it was… for a while. This morning, I have a new troll, and I find there is a long rambling discussion about me on the comments section of the original troll’s story (I won’t repeat it – it’s pretty nasty), where they are encouraging each other to continue trolling. I’m hesitant about ignoring a public discussion of myself containing harrassment and namecalling, which leaves me with two options. I can either report the abuse right off the bat. Or I can calmly ask them to stop (on the review board where they’re having this public “discussion”), then report if they do not subside. The second option would seem to be preferable, but I don’t want to start some kind of flame war. I was thinking along the lines of: So… what do you guys think? I am kind of at a loss… *sighs*
    1 point
  6. I have absolutely no objection at all.
    1 point
  7. Guest

    Site not working

    Oh thank you! I use mobile and wasn't having any problems at all, but I'm just one person:). Thank you for the help
    1 point
  8. BronxWench and WillowDarkling: do you have any objection to me pointing people to your author profile page in my author’s note?
    1 point
  9. Unbeknownst to me when I first responded, we’ve embarked on an update to make the menus functional for mobile users. ::sigh:: Go to the story subdomain in question. At the very top of the page, above the new top listing of subcategories, is a clickable for “Search Archive.” It moved over from the left hand side to the top. It still works exactly as described, however. As far as the Forum search, the Forum and Archive are two separate entities. You can’t search the Forum for Archive stories, only for posts relating to those stories. That has never changed. I am going to go have more coffee, liberally spiked with whiskey and Valium, because it’s been that sort of week.
    1 point
  10. Isn’t that what a beta’s supposed to do? Tell it as it is and find the stuff that’s wrong, whether or not it’s a pain in the ass? ;). Honestly, like I say, I don’t mind hearing an ‘impromptu beta’. Seeing what someone else might think works can improve my own writing. CR and I have different styles, different ideas of what needs to be said and what doesn’t, how to do things, et cetera. Having someone else point out something that could be made better, to me, isn’t a bad thing and I have to say that I appreciate hearing a different take on what to do and how to do it. Every bit helps in the long run. Besides, while not a regular occurrence, I have caught myself (and apparently missed), finding sections I’ve edited/changed and forgot to delete. (I’m blaming that weird looking angel on my shoulder, I’m not sure why the horns are holding up the halo, but she always says not to ask, so...) Now that I’ve rambled on, though...
    1 point
  11. Tcr

    Blood and Honour

    Chapter 5 is now posted. As a bit of an aside, a review response thread has also been created, combined for both Blood and Honour and Hell Fall and I’ll answer any questions one may have about this one, or Hell Fall, on there as well.
    1 point
  12. Wait, so it’s starve a troll, feed a fever? I always get that mixed up. But yes, agree with everyone that the best response usually is no response.
    1 point
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