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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2017 in all areas

  1. Well… it’s been a strange few days, that’s for sure! Here are some examples of “alternative facts” for reference: Despite photographic evidence, in terms of visible crowds, less is more. A unicorn just flew past my window with a can of Red Bull in its mouth. It had a sign around its neck saying it was a Pegasus. Being sent abusive comments means you are guilty of harassment. The world is actually flat. There is no such thing as marmite. I do not have work in the morning. I am not going to bed. I am not saying goodnight.
    4 points
  2. I know nothing about the situation, but it’s not like that stopped me from responding before! It’s a shame that those mods aren’t doing a better job at protecting an author from abuse (where they can reasonably do so). Assuming the mods aren’t being malicious in this, I can think of some reasons. 1) the horde replied to the summons, so you’re now one voice vs many on the matter, and they chose to believe the majority. 2) The mods don’t like your pairing either (or one of them has become part of the horde). 3) Way overloaded, and, well you’re one vs many. Trouble with trolls, it’s like weeds in a garden, let one stay, and you’re soon overran by them; chasing good authors away isn’t a good long term strategy. I second JayDee’s opinion, be the adult. If AO3 isn’t a good fit for you, well, AFF’s archives are open
    2 points
  3. Honestly, the best option is probably the responsible adult one
    2 points
  4. I am capable of this. I could gift it to them.
    2 points
  5. The less responsible option is to write a lovingly crafted scene of one of their OTP fucking out the other’s eyes and smearing shit in the sockets. Just for balance there.
    2 points
  6. That would be the rational, adult thing to do… certainly. Unfortunately, as I said above, I was just thinking of kind of “flouncing” off in a flurry of chapters and author’s notes… *sighs* Bollocks. Now I’ve seen the “responsible adult” option, I can’t unsee it. I think I’ll get myself a cup of tea. :/ And btw, you always make me smile
    2 points
  7. I always say you can never trust the moderators of a fanfi… uh… that is, I heard people say that. I wouldn’t. And even then, terrible generalizaton. At this stage though, it seems like walking away from the site might not be the worst option. Not necessarily taking work down, or posting to say why, just disengaging and taking a break. And if you get suspended because of the troll comment, well, if you’ve disengaged and walked away you’d not notice. Also, What the actual fuck!?
    2 points
  8. And roast some trolls while you’re at it. How much ketchup does it require to smother out the flavor of troll?
    1 point
  9. pippychick

    Trolls - Advice needed

    Also, I’m writing a lot of last chapters at the moment as parting gifts to my readers, old and new. So on the bright side it’s making me productive this week!
    1 point
  10. pippychick

    Trolls - Advice needed

    Thanks, Des There has been no “summons” though, so there’s no reason to believe all the troll’s friends have chimed in. They won’t have been informed of anything during the – and I use the term very loosely – “investigation” I have wondered if there has been personal dislike of my content amongst the abuse team. I agree, as a strategy it’s not going to go well for them long term. Oh, AFF is my home! And it has been since before AO3 even existed, back when it was the occasional Yuletide Treasure rarepairing challenge, so no worries there. It’s why I put my personal time in as a volunteer here. I will leave AO3, but I won’t go altogether quietly – sod that. Which means… well, I’ll be as adult as possible. *g*
    1 point
  11. pippychick

    Trolls - Advice needed

    Yeah… thinking about it, if I did write that, to make it really hammer home for them I’d have to write Tolkien characters in a modern college/coffee shop AU setting, and… I don’t mind the rest of it, but that… *shudders* The trouble with the adult version is that it depends mainly upon not giving a flying fuck about anything at all, ever again… and I just haven’t mastered that yet. When I do I probably won’t be bothered to write any more. I’ll probably flounce a little bit, mostly because at least it’ll let people know where the stories have gone. The one adult consideration I’ll make is that before I leave that AN, I’ll remove references to the troll account from my comments section. They’re not responsible for this BS, AO3 is.
    1 point
  12. But nowhere near as much fun.
    1 point
  13. Guest

    Hermione/Draco/Harry Fic

    Wonderful read!
    1 point
  14. Wow… *gulps* I was just thinking of kind of “flouncing” off in a flurry of chapters and author’s notes… Given that I’ve said I won’t cover up bad behaviour, I should really include AO3 Abuse Team’s bad behaviour in that. I really don’t think it’ll come to that, though. The troll isn’t going to comment on our story. What they wanted was to remove that particular story from their view whenever they clicked on the pairing tag, and ironically, ‘Prince in Training’ is not a story I will take down, since it’s a collaboration. Also ironically, I wasn’t considering taking anything down in response to the troll, not even their own comment.
    1 point
  15. It’s definitely a what the actual fuck moment, enough so that I’ve removed my solo work from AO3 and amended my profile to reflect (politely) how I feel about their behavior. Now, given Pip and I have a co-written piece still up there, I do hope the troll drops by that story. I doubt it, because it’s not their OTP, but just in case they are indulging in personal harassment of Pip, I will document it, send it to the Abuse Team, and tell them if the troll isn’t warned, I will require an explanation, in writing, from their Legal Team as to why they are choosing not to enforce their Terms of Service in a fair and impartial manner, with the understanding if I don’t like what the Legal Team has to say, I will ask my attorney to review it to determine if AO3 will be considered culpable in any action I might take.
    1 point
  16. Melrick

    And I’m back in action again.

    And I’m back in action again.
    1 point
  17. Guest

    Hermione/Draco/Harry Fic

    I found it. What a Witch Needs by Petalsoft. Highly recommended. I have read it more times than i could count
    1 point
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