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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2016 in all areas

  1. There is no mead in the mead shop. Not a single drop. Not until after Christmas, anyway. In desperation, I walked into the ASDA earlier to ask if they sold it. They’d obviously never heard the word before in their lives, and insisted on pronouncing it as: “Meeeeeed…?” That is what I call a wasted youth, and *waggles finger* it’s a sign of just what has gone wrong with this country since the time of King Arthur. Let’s make Britain great again. Let’s make mead! We could employ at least… ten people! And thousands and thousands of bees. That will give the bees work to do, and stop them from dying all over the place from worklessness. We have lots of bees, all doing nothing for most of the year. Hiding in their homes with the curtains drawn while the rest of us go out to work in the morning. We all know China is making cheap mead on the side, flooding the market with it. That was a fantastic day… but anyway! We will install a giant net over the UK, keeping our bees safe, and foreign bees out! /satire Tip! To make this parody for yourself, mix equal parts Donald Trump and Iain Duncan Smith. Full recipe details can be found on any mainstream news outlet. Oh, but sadly I wasn't kidding about the mead
    3 points
  2. DirtyAngel

    Magusfang's Corner

    So Lizzie called all laughing and crying and told me that basically Magus’s cancer is in remission. Not like a real remission since he has to still do his monthly chemo, but its stopped cold and not only is there no new growth, but it seems that they knocked it back some. Thank you guys for all the words of support and as you can imagine everyone is pretty happy here, I went across the hall to tell Mon and she went nuts, bet they heard her in the principal’s office LOL. So as I write this, she’s on the phone to Steve, I think we all just got our christmas present early LOL. I’ll be back later when I know more, thanks again everyone, I just know all the positive words of support and everyone keeping him in their thoughts and prayers helped
    3 points
  3. We’re finally, FINALLY getting some new hires in which show promise. Maybe, just MAYBE, we (mgr and I) can start normalizing our work weeks.
    2 points
  4. 2016 is not done with us yet. Goodbye, Andrew Sachs, and thank you for making me laugh. “I know nothing!”
    2 points
  5. Hi everyone, I figured Kari would spread the news quickly, nice to see her smile without the worry in her eyes, this has been pretty hard on her. I appreciate all the well wishes and yes I am pretty happy about today’s appointment as well. So the good news is the cancer’s growth has not only been arrested but the MRI showed a 15 to 20 percent reduction in tumors. What that means is with monthly treatments there is a very good chance I can live a normal life span without further surgery, which is fine by me, getting tired go getting opened up, though only I need one more surgery to hit 25 well still need my back fixed LOL. Been writing again, and just posted SITG chapter 20. Things have been going pretty well here last month or so, making me a little paranoid but we can use the good news around here, been pretty dark times this last year. Thank God for Angi or I think we’d have all gone nuts. Nothing like a baby to keep you grounded and moving forward. So all in all, things are very good here and I hope everyone is doing as well, thanks again everyone.
    2 points
  6. Chapter 20 is up sorry it took so long but with the hollidays and everything else its been hard to find time to write.
    2 points
  7. Not sure if right place, but just needed to ultimately let loose… Sorry if not... Begin questionable personal rant: Started Blood and Honour, no problem. Lately, just been lacking inspiration and almost the desire to do so. Been stuck on a scene, can't seem to think a path through the wall right now. Been feeling pretty down about that much. i guess it doesn't help not having feedback to try to improve (... should I be saying that?)... Admittedly, work doesn't let much time to do it, either... Then some personal things happened over the last week and any will to even think about it just left. So there's that to it that's sapped the will... So, I sit, staring at the screen with words typed on it and doubt everything... Damn insecurity, nerves, anxieties, and depression... (Hmmm...too personal?) And nothing gets done... All that runs through my mind is the questions of are people liking them? Pity? Are they accidentally clicking in and getting back out? Is my writing so pathetic that I should just stop entirely? Staring at the words and everything that's happened, I doubt the possibility of a positive answer to them, despite what my Beta and good friend would say… I don't know where I was going with this... Just a ramble about nothing, I guess. Result of an exceptionally terrible last couple weeks. End questionable personal rant… Anyone who reads this through to the end... what are you doing here? Go write something ;). Maybe just letting this out will help some, get back on track... Let me get back to Blood and Honour and Hell Fall so as not to disappoint adoring fans. (On a side note, if this wasn't the place... Forgive me, administration, I began mercy...) Tcr.
    1 point
  8. Honestly, he’s a terrific writer. I’m hoping he’s publishing somewhere, and if so, I’d love to know! I’d buy his books in a heartbeat!
    1 point
  9. As much as it pains me to ask this, if you’ve purchased books from Torquere Press, please don’t. They’ve stopped paying authors, editors, and cover artists. While we’re all trying to get our rights reverted back to us, our books are still listed for sale on Amazon, Torquere, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Google Play Books, and All Romance, to name a few. Check before you buy: if the publisher is Torquere, please don’t buy. We won’t get paid. Writer Beware post
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Because Lincoln's liaisons with the first five sisters all go kind of the way you'd expect, with Lincoln using what he knows about each sister to help her get off, I decided that I wanted his encounter with Lucy to be a little less predictable -- but (IMO) still plausible. So instead of their playing vampires or whatever, I decided to go heavier and show some intimacy and romance between them. Side note: With this review -- the 27th that this story has garnered -- “Whoops” is now my most-reviewed story of all time. (The previous record holder is my Phineas and Ferb story “Tri-Date Area,” which currently has 26 reviews.) So thanks to all of you who have been kind enough to review this story!
    1 point
  12. Re: “Country Summer” I wanted to focus on what Geraldine was thinking and feeling, so I didn't want to include any dialogue that might distract from that. Mike's good like that. I think she'll be happy to accommodate them, too. You're most welcome! Thanks for the review.
    1 point
  13. Your health and recovery is really more important to us then the story. Good to see that your health is getting better.
    1 point
  14. Sniper014

    Magusfang's Corner

    Kari, That is great news. I know that all of you are happy with the news. Hugs to all of you. Steve, take it easy and give all the lovely ladies in your household lots of hugs and kisses. Give Mouse and Monkey lots of loving because I know that they had to be really worried about you. Like I said, take it easy and best of luck on your recovery. Lets hope that it stays away for a long time and that you can be in everyone's life for a long long time.
    1 point
  15. BronxWench

    Magusfang's Corner

    That is the best news!!! I am so happy for you all, and I would hug you all if I was there!
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. darthel0101

    Magusfang's Corner

    A personal message to Kari, Lizzie, and especially, Steve. Treasure these days and make sure that each of you know each other's heart. Today is the only gaurantee that you have. There will be a tomorrow where one of you will have to sustain another when the third is no longer able. Steve, I will confess that I am hungry for more story from you but it is more important that Monkey and Mouse know your love. ... Gawd, I still miss her.
    1 point
  18. Hmm… many outlaws will we have when they make writing/reading without a license illegal? Fahrenheit 451 anyone?
    1 point
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