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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2012 in all areas

  1. You know, it must be that time of year or something. This one was claiming "adoption" which hadn't happened. What REALLY happened is this person was impatient with the author for not updating fast enough. Profile You notice he's claiming abandonment? Well, the author is active. Both on FFN and AFF. She also happens to be a BUSY person IRL. Perhaps the fact that she ignored his pestering should have been a clue, no? This all goes back to the fact that if you think a story is abandoned, and you want to continue it, you ASK THE AUTHOR first. If that person doesn't respond/ignores you, that is NOT permission. That means you leave the story ALONE. It's a direct copy/paste This person didn't even take out the original author's name, or notes. By the way the story is also posted here. (Yes, it's the same author, she uses a different pen name on FFN). See the publish date of the so-called continuation? See the comment in the summary? Now, you cannot tell me this was a mistake. This user knew PERFECTLY well the story was not his to post. Kinda cute how he added the story he was intending on stealing to his profile as something he was reading isn't it? In any case, the first profile was deleted and the user banned. I actually wasn't going to go the full Hall of Shame. Well, I changed my mind. This user created a new profile, fully intended to re-post work not his own. So now he's here. Ain't life grand?
    2 points
  2. Yes. Though, like I said previously, some kids don't learn without the physical aspect of discipline. I know most of my family wouldn't be near as good as we are if there hadn't been a swat or two from people who knew how to use them in moderation. Although my dad has an explosive temper (no, he's never raised a hand to a kid in anger that I'm aware of, and if he did with anyone it probably would have been me or my sister) and could cow almost anyone with his voice alone, so when we were in trouble he just yelled and got really loud toward us. This did not particularly teach me to behave. It taught me to sneak and be a canny little seemingly innocent brat, because living with him and seeing him get mad over things he shouldn't have...well, let's just say that I learned how to snap and snarl right back at him when I felt he was in the wrong. If he'd spanked me instead, maybe I wouldn't have been so bold, but.... Anyway, I was a much more obedient, well-behaved child around my grandpa, who follows the one swat properly applied rule almost religiously. (I have never seen anyone follow it as well as he does. It inspired me. Not only to obedience, but also to the point where, when I have kids, I am going to follow it just as well, with either gender of child, because I've seen it work right. And, okay, in part because I think it could have been used on my younger twin brothers to good effect if only my mom and step dad had started with it when they were young enough. When they did start, it was too late and they wound up going overboard. Now they're disrespectful moronic teenagers who ought to have been kicked out when they finished their senior year in high school. And by disrespectful I mean that their behavior is something anyone else I know would have been booted to the curb for immediately. Including me.)
    1 point
  3. Danyealle

    Lack of reviews.

    I'm going to say this honestly... if you are here to get reviews, get out now. This isn't the place to do that. Some fandoms, especially those that cater to younger beings, get those no matter what craptastic, unreadable BS you put up but most of the fandoms don't get the kind of thing you are looking for, especially the older ones. Some stories, ones that have gone on forever, do get such things but newer ones from authors people don't know tend to not get the mega-hits or review counts. However, though reviews might be scarce as hen's teeth, that doesn't mean what you do get doesn't mean anything. Hell, I have a multitude of stories on this site that have been up for years that have no reviews. A few even came down to be published, and I don't mean self-published either, though they had no reviews on this site. Lack of reviews means nothing. It means that people aren't reviewing for their own reasons. You also need to take into account the concept of review karma, meaning the more YOU review, the more apt you are to get them in return. It does tend to work that way. Reviews are an odd thing. As so many have pointed out, many stories that get mega hits, reviews and rates aren't worth it and you wonder if those that did that read the same one you did while really good ones don't get such things. It just goes that way on all sites I've seen. In closing, I'll say this... if you like what you're doing and do it for your own reason, what difference do reviews make to you anyway?
    1 point
  4. DemonGoddess

    Lack of reviews.

    I'm going to put my 2 cents in here. Something that absolutely SLAYS me is I'll see (and this is on ANY SITE I've visited) absolute and utter hacks getting a ton of reviews. Why? Because it's done by the fanpoodling minions, that's why. Whereas I'll see a helluva story get nothing at all, for a long time, because the author either writes in an obscure fandom, or an old fandom. Yet, when they finally get noticed as they should, they will get some nice reviews. Going back to the flame problem when one gives actual concrit: Again, this is supposed to be a site for adults, not children. That means that as adults, we shouldn't stoop to sending people after someone who takes the time and makes a real effort to give you what you ask for. You don't want concrit, don't ask for it. Don't waste a reviewer's time that way.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Cuzosu


    For me, writing about the darker side of things - emotions, state of mind, violence, gore, etc. - is a way of sharing my personal experience with those in need. (Not to say I'm a war veteran or anything; I can't enlist because I can't take orders, I know that much about myself. It's just that my family hunts, so I know a decent bit about violence, bloodshed and gore anyway, and I've got a fair bit of experience with mental issues, my mom's after-rape trauma and behaviors, and whatnot, too.) Mostly when I write dark things, it's because either I'm trying to work through something or I know someone who is. Sharing experience helps. A lot. Sexual kinks.... I write those because I'm into bondage, I have a visceral need to be made to submit by someone I trust - my bf - because I flat can't fully relax and just go with the flow otherwise, and toys and unresolved sexual tension are wonderful ways to up the ante in an intimate situation. Exhibitionism I might write about, but frankly that's on my strictly-fantasies list because while the risk might be thrilling, getting caught...wouldn't be. And if/when I write a story with exhibitionism, I will throw that into the tale because it's something that should be thought of. I thoroughly agree and/or understand where Attackegg and JayDee are coming from. If only there were more out there so willing to be themselves, with no limits. If society won't accept you as you are, at the very least here online where we can be relatively anonymous and share the things that really matter to us, then there's something wrong with society. And if those of us who are writing about dark things can't do so here and be accepted, then what are we supposed to do? Suppressing the need to express these - urges, cravings, whatever you want to call them - that only makes them worse. Make sense? Not trying to call anyone unaccepting or a bigot or anything, I just am a brutally honest person and this site is somewhat of a haven for we oddballs and outcasts and deviants, and I both applaud and am grateful to you for trying to understand (a mind as open as yours is a wonderful thing). Just trying to point out where I'm coming from. And anyway, there's always the search, and you never have to click on any links except the ones required by the mods and admins, so really this place is for everybody. *frown* Perhaps a better way for me to put the above bit is: this is a place where we can go and not have to hide, where we can be one of the crowd even if not all of the crowd is okay with our particular tastes, and we treasure that.
    1 point
  7. Keith Inc.

    Vocabulary Turn-offs

    A reader complained that i used member and manhood in my Noah's Ark story. Overused euphemisms. I suppose i could have copied one fic i read that used 'penis' four times in one paragraph (with two different spellings). Or invented an antediluvian version of 'Heat-seeking moisture-missile.' Lordly staff of divinely mandated repopulation? Or referred to his tent pole? Feh. I try to keep from too much repetition. Too much repetition seems to kill a story by repetition, at least is seems to me too much of the time. So somewhere between 'swagger stick' and 'mirthful mouthful' i'll probably use penis a time or two. Just to keep it from too much repetition, you konw?
    1 point
  8. EveKnight75

    Vocabulary Turn-offs

    I don't think I have a trigger word in that respect. I do get irked if a certain word is overused. When I read a sex-fic, I don't want to read the word "cock" 15 times in one paragraph. I don't care if you're referring to rooster sex. Vocabulary moderation is important. I think my trigger word in fanfiction is "defiantly". There are way too many instances of "defiantly" being used in place of "definitely" and I can neither understand nor tolerate this.
    1 point
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