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  1. 1. How about a brief introduction of yourself? I'm Techno-Ninja. :3 As the pen name implies, I have a thing for music made with machines, and the long dead art of survival and espionage. 2. Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with? I just stumbled across this site one day, read a bunch of fics, and was inspired to write some of my own. I wrote a crappy eyesore in 2005, lost internet access, and forgot about this site for a few years. Then, I came back one day, read some more, remembered I had an account, and was inspired all over again. I deleted the eye bleeder off my account and started posting new stories. ...It only took about six years for me to write something decent. =P 3. I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write? So far, I have only successfully written and posted yaoi and slash. I have plans to write het and yuri/femslash in the future. I write pure crack, warm and fluffy romance, and everything between. ^^ I favour the Naruto fandom, but I have written for Star Ocean as well. I have an original story in the works. 4. Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore? I am very much a whore. XD I see potential in a lot of pairings and characters, so I write about a pretty big variety. My attention span is short. Usually I'll obsess over a pairing for a few weeks at a time before moving on to another one. Ninety percent of my work doesn't see the light of a computer monitor. x.x 5. What is your more popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so? Sugar and Alcohol (Fandom: Naruto Pairings: Deidara/Tobi/Itachi, Deidara/Tobi, implied Kisame x Itachi, off-screen Kakuzu x Pain.) Probably because it's a cracky fic revolving around the Akatsuki. It's also my most lemon-filled story to date. =P 6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic you've written you're most proud of? Unspoken (Fandom: Naruto Pairings so far: Izumo/Kotetsu, Genma/Kotetsu) It's not finished yet, but I'm loving the story I am in the process of developing. 7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with? It depends on how much sleep and caffeine I have had, and what kind of a mood I am in. I suppose I would have to say hard. The most difficult aspects for me are how to begin a story and how/when to end it. Also, the length and flow of my chapters varies greatly. 8. Write a few sentences of so of your favorite pairing or character. My current obsession is with Ashton and Noel from the video game Star Ocean Two. Ashton is an unlucky swordsman who tripped over a rock while fighting a double-headed dragon. This somehow ended up with them being attached to his shoulders. He also has a barrel fetish. Noel is a mage. He loves animals and seems to have a deep understanding of their body language. He is self-conscious about his vaguely animal-like appearance. "Please stop." Noel whispered, squirming beneath the swordsman. "This is revenge for hitting Creepy with a snowball and making him attack me!" Ashton declared. Said fire dragon bit Ashton's hair. He ignored him in favour of rubbing one of Noel's fur tipped, elf-like ears. The dragon host's curiosity was a force to be reckoned with. An involuntary shiver ran down Noel's spine as a quiet moan escaped his lips. His eyes rolled back in his head. Ashton looked on in fascination at the pile of putty beneath him. The two dragons on his shoulders stared as well, just as intrigued as their host. 9. Are there any fanfiction trends/clichés you can't stand or are just sick of? I love me some yaoi. I hate the Seme/Uke thing, and the formulas that go along with it. Perfect asshole seme that is loved despite being a complete jerk. Girly, whiny, useless uke. And basing who goes on top or bottom based on appearance or age? Pfft! I like reading and writing about characters who have personalities, and who aren't overused cliches. For example, in one story I wrote, I had a 19 year old who is 5'5", with big blue eyes and long blonde hair top an older man three inches taller, and much more muscular than him. I also implied that giant shark man gets topped by a short, frail, younger man. I also like it when characters top and bottom. I don't see enough stories like that. "Seme" always tops, "Uke" always bottoms. Bah! I don't have much knowledge about homosexual relationships, but I'm pretty sure most don't go down like a typical yaoi. XD 10. Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/clichés you now hate? Or any other ones? I'm not sure. 11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still like/participate in it? Naruto. And yes, it's still my favourite. I've got a tattoo that can prove it. =P 12. Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them you love to write. Counting the works that are never finished or posted... Kakashi x Iruka (Naruto)- This is the pairing that got me into fanfiction. A cool, laid back guy, and an easily agitated teacher. Their personalities make for some interesting dynamics. Izumo x Kotetsu (Naruto)- They're best friends, who are never seen apart. It's easy, and I like the idea of them together. Sai x Sakura (Naruto) - The possibilities with this pairing cover a great range for me. Crack, romance, angst/tragedy, and everything between. Shino x Hinata (Naruto)- They are two quiet, often overlooked characters who I think would make a very sweet couple. Deidara x Tobi (Naruto)- Tobi is such an idiot who's always getting on his senpai's nerves. Little does his senpai know that Tobi isn't the idiot he makes himself out to be... Ashton x Noel (Star Ocean 2)- Ashton has a barrel fetish, and Noel has an overly sensitive erogenous zone. It's crack, really. 13. What would you call your writing "style"? I would call it "my own." :3 14. Do you read other people's fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most? Yeppers. I frequent the Naruto, Star Ocean, and Tales of Symphonia archives. 15. Name one thing you'd LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do. A natural body magic fic. ...DeviantART is full of people with this fetish. XD My most popular drawings involve it. It would be fun to write, because it would be so different. That's also the reason I haven't wrote it. It's just so weird. 16. Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego? Nope. My ego is probably too small, and I like criticism. Being told what I can improve upon is a great help. 17. When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room? Repairing toaster ovens? Music. Lots of music. I also like to submerge myself in the media of the fandom I am writing for before I write. If it's an original story I am writing, I like to bounce ideas off of friends. 18. What inspires you? People, emotions, music, other fanfiction, canon events in the fandoms I like...random plot bunnies tend to spawn in my brain out of nowhere. 19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer? I read more than I write, and I lurk a lot. I've come across some very talented people. I only recently became active in the forums, but I really like the AFF community. It's nice to be able to write what I want and not have to worry about being looked down on for it. That's not a luxury I have anywhere else. I'm not a particularly well-known authoress, but I don't mind. I write for myself, for the fun of it. 20. Tag some friends, because they'll have you for it. Eh, no thanks.
    1 point
  2. You mean something dark... Like this?
    1 point
  3. Ahhh, I see. Normally I have a hard time processing WAFF, but in this case I knew it was supposed to be a children's show and went with it. Wasn't half bad! Yup, I have to commend you on that one, I could get an idea of the characters' personalities from the titles alone. Well done. Hahah, yes, I didn't have to use Wikipedia at all. Even if I felt I was missing out on in-jokes, it's what happens when you have never watched the show in question. The pacing is a bit hurried in one or two places, but it's a Flashfic and therefore perfectly understandable. Honestly, you shouldn't worry about pacing or the like when you have a word limit! It was good. It flowed, all in all, remarkably well. Glided, if you will, like a magical pony down a rainbow. I did enjoy it, actually. It was nice, mainly because it had a good balance of humour and sweetness. If it had been treated seriously, I might have bolted. But the jokes made it entertaining to read!
    1 point
  4. Heh, I just want to say first off that I’m only doing this because Snight said I wouldn’t. so there. 1. How about a brief introduction of yourself? sup, my handle’s wanderingaddict. It’s a name that came up on whim when I first started getting into the fanfiction some years ago, but never really wanted to make the effort to be a part of any community. 2. Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with? fact that I’m bi and I love reading stories about awesomer, cooler things that SHOULD have happened when the normal writers failed. 3. I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write? um… what kind? Genre-wise I suppose I really like videogame fiction, because it usually adds another layer of depth to the existing universe. Or maybe I should answer “slash” because I do really like well-done slash, or maybe I should answer porn-slash because I like a romance/sex element to my stories? Super vague. So really though, “action/adventure-slash-romance based on existing universes” is what I like to write. 4. Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore? lawlz, videogames are all about OCs. They don’t really give you much to work with, most of the time, so it usually takes a lot with what little is there in the first place. Really not much of a whore though- I suppose I honestly usually just look and see one “most likely” couple and dismiss ALL other pairings as unable to compare based on that alone. 5. What is your more popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so? Ceald Amothein by far, and… god because it’s cheesy, girl, and full of some real hardcore sex and emotional turmoil, and chicks just eat that up, and it’s got a ton of action and hardcore sex and guys just eat that up? lawlz I don’t know, I mean, that’s why *I* like it at least. 6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic you've written you're most proud of? My personal triumph is Dyad: Kreshjur and Kajin because there’s a lotta really subtle research that’s gone into that one, plus it’s like 30k words and written all in the span of one month and I look at it and am just like “holy balls how the hell did I do that much” 7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with? Not particularly, no. It’s mostly a matter of time, like JayDee said. There’s so much to do, all the time, with movies and games and drawing and blah blah blah, it’s like, holy fuck it takes a lot to just dump all that and sit down and write. 8. Write a few sentences of so of your favorite pairing or character. “You a fag?” Grimmjaw asked, after a moment. Ichigo’s cheeks burned. “So what if I am?” he asked demandingly, his shoulders tense. Grimmjaw shrugged a shoulder. “Doesn’t really matter. Just wondering.” 9. Are there any fanfiction trends/clichés you can't stand or are just sick of? I really, really, really hate… nothing I guess. Everything maybe. Lawlz I can’t decide. I could say mary sues that just get the world on a platter, or complain about wimpy bottoms that get raped and raped and raped, and…. Well okay, I suppose as common as it is to complain about that, I’ll complain about it some more. I am *really* tired of how people (re: girls) seem to think that a whiney, useless little cum-rag is at all, in any way shape or form, attractive. Blech. 10. Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/clichés you now hate? Or any other ones? lol, *sigh* yes. And they shall remain so nameless, buried so deep, that I will never, ever mention them here. 11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still like/participate in it? honestly, I swear to god it was Inuyasha, and it was an Inuyasha/Kagome sex fic. And god no, I don’t. that show is so baaaad and the only thing good it ever had was Kouga and Sesshoumaru, except Kouga became pointless and dumb and Sesshourmaru stopped murdering everything and everyone he ever met which made me 12. Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them you love to write. My OTP is Grimmjaw/Ichigo, if it wasn’t apparent already. I’ve never written about them, but jesus Christ I don’t understand how anyone at *all* familiar with the show couldn’t have looked at the action between the two of them and just be like “holy crap does Grimmjaw want to fuck that!” I mean, good god Grimmjaw is the only person in the entire show who actually seems to be even remotely like Ichigo. I mean, Renji *kind* of is, but Renji’s also a poor man’s Grimmjaw. Like, even Inuoe who claims to “understand him soooo much” doesn’t grasp the fact that Ichigo LIKES to fight! Unfortunately, most people also fail to grasp that in a Grim/Ichi relationship, Ichigo might not top, but he’s *always* dom. lol you know what, okay, so the pick that I've written about the most *personally* are Fawnheart's Erandil and Eraik, and even though I love the fact that they're best friends and would (almost) never, ever do each other in cannon, I... I still can't help writing loads of dirty porn for her where all her straight men just suddenly go gay. 13. What would you call your writing "style"? I don’t really think I have a “style” per se. General fantasy style maybe? There’s nothing noteworthy about it to me. 14. Do you read other people's fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most? yes I do! Recently it’s only been WoW stuff because I’ve been so busy, but from time to time I dip my toe back into Bleach looking for an awesome Grim/Ichi fic. The good ones usually never get finished though so sadface 15. Name one thing you'd LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do. I’m not “shy” about writing it, so much, but it works well enough so yes: A grim/ichi fic of my own, one which will stand head and shoulders above all other grim/ichi fics and make half of the Bleach slash section bow their heads in shame is something I’d LOVE to do. 16. Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego? lawlz, no. I wish I could get criticism (meaningful criticism of course) but it’s pretty rare, and like few times I do it usually consists of “well if I were writing I’d do this!” which is just like “??? Yeah but you’re not? Also, “because it’s cool” isn’t really much of a reason??” so whatever, more sadfaces I guess :( 17. When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room? Repairing toaster ovens? naw. I don’t believe in any of that stuff. Just sit down and do it or don’t. 18. What inspires you? READING GOOD FIC OMG. I fucking LOVE good fics, I mean, jesus Christ, if I read about some chick getting the absolute shit pounded outta her (and I find that hetero is usually better written than slash) I’m like HOLY FUCK I GOTTA TRANSFER THIS TO M/M and then it’s a fun, exciting race to see how I can capture something like that myself, in my own words, because God Damn does M/M need some quality sex. And quality romance, only I also just enjoy that because most of my fics are built around sex for one reason or another, despite how “low key” some of the might be? Maybe other people disagree with me about that. or like, non-porn wise I’m always like “woooah, this was fun to read AND there’s no sex??? How is this possible???” and then it’s ANOTHER fun race to figure out what they did and why and how all the threads tied together into one awesome overarching plot and it’s so gorgeous and I start to drool a little and if I met the author in real life I’d have no qualms about breaking both their legs and tying them to a chair and having a personal write-slave forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and 19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer? holy shit. I dunno, I’m so much more irreverent now that I ever was before. Hah, I hardly even think of writing as an art anymore. Well, I mean, I “know” in my head that good stuff, really GOOD stuff totally is. It’s someone who’s taken a million and a half special threads and lovingly sewn each one together But… at the same time I’ve reached the point where it’s just kinda like “this is all a bunch of BS anyways so lawlz whateves!” and I just do whatever and go my merry way and be happy instead of mad or preachy or whatever else all the time. So yeah mostly I treat this as something fun to do in my spare time, a way to be a little creative, and let most things just slide off my back without much care. This is probably due to this magical woman named Fawnheart who I am super-awesome-ultra buddies with and I'm all like "Rawr rawr!" and she's all like "lawlz whatever wonderboy" only in an aussie accent and she's so goofy and I am not at ALL ashamed to say I heart her something fierce and want her back at this site and not being abducted by wallabies or whatever the fuck she complains about happening to her in Aussieland. 20. Tag some friends, because they'll have you for it. Go Fawnikins, I choose you! (it'll be a while though, I know, what with kangaroos climbing the powerlines or whatever).
    1 point
  5. Tomoe's ♥♥ FanFiction Writer's Meme ♥♥ Doing this for Original, rather than Fan. fiction. =3 1. How about a brief introduction of yourself? I'm a 19 (20 in a month) year old college student going for a premed degree and I shouldn't have as much time on my hands as I do. But, oh well. I'm pretty quiet, but tend to be blunt/strange when I do speak. I'm nearly a true introvert, not because of shyness (though, that tends to help), but because I really don't mind being alone. Ironically enough, I have a hard time communicating with others, even though I enjoy writing. 2. Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with? A friend of mine got me into fanfiction when I was just starting 9th grade. I got hooked for a looong time, then panned away (because of Sturgeon's Law) and found original fiction online. I fell in love and left the (mostly) crappy fanfiction writers behind. I don't regret my years of fanfic reading and I appreciate those artists for paving the way to original online works. 3. I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write? I don't. I write originals and it tends to vary. I have several crack-like fics, several slash fics, and a smattering of others. I mostly like the slash though. 4. Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore? I create new pairings almost always and jump around like crazy from genre to genre, though I stick mainly to modern (I want to do more fantasy, but I need to work on that). 5. What is your more popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so? My most popular is Tied Up and Passed Around, probably because it has bondage, gay sex, is under Erotic, and is rated Adult++. 6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic you've written you're most proud of? I'm most proud of the most popular one since it's one of the few that turned out very long. My goal is to get a chapter story up. 7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with? Difficult. I can come up with ideas, but most get trashed since I don't want to write cliches. Once I have an idea, I struggle to get it out of my head and on paper/computer since my brain sees half-formed pictures of the scene and I have to write the entire thing in words. Even through that, though, I enjoy writing and wouldn't stop (the bunnies wouldn't let me anyway). ^^ 8. Write a few sentences of so of your favorite pairing or character. Don't have any, sorry. 9. Are there any fanfiction trends/clichés you can't stand or are just sick of? Guys that act like women in slash stories. And the typical 'oh the bottom has to be soo much smaller and less useful than the top!' mentality. 10. Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/clichés you now hate? Or any other ones? I try not to. That's why I have a male beta my slash so I don't fall for those trends. =3 11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still like/participate in it? I don't/didn't. 12. Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them you love to write. I don't. 13. What would you call your writing "style"? Casual. I write like I talk. The problem with that is I tend to leave out description, so I have to work on it more. 14. Do you read other people's fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most? I rarely read any fanfiction anymore, but I do read other people's original fiction. I exclusively read slash, except for challenge prompts and stuff like that. 15. Name one thing you'd LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do. I haven't found anything I'm too shy/afraid to write. Just stuff that I haven't developed enough to write. I'm working on those. =] 16. Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego? Gawd no! I demand to know what's wrong so I can fix it as immediately as I can! I have the farthest from a 'bloated ego' as you can get. I post my stuff praying that someone will tell me it's decent (and let me know what to change) so I can keep the will to write! 17. When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room? Repairing toaster ovens? It changes constantly. Recently I need quiet and constant 'up and down' trips out of my computer chair so I can think. 18. What inspires you? Random crap. My dreams, random thoughts, the shower, my friends' conversations, etc. The list goes on! 19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer? Inexperienced for the writer part, but I'm working to get better. My fanfiction experience was great when it first started and it got me into my true section of AFF. ^^ I wouldn't change that for anything. 20. Tag some friends, because they'll have you for it. Nearly everyone I know on here has already done this...
    1 point
  6. 1. How about a brief introduction of yourself? JD is my latest pen name and I have used it for something like five years. I briefly used another one before it (my Princess Peach story can be found elsewhere with a different pen name but the same email), and before that I had a name that was the same as my online/LAN gaming handle. Which was a great idea (read stupid idea) as a real life acquaintence searched itm found an Fdom Vampire Willow BtVS fic and asked just why I wanted to be tortured like that. The old stories are all off AFF now. I sometimes think of reposting the old stories under JayDee, but all it would need is one of my friends to recognise a title and, well, the awkward questions would be back. I have also done a couple celeb stories under anonymous throwaway names in recent years over on CSSA, but don't want credit for them for various reasons. So that's me, JD and why JD is it comes from my email with JayDee used wherever places don't take 2 letter usernames (I am also JayD on one site because somebody regged JayDee just to make comments...)... Yeah, I got the email when gmail beta started and didn't really use it until the new pen names. 2. Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with? I did some shitty school set scriptfics when I was 17/18, but these weren't put online just shared amongst friends by email because they made a buncha the guys laugh. Some inexplicable and long faded gift for humor, apparantly. It was Play by Post freeform roleplay that really got me into fanfiction. I used to read some stories, lot on an old Star Trek site but never really thought of doing my own. Then I got some confidence from freeform roleplaying (non adult themed incidently) and took a shot at it. 3. I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write? Porn without plot is about the best I manage. Sex sells and there's going to be someone, somewhere, on the internet ready to rub one out. 4. Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore? Nope. I hardly ever do more than one story with the same characters actually, and where I have returned to a character it has tended mostly to be either another story part to something I thought of as a oneshot, or a direct sequel. 5. What is your more popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so? It seems to be 'Unleash the Beast', and as to why I haven't got a clue. It's just an old fashioned "teen witch meets dog" story. 6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic you've written you're most proud of? My Predator story for being multichaptered and almost, but not quite, having a coherant plot. The non-AFF version also has some pretty funny celeb stuff. 7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with? Time. Oh, god, finding the time to sit and write for hours to do a decent long story. I also hate getting interrupted while writing and that happens a lot if I try and write during the day. I also find longer and plotted stories too intimidating to start a lot of the time. 8. Write a few sentences of so of your favorite pairing or character. "Wait, what if Fry comes home?" "Screw that meatbag!" Bender ran vibrating finger tips up Leela's inner thigh. 9. Are there any fanfiction trends/clichés you can't stand or are just sick of? Quantity over quality. Mpreg bashing - I don't write it and I don't read it, but it's no worse than any other weird fetish and yet seems to attract a disproportionate amount of hysterical abuse from people who, I am 99% sure, are probably secretly jacking off to it. If having twins was good enough in canon for Dave Lister, it should be good enough for anyone! Edit - I just started reading the other folks in the thread starting with Pittwitch and, well, hope I don't sound like I'm being a passive aggressive. Not that you were hysterical or bashing or anything but I could see how it might seem like I was having a dig, but I din't know! Eeep. *flees* 10. Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/clichés you now hate? Or any other ones? Well, I have made some jokes about mpreg, but I have made jokes about a lot of things. Also, any of my sex scenes that go on for 6000 words are probably quantity over quality. 11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still like/participate in it? Funny, I can't really say because it might be too blatent who I used to be. The second fandom was probably Buffy though and, no, I was only a fringe participant the first time round. Mostly for episode discussion. And let me tell you, incredulously reading 8 pages of humorless bastards complaining that Anya singing about bunnies doing it "completely ruined the rest of the song" was enough to cure me of desire for much further participation. 12. Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them you love to write. What with the whole barely re-visting pre-written characters thing I suspect my most frequently written pairing is either Felicia Hary and that big fat OC the requester came up with, or maybe Ravager and Nightwing. I like Ravager and Nightwing because they both pretty awesome. Don't think they're that close anymore these days in the comics but it's been a while since I saw some of 'em. 13. What would you call your writing "style"? Primitive. In a lot of cases it's probably comparable to, say, a kid sticking a finger up its nose, pulling out a big hairy chunk, and showing it to everyone to see how annoyed or grossed out they get. 14. Do you read other people's fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most? I do when I have time. The time issue is always a thing for me. I tend to try a lot of PWP. There's a few authors I have found to be writing things I almost always enjoy so I go for them. I definitely prefer to read finished stories, but there is one great author whose ongoing multiparters I couldn't stop myself getting drawn into - and since s/he hasn't updated in a year now, well, I may sob. 15. Name one thing you'd LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do. I've tended to decide a few of the Biblically based story ideas I have had probably aren't worth the hassle, being one of the few purely written things in my shitty country that are both exclicitly illegal and previously successfully prosecuted. Given what I write I tend to avoid giving direct answers about myself and skimp on details a lot of the time for similar reasons. Freedom of expression round here? Yeah, right. Plus, every time I started one lightning blew out all the fuses and melted the surge protector. 16. Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego? If I didn't have a bloated ego I wouldn't have the confidence to write! I think I can take criticism well - depending sometimes on the source or time of day (and wrongly-spelled criticisms about spelling? You can shove 'em!), but then inexplicably don't really do anything to improve. I may be lazy. 17. When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room? Repairing toaster ovens? Quiet toom is the most important. I have music on a lot, but it doesn't really help or hinder. It's other intrruptions that pretty much kill my flow. 18. What inspires you? If I knew that, I'd be rich. Rich I tells you. 19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer? Fair to middling. There have been some pretty stressful periods but probably more pretty good periods. 20. Tag some friends, because they'll have you for it. The only thing I don't like about memes... I used to be an LJ regular, and would either delete the forward on part or occasionally replace it with a picture of an angry goat. I know the whole point of the meme - besides from giving us folks the ever popular opportunity to talk about ourselves - is to spread far and wide, but, dammit, I'm just not infectious.
    1 point
  7. Tomoe's ♥♥ FanFiction Writer's Meme ♥♥ 1. How about a brief introduction of yourself? I am an evil wench with an overactive imagination, and far too much time on my hands in which to indulge myself. 2. Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with? I had an unfortunate encounter on a gaming forum with something known as "The Shirtless Saga." I would explain, but there really isn't enough brain bleach on hand. 3. I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write? I write fantasy, usually set in the Forgotten Realms world, although I am planning an original project in the near future. 4. Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore? ::clears throat:: I am a wench, NOT a whore, thankyouverymuch. I don't charge. 5. What is your more popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so? I would suppose, since I only have one here, that it would be Alchemy. 6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic you've written you're most proud of? At this point, none of them. I'm still writing or rewriting most of what I've done. 7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with? The writing part is easy. Editing what I've written is harder. The thing I struggle the most with is getting enough detail out of my head and onto the medium of the moment, be it paper or pixels. 8. Write a few sentences of so of your favorite pairing or character. “I'm probably going to need to be able to walk tomorrow,” Tae'uomi said, biting back a gasp as Sand shifted slightly and nipped her collarbone sharply. “You should have thought of that earlier, vanyacora, before you subjected me to an afternoon of tortured metaphor and labyrinthine reasoning.” Sand licked where he had nipped, and then sucked a rosy mark against her skin. Tae'uomi grinned, toying with the tip of Sand's ear. “I did distract Aldanon with Zhjaeve, ascaredhel. I should get credit for that, at least.” “I do not give credit, iskavanim. You should know that.” Sand's fingers slid down across her belly, dipped lower, and Tae'uomi cried out softly as her back arched. “I could order you to stop,” the genasi offered, shivering with pleasure. Sand looked at her, the predatory smile back. “Oh, please do. Really.” His tongue traced the edge of her ear, his breath hot. “I am quite prepared to remain awake all night exacting my reparations, since I managed to take reverie earlier while Aldanon was going on about something or other.” 9. Are there any fanfiction trends/clichés you can't stand or are just sick of? I really can't stand the main character being the sole focus, without regard to the other players on the stage. I also hate characters who are "evil" and yet wind up "redeemed" without any necessity for atonement. 10. Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/clichés you now hate? Or any other ones? I try like the hells not to be. 11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still like/participate in it? The first fandom I wrote for was the Neverwinter Nights CRPG fandom, set in the Forgotten Realms universe. And yes, I still write for it. 12. Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them you love to write. I use a mixture of original characters and non-player characters with liberal disregard for frequency. 13. What would you call your writing "style"? I have two distinct styles, but the one I use most frequently in my fan fiction is a more lyric style that tries to evoke a certain mood in my reader, and that is somewhat romantic in the emotional rather than physical sense. My other style is starker, where every word has to be exactly perfect. 14. Do you read other people's fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most? Yes, I do read other people's fanfic. I tend to prefer fantasy settings, but I will also happily read fanfic based on movies or shows or books that I have enjoyed in the past. 15. Name one thing you'd LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do. I fear almost nothing, and if I were shy, I would never have published any fan fiction in the first place. After all, it's the dusty little thoughts from the corners of my mind that I toss out like so many crumbs. 16. Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego? I prefer constructive criticism, naturally, and welcome the opportunity to improve my writing. My ego is what it is. 17. When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room? Repairing toaster ovens? I prefer quiet when I write, and solitude. Since neither is generally available to me, I have learned to write with pretty much anything less than bloodshed occurring around me. 18. What inspires you? What doesn't? It would be a shorter list. I've dreamed chapters. I've scribbled in notebooks at the side of the pool. I've written quick notes on my arm because I had no paper handy. Everything inspires me, except perhaps snow. 19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer? I've enjoyed my experiences as a fan fiction writer immensely. I've met other writers who are fascinating, and inspiring, and encouraging. I've learned so much, and I think I am growing as a writer. 20. Tag some friends, because they'll have you for it. Let's see if my cookie trail works.... perhaps Nastrandir? Or Niche? ::rubs hands together::
    1 point
  8. Being silly here simply because I can. 1. How about a brief introduction of yourself? I am but an errant knight from a bygone age. I craft nothing save tales, stories to stave off the boredom of the centuries. Made of shadows, I endure. Made of steel, I prevail. 2. Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with? A necessity to improve my abilities as a storyteller. A myriad of tales spawned by an idle imagination. The madness of the eldritch gods beyond the stars. Magic. 3. I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write? Fantasy, mostly. I choose fandoms that provide me the freedom to create my own characters, that lend me their universes for my own tales to unfold. 4. Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore? I resent being compared to a common harlot! I write what the fickle, cruel muses command me to write. They are the ones behind this madness you call writing. They have their archetypes, I suppose, but I beseech them dearly to embrace originality whenever I can. 5. What is your more popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so? "Cleansing The Taint," likely due to its absurd amount of chapters. It cannot be its quality, of that I am most certainly sure. The day where it stops being my most popular work cannot come too soon. 6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic you've written you're most proud of? None as of this moment. Next question, you fiend. 7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with? It is as hard to me as juggling blades would be to a man with no limbs. I struggle with every single aspect of writing, much as if every word was a rampaging monster wrought from a world of evil and fire. 8. Write a few sentences of so of your favorite pairing or character. "She came to me borne in wings of darkness, like the majestic dawn of a rising world; a world where death-shadows roam the land and life is a fickle candle swallowed by the unending, ravenous tides of the dead. She came to me aloft by wings of madness, my friend, and cleansed my very soul with her truth. I am her servant now, the messenger of death, and nothing can still my words." -- Nobody in particular. 9. Are there any fanfiction trends/clichés you can't stand or are just sick of? Anything that is not thought out properly or founded firmly upon the laws of logic and reason. Anything that is designed to please the senses and is, itself, utterly bereft of essence. Give me not the sweet taste of the fading æther, but the eternal strength of solid steel. 10. Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/clichés you now hate? Or any other ones? I try to avoid making the mistakes I despise in others, but I have oft scolded myself for my lack of foresight and forethought. I do try to keep myself constantly improving, however. 11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still like/participate in it? World of Warcraft. I do still participate in it, for it provides me with a convenient universe for my tales to grow. 12. Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them you love to write. I write original characters with overwhelming frequency. I have no favourites as of this moment. I will make a mental note to edit this once I have found a suitable answer. 13. What would you call your writing "style"? To put it bluntly, my style tries too hard. I aim to reach perfection with every fibre of my being, with every thought that crosses my mind. A futile, endless race, perhaps; but what is life if not an incessant struggle to avoid an inescapable fate? 14. Do you read other people's fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most? I do, and I aim to critique what I read to keep my instincts sharp. I also seek positive aspects so that I may learn from them and use that knowledge for my own improvement. I find myself reading that which is similar to what I write, for the reasons stated above. Fiend. 15. Name one thing you'd LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do. If I wish to write something, I do it. If I fail, I try again after I have acquired more experience and honed my skills. 16. Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego? I have an armour for a reason, even if the occasional comment finds a weak spot. I try my best not to let it affect me unduly, although I must confess it is an arduous task. My ego, on the other hand, is so minuscule it can actually pass through walls. 17. When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room? Repairing toaster ovens? What is this "toaster oven" you speak of? Regardless, when I write, I often find myself listening to music to drown out any distracting noises. I do enjoy silence whenever I can find it, however. A veritable shame there is not a graveyard in leagues. The atmosphere of a desolated cemetery, with rows upon rows of smooth, quiet graves, wilting flowers and mournful statues is, in my humble opinion, ineffably peaceful. The more ancient the location, the more profound the effect. 18. What inspires you? This is by far the hardest question to answer in this curious questionnaire. The things that inspire me cannot be given a name. They are not easily classified, easily understood or easily explained. I am inspired by things that escape the banality of the mundane, that open my eyes to new worlds, new characters, new stories. It can be anything from a conversation with a friend to a stranger's face. It can be a song. It can be a word. A sight. A taste. It can be anything at all. The world is hiding stories everywhere, and sometimes the masquerade slips and we see a glimpse of them. From that moment on, it is our duty as writers to unravel the thread and see where our muses lead us. 19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer? It has been a long, hard road with no end in sight. I've been writing since I was in kindergarten (I still have the stories to prove it, even if I'd rather not lay eyes upon them ever again) and even if I have sometimes taken breaks from the art, I have always returned to it. In a short while, it'll be twenty years I've been doing this. Twenty years, by the gods. And I still have so much to do. 20. Tag some friends, because they'll have you for it. Evil Wench (told you so), Dany (ditto), waddict (not holding my breath on this one), and... errrr... ROGUE. Simple! Replace 'fanfiction' with 'original writing' and 'fandom' with 'genre' and presto!
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