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Status Updates posted by pittwitch

  1. wondering what would happen if Sam and Dean showed up at the Yellowstone …


  2. An emotional rollercoaster day:  two losses; two gains.  Cheers to a calmer day tomorrow for everyone.


    1. BronxWench


      I hear you. It’s been surreal here today.

  3. Fell down the Tiktok FF/book binding rabbit hole last night.  SMH.  What is wrong with people?

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Been reading up… and there’s authors deleting their stories due to the proverbial game of whack-a-mole, which AO3 makes this easier too with PDF downloading.  AFAICT, the etsy/book-binding is like charging HUNDRED or more bucks for printed/bound copies of particular fanfictions, acting as the publisher.   Yeah, this is pissing the writers off.

    2. pittwitch


      Rightfully so!  I was offended as a reader – you, oh bottom feeders, are jeopardizing our “harmless” entertainment.  Go away!

      In our defense, downloaded from AFF is not easy.  As a writer, I tried with one of my stories to take a red pen to it.  NO DICE.



    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Getting high-priced lawyers involved is how you get the new rules around Star Trek fan-films (15 minutes max, no episodes, etc...), or the rights holder goes Anne Rice and prohibits all fanfiction with cease & desist orders.  Anybody rich enough to counter with lawsuits is also well off enough to negotiate authorized derivative works, leaving the average fanfic writer high & dry.  Hope those bottom feeders suffer from papercuts, lots and lots of vicious papercuts.

  4. Never realized my writing skills would boil down to helping TinyDancer write fellowship applications ...

    1. InvidiaRed


      😅 what came to mind was frodo filling out a ringbearer application while standing in line. 😅

    2. pittwitch


      My “succinct” eloquence will always be needed when she’s only allowed 1 page …


    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      One page?  What’s the size of a page?  Use columns, and… reduce that font size...everybody should be able to read 1pt fonts! :)

  5. Well, having failed all conservative treatment options, I’ll be setting up for chemotherapy for this oddball immune system of mine.  Wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      :hug:  Sorry to hear that, Pittwitch. But I wish you the best of luck, and my thoughts are with you. :wub:

    3. Melrick


      Everything will work out, you’ll see. :hug:

    4. GeorgeGlass


      You didn’t fail those treatment options – they failed you

      Hope the chemo goes well.

  6. Taking baby steps: wrote one page, now fighting my inner demons NOT to tear it up and burn it.  I’ve got to get back in the writing habit, even if it is AWFUL.

    1. BronxWench


      You can do this, my Witch. I have faith in you! :wub: 

    2. InvidiaRed


      fight the urge.  fuel is expensive

      So many hate the fact that the perfection eludes them but they fail to consider the inverse nothing you write is <3 worthless. <3:cheerfulcat:


    3. JayDee


      I’m with BW! You got this!

  7. Day 7 of quarantine.  Things are definitely less than ideal.  :) 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pittwitch


      They’re slowly getting everyone full functionality.  This was not well planned lol.

    3. BronxWench


      It never is. Trust me, I work for the freaking government, so we’re definitely going with dysfunctional.  But at least we got the word on Thursday that we shouldn’t go out and visit cases in person anymore.  :lol:

    4. InBrightestDay


      Well, I don’t work for the government, but I do work at a grocery store, so I sympathize in regard to the craziness.  Sorry for what you’re going through.

  8. Operation GetFired  is not going well.  I must up my SnarkGame.  :)


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      If you figure it out, tell me! :lol:


    3. pittwitch


      Thus far, I’ve tried:

      1. Telling off the biggest boss I could find
      2. threatened to stab my favorite coworker with a plastic spoon
      3. told a client that I’m not Dr. Who and can’t use the Tardis to travel back in time to accommodate their request
      4. told same client that they would need to provide the Oujia board to have the dead person sign the documents that they wanted signed
      5. yelling at the closest supervisor to me
      6. Yelling at email from aforementioned client: “F off, Dickety Dick!” in front of the biggest of the big bosses
      7. Asked another client, “What part of ‘your borrower does not want to do that’ did you knot understand?”
      8. Stood up with the same coworker, blasted “I Will Survive” while singing along and Dancing at our desks
      9. Bit my supervisor’s finger – she had her hand clamped over my mouth when MucketySchmuck was escorting visitors past us on a tour – ruined my perfect window of opportunity 
      10. Sat at my desk and filed my nails while waiting for the computer to catch up to me
      11. used my cellphone at my desk in full view of everyone
      12. walked across the office with my dress tucked in my underwear – granted that was a mistake but …
      13. deliberately did not dress up on “visitor day”
    4. InBrightestDay


      Honestly, just reading this is one of the funniest experiences I’ve had this month.

  9. This witch is MELTING.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JayDee


      Forecast for my area says it may get up to 27c/80f on one day next week. We’re not used to this kind of thing. We live in high, cold places for ONE reason! (Alright, two including avoiding hordes of angry villagers with pitchforks and torches.)

      I hope ya able to get cooled down in your places tho’ all.

    3. BronxWench


      It’s 36C/98F here right now. Dragons, I tell you. Dragons.

    4. InvidiaRed


      Why are you dancing in the rain?:Banana:

      115 F/ 46.1 C Here in good ol AZ

  10. Say it with me:  This WILL be a better week!  :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JayDee


      Damn it, I do hope eldest Spawn is back out tomorrow and a-ok.

    3. BronxWench


      Spawn is finally home, and we’re all very happy about that. I’m going to try not to provoke the universe any further, because I’m already done with this annus horribilus.

    4. Melrick


      Excellent.  Fingers crossed for a smoother run from here on.

  11. does not recommend stair surfing.  Things get broken.  Like your neck, your collarbone, and apparently your wrist.  :(

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      :hug:   I’ll keep you in my thoughts too, Pittwitch. Get well soon. 

    3. JayDee


      Ow, shit ouch. Fucksakes, horrible for you. I hope you’re doing better after the surgery.

    4. Daye


      Oh my goodness. I’m sorry. I hope you get well soon.

  12. Pass the brain bleach, please?

    1. BronxWench


      Trust me, we keep the pool filled with it… :blink: 

    2. InvidiaRed


      We don’t have extra strength on hand.

      We apologize for the inconvenience.

    3. JayDee


      If we’ve run out, it might be because some of my readers were hogging it again.

  13. Let one more person yell at me today and they will KNOW why I am called witch.  :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. pittwitch


      Work folk.  The kind who think the louder they yell the more right they are .. :P


    3. CloverReef


      Oh good, I got family like that. I’ve perfected the stew inside and vent later response. 

    4. pittwitch


      I tried SO hard to get fired today.  Dammit.  I failed.

  14. Please, for the love of anything that you hold sacred, mind the words that come out of your mouth today, Mr. President.

    1. BronxWench


      We can hope. He won’t do it, but we can hope.

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Afraid that may be setting the bar way too high.

  15. My beautiful BronxWench – thank you for the marvelous gifts:  your story, your amazing writing, your guidance and most importantly your friendship.  I cannot wait to carve out some time with a warm mug and your newest tale.  You are truly a blessing in my life.  

    1. BronxWench


      You were the one to encourage me to submit my first novella for publication, my sweet Witch. You’ve been there for me through all of it, and I’ve cherished our friendship for the past eight years—and yes, it’s been that long! :hug: You are so very dear to me,and always will be, my heart’s sister.

  16. Escaped the hospital just in time for vacation.  C y’all real soon!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      What the heck happened???

    3. JayDee


      Asking the important question there! I hope you’re doing ok pittwitch, and I’ll stop imagining an escape in the style of Leeloo at the start of Fifth Element.

    4. kagome26isawsome


      hope you are alright Pittwitch!

  17. Really, it takes a LOT to push me over the edge.  I’m (((this))) close.  Teenagers.  Bah!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pittwitch


      Must not kill of your own spawn, eh?


    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @pittwitch Other people tend to get upset when you do, not to mention the paperwork.

    4. BronxWench


      :yes: There’s always paperwork, and so much of it!  @Desiderius Price is right about that.

  18. Please don’t feed the trolls.  Please don’t fee the trolls.  Please DO NOT feed the trolls.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @BronxWench  mobile phones can be spoofed, effectively no security there.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @pittwitch  Can you set the language to Eskimo?


    4. pittwitch


      Best solution yet, JayDee!

  19. wrapping, wrapping, wrapping


    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Take a leaf from Mr. Grinch, the hero of the season that teaches us about the perils of materialism.

    2. BronxWench


      ‘Tis Yule. All I want to do is burn a log and drink. All this shopping and pressure to out-gift people is just wearing me out, and I’m on the verge of a revolt.

    3. pittwitch


      Oh, I’m drinking alright.  Believe it or not, most of the gifts are for the nieces & nephews.  I can’t wrap MarineBoy’s yet – his sister doesn’t know he’s coming home.  :)


  20. 7:15 a.m. – I’ve cussed my 18 year old 3 times already.  Not a good omen for the day.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pittwitch


      They’re having a great day blaming all the problems of their world on their MOM!


    3. BronxWench


      Of course they are…:D

    4. pittwitch


      I have no control over the University canceling her campus visit.  Really.  :)

  21. Ashamed of being a PIttsburgher right now.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pittwitch


      I just cannot believe, with everything the Rooney Family has invested in their football organization, that they sanctioned their team hiding in the locker room instead of standing on the field for the anthem.  Cowards.  I guess it is a silly thing to be upset over.  On the other hand, I'm ashamed and angry.  This is not representative of my Pittsburgh.  :(


    3. BronxWench


      Ah, of course. I’ve been trying not to let myself get upset over all of this. Frankly, I think Trump has done more to dishonor the flag, the anthem and this country than any athlete expressing his opinion as is his right. But Trump TALKED during the moment of silence for 9-11. The people I knew who died that day deserve better.


    4. pittwitch


      Agreed.  Those who fought for anyone’s right to disrespect the flag and anthem deserve the respect of having them stand up, in public, and do so.  My issue is more with the fact that they hid.  IN a tunnel.  If someone feels strongly enough that they have to take a knee, by all means do so.  But do it where the world can see.


  22. Tried to promise myself I’d write 100 words a day.  Failed.  Promised myself 50 words.  Wrote 500.  My muse is a witch.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench
    3. GeorgeGlass


      In the words of Binky from Life in Hell, “If you keep your expectations tiny, you’ll get through life without being so whiny.” Or you’ll write 10 times as many words as you expected.

    4. pittwitch


      LOL!  Here’s to another 50 words tomorrow!


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