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Everything posted by maidenhair

  1. David Tennent is a lovely, little fellow. And you could do a lot worse for your first gay crush. I mean...come on! He's the Doctor!! That puts him in another category entirely! But me...I prefer the ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston. I love his wicked grin!
  2. BeetleJuice with Geena Davis, who was also in....
  3. I had a lot of strange, fragmented dreams last night but the oddest part was the music. I never dream of music. But last night this song that I've never heard kept playing in my dreams....weird!
  4. *grabs paper to peruse at my leisure." I'm curious to see if this is what led to the Big Bang... *chucks a box of Pocky*
  5. ^banned for being waaay too horny for this...!
  6. You know it! Oh, and I promise I'll send you that recipe...I have two. One's very traditional and a bit of a pain. The other is uberfast and quite tasty. Which did you want? Zyx?
  7. I'm all for confusing people! lol But surely there aren't too many poor, misguided souls who haven't seen the light of Red Dwarf? ;)

  8. 7295 I really do love your avatar. This may be the perv in me but I keep thinking I can see her breasts jiggling a little! And as far as the title of being normal, that's one I've never been burdened with. I was thinking...you know the kewpie doll promised to the winner? Why don't we make it a Cat (red dwarf) plushie? He has much better hair!
  9. You know, it really depends on the day you ask me that question...whether work is involved in my daily routine or not! When I work, it takes up like three or four days in a stretch because I work 12 hr. nights. All I really do those days is work, eat and sleep then get up and do it all over again. My days off are incredibly lazy...a little time devoted to cleaning and living. Most of time I'm on my laptop writing, listening to music, surfing the net or chatting with friends. I like to squeeze some romance and sex in there somewhere. I also watch a lot of anime and television. And as far as getting out there in the sunlight...what's that? (Oh! I forgot reading. I read a lot! lol)
  10. I think that's wicked cool! And truly a great honor. You should be giddy and proud!
  11. maidenhair

    Title Share

    Something Wicked This Way Comes (book and completely unrelated movie)
  12. Name: 8/10 - I get it...the alphabet backwards. And I like it. Avatar: 7/10 - I love the color and the whole flames/sun flare effect. But I'm easily pleased. Signature: 6/10 - You could do better (but mine is great! ) I'm not sure what you're referencing but I did wonder if it had to do with that strange Japanese late night TV show Vermilion Pleasure Night.
  13. 7293 No, the forum is mine! I have my heart set on that Kewpie Doll Melrick promised me!
  14. "Exterminate! Sillybugger!" - Dalek # 9
  15. ^ banned for foolishly attempting to dominate the forum
  16. Because you make me smile and laugh even when I'm in a pissy mood! Why?
  17. Crossing fingers does work! And he's the proof! Shinju?
  18. Frozen? Where did you say you live again? *dodges* Prefers hot, steamy cum! *pokes person below with PS 2 controller*
  19. Because you're a horny heterosexual man! How come I'm still not hungry?
  20. maidenhair

    Answers First

    What is something unnecessary? smile
  21. ^ is a shameless tease! < has always had a weakness for being teased v has a weakness for brunettes
  22. maidenhair

    I Am...

    I am waiting...
  23. maidenhair

    Answers First

    What is an near indescrible way to communicate with another person that can be soft and gentle or rough and passionate or any of a million other combinations in between. behave
  24. The taste? How come you're so fluent in English?
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