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Everything posted by maidenhair

  1. It might be reaching a bit but if you had school closed for a holiday...something along the lines of spring break. You have some leeway since it's the wizarding world. You can make things up. If most of the students left but Harry didn't....it might be contrived but have some necessary repairs to Gryffindor Tower. It would naturally be done while the students were on holiday. I think of all the professors, Snape would be the most likely to remain at Hogwarts during a short break. Harry could simply be assigned to stay with him, in his quarters, for his own safety and security? Just a thought. I hope you work it all out.
  2. I think that titles are a bitch! You can write a wicked cool story but if it has a lame title, no one's going to want to read it! I have more trouble deciding on titles then on what to write. You want something unique that will stand out but not sound pretentious. *sigh* It's tough!
  3. Wow! I hadn't noticed this thread before or I would have posted sooner. There are too many previous posts that I'd love to reply to or comment on so I'm just going to throw in my two cents worth. I'm pretty flexible with most of the words I've seen listed above. They don't really bother me. But I find talking dirty during sex to be a major turn-on so that might color my view. Even though I'd get majorly pissed off if someone called me a bitch or a whore in general conversation, it just does something to me when I hear it during the heat of passion...so bear that in mind when I said that really only the word CUNT bothers me. It grates on my nerves when I stumble over it while reading. (probably because of a particularly vicious school mate who used it a lot) I find the flowery descriptions kinda annoying but not too troublesome. I, myself, have used the phrase "aching nub" in one of my stories and am frequently reminded of it! I like the word Bum. It's not as harsh as ass or as weird as buttocks. It really does have a soft sorta ring to it. I also like to use the word belly....tummy's too kid-like and stomach really is the guts of it not the soft outer skin. I have never heard of dingle-dangle but it sounds truly odd! lol Cum doesn't bother me, in the literary sense! As I said before...I'm not a fan of euphamisms. If I'm writing a sweet, romantic piece then I generally avoid full on smut. It doesn't fit. If I'm writing a juicy lemon then I call a cock...a cock and a fuck...a fuck, so to speak. Basically, it depends on the scene I'm writing. If it's hot and nasty fucking then the words reflect it. If it's two lovers sharing a romantic but physical connection then it becomes more about the emotions, not just the physical pleasure. Same thing applies to something I'm reading....If I want love and romance, then I don't want to read about pricks and pussy's. But if I'm horny and I'm looking for something smutty, then anything goes basically. Long story short....My taste on what I like to read and the way I write is a reflection of what I like and don't like in the bedroom, I guess.
  4. <---desperately wants a Zaraki plushie!
  5. It's actually a really interesting idea. If you've read any of my work then you know that I love to write Zaraki and OC's. But I've written several other Bleach characters as well. They're unfinished and unpublished though. I was thinking about this challenge a bit last night and I'd like to do one with several of the male characters. I just don't know if I can! lol I tended to be very wordy and it's a big undertaking. But it would fun! I was considering writing an Ichigo/Rukia Romance for a friend of mine next so I'm just not sure yet.
  6. Thanks for the info. I'm not sure what I might do with it but you've got my wheels turning! I'll get back to you after I ponder this a bit.
  7. I didn't see this in here before but I left this note under the review section of the challenge. I'll just post it here instead. I have a question. You clearly state, "No female characters from the Soul Society are allowed to be used. This means no characters from the story line of Bleach or no filer characters. No prior shinigaimi females. If they live in the Soul Society, they can not be used." But can they be used as filler characters or antagonists?
  8. maidenhair

    I Am...

    I am thinking that I've said enough...or more likely, too much, as often happens when I get nervous. I am going to go watch Ergo Proxy for awhile.
  9. 7332 So long...have a great day!
  10. maidenhair

    I Am...

    I am wishing that I drank coffee!
  11. 7330 Oh, now that is really sweet. A load of crap but sweet, nonetheless!
  12. 7328 What a wonderful thought! I truly hope he does. And I will win. Don't underestimate how pig-headed I can be! lol
  13. 7326 Sorry... It really is a shame. And I'm ashamed to admit that when I first heard, one of my first thoughts were selfish...that I didn't want the books to end. But it breaks my heart to think of him slowly slipping away... Sorry...I seem to be a downer all of a sudden. I think I hear my bed calling to me. I've so enjoyed our little chat. Thank you very much, sir. It has been fun, enlightening and a little tantalizing. But I'm still going to win the plushie!
  14. 7324 Lord Bugger of all times! lol That's what you should have as your title! That's wonderful! I like you despite your buggering tendencies! Sometimes ideas come and sometimes they don't....it all depends. I agree, though. I envy those writers like Terry Pratchett that seem to have this endless imagination full of fantastic and entertaining ideas.
  15. 7323 I'm sitting here looking at my comment about your modesty and I noticed your title underneath your avatar..."Lord of all He surveys" I might have jumped the gun a little on the whole modesty thing! I haven't uploaded any of my original stuff. I suppose I continue to hope that one day something might be good enough to get published. And I loved Buffy and Angel...and you can't go wrong with Lord of the Rings...classic stuff there.
  16. 7321 Aww...that's sweet! Modesty becomes you! So what other sorts of things do you write? Or am I being too nosey?
  17. 7319 It's a different sort of Bleach. This one's an anime. I think it is kinda intriguing. I think I've written some good stuff with it so far and I'm not usually one to sing my own praises, at least not where my writing's concerned. lol My sexual prowess and incredible beauty are another matter!
  18. 7317 Relaxing too much during sex? lol Nah, not a problem. I get wound up pretty tight. And I'm not quite sure why I like fanfics. The only ones I've written are for Bleach and I think it's just that I love the characters and the storyline so much....I just want to push past the existing boundaries to see a little more? If that makes sense. My orginal work is different. I'm currently working on one about angels and demons....funny how that worked out, eh? LOL
  19. 7315 I'm sorry. I think I got a little preachy there. I'm getting tired, I'm afraid. For me, the reviews are nice...for the fanfic at least...because it's like sharing my love for these characters, or the show or whatever I'm writing about, with other fans. And that's so cool to me. To have other fans appreciate and enjoy reading what I wrote? That's wicked cool. Sometimes, relaxing about writing is hard. The harder you try sometimes, the more difficult it seems to become. But I find that sex helps me relax! (Sorry...couldn't resist! )
  20. 7313 I know what you mean exactly...or at least I think I do! lol I like getting reviews as well and AFF sucks big time at receiving them. I guess most people come here for the sex not for the quality of the writing! But I've become more philosophical about it. I value the ones I do receive that much more and I shouldn't be a review whore. It's not why I write. And I post most of my stuff over at ff.net because I get more reviews there! lol I have my original work that frustrates the heck outta me too. Sometimes, I use the fanfiction to exorcise the stuff I don't want in it but I have in me, desperately trying to get out. Particularly the sex! I think you should just relax and write. For me at least, that works best when I'm beating my head against a wall. I jump ahead and write what appeals to me at the time. The pieces usually fall into place. Honestly, I think you have a great voice. What I read was your original stuff and I liked it.
  21. 7311 Yeah, I think I'm figuring out which one of the figures in your avatar represents you best! And you're right. It has many, wonderful uses! B) I'm trying so hard to be better about writing reviews because I really enjoy receiving them but I still kinda suck at it! lol I get to reading and I just forget. So consider this a review....I liked your work. It made me horny! lol Well, it made me hornier. I was kinda already there yesterday. Surely, a rugged handsome devil like yourself would have no trouble finding lots of inspiration for his work?
  22. 7309 How did I know you were going to say that? B) Well, as tempting as it sounds (and it is!) My ass is not currently available for spanking. I'm sorry. Oh! But I did look at some of your fanfiction yesterday. I like the way you write. And it's hot as hell!
  23. 7307 Oh! A smart ass! lol I don't have an accent either...at least not around the southern portion of the United States! A spanking? You can't punish me for being myself! lol
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