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  1. Haha
    JayDee reacted to GeorgeGlass in Working at a mall you see all sorts of people. Tonight, I had an unpleasant experienc   
    That’s intense, dude. Also sounds like my mother-in-law. :/
  2. Like
  3. Like
    JayDee reacted to BronxWench in Hello, it says you're an admin who was recently active so I thought you should know A   
    There has been NO recent breach, and ransomware scams like this one are sadly all too common. 
    My suggestion is that you change your password to ensure its confidentiality, and make sure all your antivirus/malware protections are up to date. You can also report the Bitcoin wallet from the email to this site: https://www.bitcoinabuse.com/  
    For the record, Melrick is a Forum Admin, and questions regarding archive issues are better directed to our Tech Admin, @DemonGoddess who is a full site admin, or to me, as Lead Archive Moderator, since I’ll have a better idea of any archive issues than Melrick will.
  4. Haha
    JayDee reacted to GeorgeGlass in What is an OPossum? An Irish Possum?   
    If it were Irish, there would be an apostrophe.
    No, an OPossum is any possum that starts a new thread on HotPossumGoss.com.
  5. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in http://www.foodtimeline.org/ For all your timeline food related needs   
    They had carrot ale before carrot cake. What a time to be alive.
  6. Like
    JayDee reacted to InvidiaRed in I love my parents. I’m at work late. I turn around and the arizona rain hit. Its rain   
    Not often but when it does. It floods cause arizona has alot of clay-based soil
    should truly see it in northern arizona on a plateau its a sight to behold.  In the city however, there's nowhere for the water to drain cause the city planners are  duds and microbursts are common.
  7. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in For financial reasons (some self-inflicted, some because of my mother-in-law’s medica   
    That's gotta suck – still may be better than an HBO turn –
    Depths of George’s imagination: “We’re gonna need a lot more violence and swearing down here people.”
  8. Like
    JayDee reacted to pittwitch in Operation GetFired is not going well. I must up my SnarkGame.   
    Thus far, I’ve tried:
    Telling off the biggest boss I could find threatened to stab my favorite coworker with a plastic spoon told a client that I’m not Dr. Who and can’t use the Tardis to travel back in time to accommodate their request told same client that they would need to provide the Oujia board to have the dead person sign the documents that they wanted signed yelling at the closest supervisor to me Yelling at email from aforementioned client: “F off, Dickety Dick!” in front of the biggest of the big bosses Asked another client, “What part of ‘your borrower does not want to do that’ did you knot understand?” Stood up with the same coworker, blasted “I Will Survive” while singing along and Dancing at our desks Bit my supervisor’s finger – she had her hand clamped over my mouth when MucketySchmuck was escorting visitors past us on a tour – ruined my perfect window of opportunity  Sat at my desk and filed my nails while waiting for the computer to catch up to me used my cellphone at my desk in full view of everyone walked across the office with my dress tucked in my underwear – granted that was a mistake but … deliberately did not dress up on “visitor day”
  9. Like
    JayDee reacted to BronxWench in Operation GetFired is not going well. I must up my SnarkGame.   
    If you figure it out, tell me!
  10. Like
    JayDee reacted to WillowDarkling in Operation GetFired is not going well. I must up my SnarkGame.   
    I’ll send you all of my best “get fired” vibes  
  11. Like
    JayDee reacted to BronxWench in It’s been over seven years since RUSH released Clockwork Angels , and nothing has cha   
    It’s also a book, which Elderspawn dropped on my desk when I was playing The Wreckers. Pool reading for the win!
  12. Like
    JayDee reacted to Ghost-of-a-Chance in It’s been over seven years since RUSH released Clockwork Angels , and nothing has cha   
    JayDee – I’m happy to have introduced you, then! 
    As a Rusher it’s almost physically painful for me to admit it but I was overall disappointed with the music on Clockwork Angels. The lyrics ranged from “up to par” to “above average” and the concept was great but the sound...uh...yeah, it may just be my ears have gotten spoiled but most of the music came across poorly balanced and, on some tracks, borderline cacophonous. Despite a moment of excessive rhyming repetition at the climax The Wreckers is the only exception I’ve noted on the album. It’s everything I’ve come to expect from Rush and more. The rise and fall of the tempo and pitch, the melodic build and fade, it all evokes the scene being described perfectly. The first time I heard this song, I was so moved by it I cried; even after all this time, it never fails to send chills down my spine and goosebumps scattering over my arms and neck. It hits every single musical frisson trigger in my brain and in just the right order.
    Also, for any uninitiated: Clockwork Angels is a concept album based on a steampunk reimagining of Voltaire’s Candide, and Rush’s FINAL studio album.
  13. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in It’s been over seven years since RUSH released Clockwork Angels , and nothing has cha   
    I don’t know if I’d ever heard this before. Had a listen out of interest and this is a great track. Thanks for the rec!
  14. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from Ghost-of-a-Chance in It’s been over seven years since RUSH released Clockwork Angels , and nothing has cha   
    I don’t know if I’d ever heard this before. Had a listen out of interest and this is a great track. Thanks for the rec!
  15. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in Wishing our Foeofthelance a very Happy Birthday, and many more, lad!   
    Belated Happy Birthday!
  16. Like
    JayDee reacted to Thundercloud in So I’m working on Part Nine of The Woman in the Statue (the goal is to be done around   
    Buildings that are not square is always a pain. I learned the hard way while roleplaying that if you allow weird floor shapes you either need to hexmap (that I hate) or need to do lots of extra preparation to not be caught looking like you never attended school. Eventually I settled for square buildings to reduce the stress.

    Anyway I am very much looking forward to your next chapter and hope that you will be able to finished it in your planed time schedule but please understand that chapters that arrive late is the normal case for our kind of publishing.
  17. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from kagome26isawsome in finally got back on here and the pit just to delete some more stories. *sigh* i wish   
    I too feel that strong urge to delete stories at the pit. None of them mine though.
  18. Like
    JayDee reacted to BronxWench in Mrs. Toni Morrison, may you rest in peace.   
    She was a good soul, and she leaves an empty place.
  19. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in So I’m working on Part Nine of The Woman in the Statue (the goal is to be done around   
    I too am looking forward to it, and if it isn’t done by the 18th no worries I’m sure it’ll be great when it’s done!
    Nevermind the lobby, I’m just hoping the creche wasn’t too large/full.
  20. Haha
    JayDee reacted to BronxWench in So I’m working on Part Nine of The Woman in the Statue (the goal is to be done around   
    Never, ever check my search history. I have researched the most bizarre things… 
  21. Like
    JayDee reacted to InBrightestDay in So I’m working on Part Nine of The Woman in the Statue (the goal is to be done around   
    For the record, the lobby isn’t going to take up all nineteen meters of available edge legnth, but it gave me a maximum size to work back from.
    I don’t know that it’ll be worth five months of wait, but hopefully it will prove entertaining!
  22. Like
    JayDee reacted to Sinfulwolf in So I’m working on Part Nine of The Woman in the Statue (the goal is to be done around   
    Don’t we all Bronx, don’t we all.

    But InBrightestDay, looking forward to the conclusion of your tale here. Bizarre research or not
  23. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from CloverReef in finally got back on here and the pit just to delete some more stories. *sigh* i wish   
    I too feel that strong urge to delete stories at the pit. None of them mine though.
  24. Like
    JayDee reacted to InBrightestDay in finally got back on here and the pit just to delete some more stories. *sigh* i wish   
    I second pippychick’s statement.  I just went through a period lasting several months where I barely got anything written at all.  Now I’m getting at least a little of my story done each night.  It may not seem it, but I’m sure your motivation will come back.
  25. Like
    JayDee reacted to pippychick in finally got back on here and the pit just to delete some more stories. *sigh* i wish   
    I know it seems impossible to find sometimes, but it will come back one day. I have no doubt.
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