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Everything posted by Psychostorm

  1. I need to sell my gaming computer to get money for more EMT classes and I was wondering if anyone had a good idea of what its worth. It has Dual AMD Opteron 246 Processor 2.01 GHz, 2 GB of RAM, a Nvidia GeForce 8500 GT graphics card, 2 LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-16935 drives, one floppy disk drive, Standard Duel Channel PCI IDE Controller, Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller, 1394 Net Adapter, Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC RAID Controller Legacy Audio Drivers Legacy Video Capture Devices MPU-401 compatible MIDI Device Realtek AC-97 Audio 6 USB ports 2 headphone ports 2 microphone ports several other sound ports
  2. Nothing wrong with that. You obviously didn't watch the Olbermann thing I posted. If you're going to point out that Obama met a terrorist its only fair to acknowledge that Palin has ties to a radical from Alaska who wanted to remove the state from the union as well as a preacher who got his start by being a witch hunter in Kenya. And as for McCain, if you want 4 more years of Bush then go ahead and vote for the bald fuck who walks like a penguin cause the gooks did some funky shit to his legs. He'll probably just fucking die and we'll have hockymom dumb fuck Palin as our president. Also, I'm not voting for any dumbshit who takes his nickname after a Top Gun character, how lame is that. As for the Obama Ayers connection, allow me to post he portion of the wikipedia article that you posted that mentions it. "Bill Ayers and Barack Obama at one time lived in the same neighborhood in the city of Chicago, and both had worked on education reform in the state of Illinois. The two met "at a luncheon meeting about school reform."[41] Obama was named to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge Project Board of Directors to oversee the distribution of grants in Chicago. Later in 1995, Ayers hosted "a coffee" for "Mr. Obama's first run for office."[42] The two served on the board of a community anti-poverty group, the Woods Fund of Chicago, between 2000 and 2002, during which time the board met twelve times.[42] In April 2001, Ayers contributed $200 to Obama's re-election fund to the Illinois State Senate.[41] Since 2002, there has been little linking Obama and Ayers.[42] The senator said in September 2008 that he hadn't "seen him in a year-and-a-half."[43] In February 2008, Obama spokesman Bill Burton released a statement from the senator about the relationship between the two: "Senator Obama strongly condemns the violent actions of the Weathermen group, as he does all acts of violence. But he was an eight-year-old child when Ayers and the Weathermen were active, and any attempt to connect Obama with events of almost forty years ago is ridiculous."[41] CNN's review of project records found nothing to suggest anything inappropriate in the non-profit projects in which the two men were involved.[44] Internal reviews by The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time magazine, The Chicago Sun-Times, The New Yorker and The New Republic "have said that their reporting doesn't support the idea that Obama and Ayers had a close relationship".[45]" As you can see, Obama really didn't have much to do with the man. Meeting someone or even being friends with them doens't mean shit. I'm friends with a Christian despite the fact that I despise religion and everything it stands for. That doesn't mean I share his fucking views or agree with his delusional fairy tale bullshit. These politicians on both sides can't be responsible for every little action or statement from their friends, preachers, family, associates or what the fuck ever. Jesus motherfucking Christ.
  3. Allow Keith Olbermann to put things into perspective
  4. If I had the power I would kill them. Then I would write stories using their blood as ink. But seriously, I would really, literally kill them if I could get away with it(and if it weren't too much of an inconvenience). I don't really have a sense of morality and people who are mean spirited just need to die anyway. There are several people I'd go kill right now if murder were legal, their torment would make for a delightful evening. If I could I would wipe Georgia off the face of the planet and the rest of the Bible Belt would be next.
  5. google Project Northwoods
  6. Dude, wtf
  7. In that movie The God Father oranges usually foreshadowed somebody dying or betraying the family or something like that. http://www.jgeoff.com/godfather/oranges.html
  8. If my post count gets high enough will my title eventually become "rapist"?
  9. Psychostorm

    I'm Lost

    You sound insecure...
  10. I personally don't see anything sexual about an orange unless its being shoved up someone's orifice.
  11. Title: Orihime: Fisted Author: Psychostorm Rating: Adult++ Summary: Orihime is sexually assaulted by the most unlikely person ever Abuse, Angst, BDSM, Bond, BP, D/s, Dom, Fist, H/C, HJ, Humil, Language, M/F, Minor, N/C, Oral, Other, S&M, Spank, Tent, Tort, Violence Feedback: Feedback is great, I don't care if you want to compliment me, give constructive criticism or just want to tell me that you want to sodomize me with a lolly pop. It's all good. Fandom: Bleach URL: http://bleach.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600010937
  12. 1. I could sit down and force myself to continue writing but that would degenerate the quality I think. If I'm writing something because I feel obligated too rather than because I feel like it, I won't do as good a job. I think this extends to just about all aspects of my life, its just the kinda guy I am. 2. Well, since I publish my stories a chapter at a time I have no idea if I will finish them or not. I would like to think that I'd eventually finish all my stories at some point, I mean I don't really ever "give up" on any of them, sometimes it just takes a while before I feel the urge to add a chapter. My longest running fic, SNC, is nearly complete and I'm starting up several other fics, including a Bleach fic I just posted, just for fun really. If I have several fics going at once I can just write chapters for which ever ones I happen to feel like at the time, it gives me more options really. And as for removing incomplete fics, I can see how some people would want to see a fic completed but I'd like to think that most people can just enjoy what I provide them with. There have been several instances where I've read fics halfway through and lost interest but that didn't mean that I didn't enjoy the parts that I did read.
  13. http://cbs2chicago.com/topstories/semen.in...g.2.337249.html
  14. You're Cat's Cradle! by Kurt Vonnegut You believe quite firmly that free will deserted you long ago and far away. As a result, it's hard to take responsibility for anything. Even though you show great potential as a leader of a small 3rd world country, the choices are all made ahead of time. You're rather fond of games involving string. Your fear of nuclear weaponry is trumped only by your fear of ice. kinda makes me want to go read this book now. I love kitty cats!
  15. I don't want to be mean but BWHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Come on now, who gives a shit about moral crap if its just a flamer you're worried about. People's so called morality will always clash, don't worry about shit like that. If they can't handle your shit they can go fuck themselves with an ice cream cone. And this whole CONTRO crap is retarded, just write whatever you want and if people can't handle it fuck em'.
  16. I hate all politicians, they're just professional liars. I hope that he day before I die the entire country, no, the entire world collapses into an orgy of chaos, murder, rape and bestiality and depravity just so I can smile to myself before I enter the void.
  17. While I think that a prepubecent category would totally fucking rock, I don't think it would accomplish what you intend for it too. I mean, I recently posted a story entitled "Rape: It's What's for Dinner!" and my second review was a guy complaining that he didn't like rape fics. I mean, what the fuck was he expecting from a fic with a title like that?
  18. I actually got fired several days ago because a customer was being abusive and I said "fuck you" to her. lol
  19. I don't think I ever have writer's block. I just think I become disinterested at times, especially when I get to the point in a story to where I start planning it out in my head. Once I do that its no longer fresh and new to me and I lose interest. To counter act this I just try not to pressure myself into finishing stories and just write about whatever I want at the time. I have at least 4 unfinished stories here on AFF and several more on FF.nazi but I'm not writing on that piece of shit site anymore. I don't worry about it too much, I just write at my leisure, its not like I'm getting paid to do this.
  20. My stories usually begin with some sort of perverse jack off rape fantasy of mine then I write it out. Sometimes the initial idea is actually conducive to a plot and I write more and more. I usually have a general idea of where the plot is going but each chapter is centered more around which ever obscene acts I wish to write about so I guess sometimes the actual plot can get bogged down. And since my stories are so oriented around the depravity I wish to write about, sometimes I lose interest in the plot and don't add chapters for months at a time until I think up something disgusting enough to want to write about it. Also, I don't really have to come up with character bios since I write mostly about pre-established characters. I simply bastardize the characters to my liking and have fun with it.
  21. When I was living in San Diego I had to fill out one of those for just about every job I applied for. It was a pain.
  22. I like TF porn mostly because it tends to piss off all the nerdy TF fans out there. Oh, and Octane love it too...
  23. The pic in my sig was drawn by Niklas Sundin, one of the guitarists from swedish Melodic Death metal band Dark Tranquillity. He has all kinds of crazy artwork at his site http://www.cabinfevermedia.com/main/index.html . The lyrics are from the song "Jester Script Transfigured" and were writen by Niklas Sundin based on concepts by Anders Frieden lead singer of another swedish melo death band, In Flames, becuase he didn't know English very well at the time.
  24. I drew my avatar myself. Its called "Abortion Number Nine", its basically an aborted fetus/daemon screaming in rage/sadness. Its one of the few drawings where I actually knew what I was drawing before it was finished. Usually I just draw random lines and squiggles and it turns into something eventually.
  25. Yeah pretty much. Its an interesting subject and I'm glad I had reason to research it, it should come in handy in a fic at some point.
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