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Everything posted by Psychostorm

  1. This "Last night they snuck into an office building where one of their friends works, had a threesome in the office, then her husband walked down the hall naked, smashed open a vending machine, stole sandwiches, they ate, then her husband ended up choking a security guard until he went unconscious and then they ran." First of all, what the hell did the husband smash the vending machine open with, his bear fucking hands? If that were the case he most likely would have left a bit of blood behind, which would be enough for forensic scientists to bust him. Also, many vending machines have the metal bars on them to prevent theft. Also, I have never in my life seen a vending machine with sandwiches in it. Sandwitches contain meat which spoils quickly unless kept at a moderately cold temperature. And lastly, security guards have guns, unless the husband jumped his ass from behind he would have got shot. And if it were from behind, why engage in the first place? Why not slip by unnoticed. Also more things that raise questions. Why was the husband walking down the hall naked? I can only assume that he was drunk or on something, especially considering that office buildings have security cameras and alarm systems, which only makes me question how the fuck they got into the building in the first place unless the "friend" gave them a key of some sort.(and why would the friend risk their job by doing that?) And even then, if the office building had a security guard I would assume it also has a security center where a guard would be watching the cameras at all times. That being the case, why do something this wreckless? And if they were intoxicated or totally fucked up on some drugs, how did the husband defeat a completely sober security guard who was probably armed? Also when they ran how did they have time to put their clothes back on? Did they flee the scene butt naked? And if so, their cloths would have DNA evidence on them and the forensic scientists would figure out who it was. I mean seriously, if I were you I wouldn't believe this unless you saw a story about it in the local news paper cause this would be news. Also the coma thing sounds like bullshit too.
  2. Yeah, I'm kinda dissapointed that none of my fics have ever been GAFFed.
  3. I don't know too much about Paganism, I'll admit. But I still live by logic and will only believe in things that can be backed up by facts, evidence and data. I think that the more educated a person is the better. And I still stick by my view that killing off all Chritians would make the world a better place because in my view they are part of what's holding us back from progress, as well as all dogmatic thinking(which is the real culprit, religion is simply a symptom of this problem). Also, hate is the only bond I have with my parents at this point. I want them to bow down to me and admit they were wrong, I want them to admit that I have always been their intellectual superior and I want them be more than ignorant bumpkins who aren't worthy of my respect. They refuse to better themselves, refuse to educate themselves and refuse to acknowledge the error of their ways. I can't help someone who refuses to help themselves. But if they ever wise up, then I will forgive them. It won't happen though, they want their free ticket to heaven, even at the cost of having a healthy relationship with their son. Also, I'm done with this disscussion, I think we've all said everything we're going to say and I've gotten bored with it. I'm just glad to have a place to say things like this. I guess all my posts come across as negative but that's because the interenet is the only place I have to vent. I can't say shit like this to people in real life because I live in piece of shit Georgia where everyone is a stupid hick and I would be socially blackballed if they knew I was an athiest. Oh, and as for things I view positivly that would be science, education, humor, creativity, cats(I LOVE kitty cats), exersize(weight lifting in particular), creative/inovative metal bands such as Dark Tranquillity, Inflames, Dragonforce, Children of Bodom, and Master Plan. I also like classical music and have a thing for piano pieces played in minor. Also I like medical stuff and hope to pursue a careere in that field. Psychology, sociology, physics(quantum or standard modle or string theory), and astrophysics also interest me to a degree. Oh, and synthetic biology is really interesting as well.
  4. Yeah, the Republitards aren't trying to fuck him every chance they get, big surprise. But I am dissapointed in Obama for trying to sway them and shit instead of just being like "fuck this, we're doing it my way". He must be pretty naive if he thinks he can be bypartisan, that's bullshit, the Republicunts aren't going to play ball, just look at how the House voted on the stimulus package(not a single Republican't voted for it) despite all the "courting" Obama did with them. Also I am VERY FUCKING dissapointed with the Democrates in general. They had a chance to lock up the Senate but BLEW IT becuase that one Dem govenor apponted a Republifuck instead of a Democrate. WTF!? That was one for the history books kids, way to fuck your own party man you dumb shit.
  5. Ok, my bullshit detector is going off now.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgtN-CtU_BU
  7. The government and corporations own you. What rights you have are only the ones they feel like giving you at any given time.
  8. Yes I am condemning people for their way of thinking and so is Foe. So is everyone who follows any major religion. My way simply offers tangible results and doesn't promise that you get you're fucking reward of eternal life after you die. My way is free of a lot of bullshit. I take the pragmatic approach to humanty's "salvation". And if this is your idea of hate, then every major relgion is simply preaching hate under the guise of salvation. "Believe what I belive and go to heaven while every one else goes to hell". Yeah, thats real loving and kind I know a damn lot about Christinaity. I was raised Southern Babtist. I was taught that not only all other religions would burn in hell but all other denominations of Christianity, Catholic, Mormon, you name it. My crazy mother would watch Pat Robertson on TV and lay hands on me and pray while she belived that maniac was talking to god. She told me to never be open minded because if I did demons would possess me. She taught me to hate Athiests, Agnostics and anyone different. I was taught that all liberals and Democrates were going straight to hell. I had the doctrine of hate shoved down my throat from the moment I was born. I have had Sunday school teachers tell me that calling some one a "fool" endangered me of the fires of hell. I was not allowed to watch TV shows such as Ren and Stempy because they were "not Christian". I was not allowed to listend to main stream music. I have swallowed lie after lie after lie in the name of Jesus fucking Christ. I have read the bible from cover to cover. I have researched it on the interenet. I have seen its bullshit exposed time and time again. All that remains now is the hate. And I hate bullshit. And religion is absolute bullshit. Also I hate what its done to my mother. She could have been an intelligent, brilliant woman but all her potential has been wasted and squandered in the name of empty belief. Religion sunk its talons into her deep and turned her into the monster she is. I spew no more hate than they do. I just don't candy coat it and try and disguise it behind a false mask of "love". Ignorance, particularly willful ignorance is more dangerous to humanity than hate. Hate will always exist, it is a part of human nature. However it can be managed and directed as needed. Ignoranace on the other hand will drag us back to the dark ages and shit all over progress. I don't pretend to take a moral high ground over religion. Claiming a moral high ground is the fastest way to become a hypocrite since morality is subjective anyway. Thus all religions are inherinlty hypocritical. Instead I reject morality itself and look towards tangible progress and results. I am a rationalist and a pragmatist who wants to better humanity and if people have to die then so be it. Its like slicing off a limb to save the body. Also, I'd like to thank all of you for being civil reasonalble in our discussion. Most people of religion would just get offended and begin flaming or spewing total nonsense. When people start doing that(like they tend to do on You Tube) I just start blaspheming, I figure if I can't have a reasonable disscussion with them I might as well just piss them off.
  9. Ok, It's been a while and now its time to go again. Pardon my spelling I don't care to look up words I don't know how to spell right now. You're religion, LIKE SO MANY OTHERS, boils down to "Believe what I believe or spend an eternity in torment". That is bullshit, how can you ever hope for peace when such ideologies will continously clash? "My imaginary GOD is real and yours isn't." more bullshit. If all humans could be rational we could eleminate a large portion of deviciveness and work towards peace. I don't mean absolute peace, that is just idealistic garbage, but rather a pragmatic sort of peace that could be managed. And that is also total bullshit. Imagine this scenario A scientist builds a robot and gives it free will. However, he also programs it to have sever homocidal tendencies. The robot of course goes out and kills people, and maybe, maybe even feels bad about it. The scientist then gets super pissed at the robot for killing people and has it dismantled and destoryed. No, he wants it to be tortured for all eternity. That is your so called god's salvation plan. He gave us free will. He programed us with human nature and then expects us to be PERFECT? MOTHER FUCKING PERFECT!??!? What the fucking hell? And then he wants us to grovel for playing out a scenario he created. Wants us to ask for forgiveness for doing what he programed us too? He is alledgely all knowing and all powerful. We can not deviate from his will or his programming. Christianity is just one huge Catch 22. It is bullshit. And just what is proper behaviour? Not being gay? Not eating shellfish? Sacrificiing two turtles when you menstrate? This is all in the bible. Should be be sentenced to everlasting torment for violating these bullshit laws that god programed us to break anyway? My standards are much more realistic. Behave rationally and do nothing to harm your fellow man and you won't have to die. Drag down the human race and be eleminated. There is. Read the Bible please. Not in the old testament, you fucking break the law you die. In the New Testament Jesus said all that forgivness bullshit but then contradicted it several times with other bullshit. You're belief system demands that all those who don't believe the same as you be tormented for all eternity. Sounds a bit worse than a firecracker in the pants. Yes, we are very much similar, can't you see that? It is because we are both human, and humans will always clash. There is one thing that separates us, and that is I think in rational terms and have vision, I see the big picture. There is no magic sky daddy comming to save us. If we continue down this path we will destory the world and our entire race will be fucked. The infastructure can only take so much, and our massive global population and faltering global economy are testament to this. It doens't really matter, in 5 billion years the earth will be space dust but I personally would like to see how far the human race and make it. My way of thinking offers real, tangible hope that we can all work towards. Your way offers torture and damnation to 99.9% of the population. Like I said the bottom line of your belief is that if you don't believe the same as you you willl be tortured for all eternity. My way is that you should fall in line and work for the greater good or simply die somewhat sooner than everyone else. My way offers real results that we can all work towards. You're very belief system condemns others not just for their way of life but for their beliefs. I guess your priest was just intrested in candy coating the bible's brutality and just wanted to offer you that oh so desireable ticket to heaven that humans crave.
  10. I really don't give a rat's ass if its a Mary Sue/Gary Stu as long as I'm entertained.
  11. Jesus fucking Christ, Obama has been in office for only a few days now and you say he's no better than Bush? WOW THAT IS SOME MAJOR BIAS THERE!!!!! I'm not a huge Obama fan but give the fucker a chance. Or just keep letting Rush and O'Reilly tell you what to think, I don't give a fuck.
  12. Yeah I kinda know what that feels like, I'm depressed that my cock isn't jammed into anything at the moment but my pillow has been begging for attention lately.
  13. I know, I love big donkey dick in my ass hole
  14. You fool, there is no one "worth while". You simply make due with what you have at the fucking time. You make it sound like you expect to fucking marry the first person you meet, what kind of bullshit is that? Marriage fails over half the time anyway, would you go to fucking Vegas and bet half of everything you own on a game that doesn't favor you? Just ram your dick into the first girl you meet who's willing and fuck it all.
  15. Don't be a PUSSY! Post your fucking story goddamnit!
  16. http://news.aol.com/article/4-year-old-sho...cops-say/294393 If a 4 year old shot me and I survived it would be the ass beating of a lifetime for the little punk. And what what dumbass keeps a loaded gun just laying around in the closet with kids in the house anyway?
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090106/ap_on_.../odd_boy_driver Ok, this is just bullshit, that the parents are being charged with child endangerment. Its not their fault the kid made a bad decision. How the fuck is this child endangerment? What are they supposed to do, keep the car keys under lock and key? Oh and the bit at the end pretty much underlines the stupidity. If God was with that boy on the highway then why the fuck didn't he keep the kid from getting into the car in the first place? Doesn't seem too much to ask of an omnipotent God. And also, by that logic, God must have just said "Fuck it" when other people get into wrecks and die. People are so fucking stupid.
  18. Gratz! That's pretty cool. I've been wanting to write a book called "My Pal Jesus", about what it'd be like if Jesus really was my best friend like Christianity teaches. I don't think anyone would publish it though, cause it would be pretty vulgar. Cause you know, me and Jesus would have homo-erotic sex among other things.
  19. That's awesome Solaris, I support anyone trying to lose weight because I think fat people are ugly. Yeah I know its more of a struggle for some than others but still evey one should at least try. I've gained an inch or two around the waist since I haven't been to the gym because I haven't been able to pay my membership but I've kept running every day to keep from gaining a ton and when I get back to the gym I'll be trim again. People just need to have more self discipline and learn to put forth more of an effort. But then again, I guess most people are stupid and lazy.
  20. Well the thing is, I think peace between nations, religions and other such major ideological differences is a pipe dream. Striving for unrealistic dreams leads only to problems and suffering. I'd rather take a pragmatic approach and simply eliminate those unwilling to fall in line and support the greater good. And by looking at history we can tell that religion, or even allowing it to exist, is detrimental to humanity. So it must be eliminated. This whole, "Lets get along and love one another" way of thinking looks good on paper but it is totally against human nature. It will always be "us vs them". Humans will always carry such a mentality if left to their own devices. They are all sheep and when liars dangle the promise of "eternal life" in front of them, they become blood thristy beasts, bigots, racists, hypocrites, hate-mongers, and everything terrible that is apart of human nature. No, Hitler lacked that sort of vision. He was short sighted as I said. But anyway, those Christian groups who supposedly help the poor, they do it to try and convert people to their way of thinking. Think about it, they are taking advantage of the poor man's situation to try and feed him their bullshit. "Hey God loves you! Here, have a turkey sandwich!". Yeah it looks good to the poor and to the media and to the public. But would they bother if they didn't think they could convert people? Fuck no. They just want to spread their influence and look good to the public. They're not 100% altruistic. And these CEOs of these companys that supposedly help the poor, they're fucking rich! Christianity is big buisness after all, just flip over to that garbage Trinity Broadcasting and hear them ask for money every 15 minutes. Nothing personal of course. Its not my will for anyone to die, it is simply the logical thing to do for the betterment of humanity. And those doctors, teachers and engineers you mentioned are replaceable. You are replaceable. I am replaceable. And yes, maybe not every so called Catholic is a bible thumping maniac. But then that makes them a hypocrite. One of the reasons I hate Christians more than other religions is because they are all hypocrites who don't follow their own holy book. They don't follow the commandments of Jesus, they don't follow the laws of the Old Testament. They simply pick and choose for their own convenience. Its just like these fuckers who made Prop 8 pass in California. They always quote the bible saying Homosexuality is a sin, yet in the very same chapter of the bible it also says that eating shellfish is an abomination to god. And I don't see any fucking Christian rallys against Red Lobster. I have more respect for Muslims who blow shit up because at least they are following their religion whole heartedly, not like Christians who cherry pick their fucking morality just because they want a free pass to heaven. The ignorance is disgusting, they don't realize what they truly are, just ego based conciousness that can't admit that they won't exist someday, so they grab on to the most convenient source of "eternal life" and "get saved by Lord Jesus" then live any damn way they please while condemning the rest of us to hell for not sharing that belief. Its goddamn bullshit. And foeofthelance, yes my way of thinking condems you to death. However, you way of thinking condemns me to eternal damnation and everlasting torment. Think about that. The problem is, most of them are bad apples, not a few of them. They are bad apples not becaue they wish to be, but because they allow themselves to be. They are sheep. They grab onto a convenient explination to have "eternal life" like I said and fall in line with whatever bullshit religion is convenient. From their they are manipulated to hate and look down upon all other religions and factions. They will belive and do whatever their leaders tell them for the promise of eternal life. Many, many atrocities were commited by people sucked in by the lie and willing to kill and torture others for their promise of eternal life. Also, you realize that as a pagan, no one takes you seriously right. You'll never hold public office if people know about that, and I'd be willing to bet if you lived down here in the fucking piece of shit bible belt you'd have a harder time than most at finding a job if your employer knew before hand you were pagan. No one respects your beliefs except for other pagans and maybe a few open minded atheists and agnostics. Oh, and I'll go ahead and say, it wouldn't surprise me if somone on the board said in response to this "I'm a Chritian and I respect pagans" or some shit. But the vast majority thinks your loony, as if their made up diety holds any more weight than what you believe. Its the whole "My imaginary god is real and yours isn't" mentality bullshit.
  21. Its a good thing you broke up with her, I bet you feel empowered now, breaking up is a good way to do that. Oh and don't forget, girls are expendable. There's a million fish in the sea, don't ever hesitate to give up one for a better one.
  22. This opportunity may not come your way again so you'd better take it. "Its better to regret something you did than something you didn't do." as the old saying goes. Oh and I used to be able to have two orgasms in about a 10 minute span before I need to "rejuvinate", but now it takes about 20 minutes. I must be getting old.
  23. I've never wanted to shoot kid but there are a few other things I would want to do to them... mwahahahahhahahah. Lol, just kidding, I'd shoot the ugly ones cause they don't turn me on.
  24. I don't give a rat's ass bout the anime but I've been reading the manga. And yeah, it is DBZ all over again. Ichigo gets more and more powerful with minimal effort while his friends work their ass off for just a little power. Ichigo just bearly beat Grimjow, #5 Espada and now he's being called Ulliquiora's rival? WTF? How has he gotten magically stronger to stand a chance in hell of beatting Ulliquiora who beat his ass in TWO FUCKING ATTCKS just chapters ago? Clearly the author will make Ichigo beat Ulliquiora some how, what a load of bullshit. These Shonen mangas just make me wanna rape.
  25. Yes the bible is full of shit, this is common knowledge to anyone who has take the time to read it. Pity most Christians are dumbfucks who only listen to their fucking preacher who only wants money who leaves out all the attrocious bullshit. Wanna know the true dark nature of the bible go here. http://www.nobeliefs.com/DarkBible/DarkBibleContents.htm Christianity is fucking garbage.
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