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Everything posted by Psychostorm

  1. Thats good to hear. I hope you don't turn into a fatass, I fucking hate fat people. They are so ugly.
  2. Hitler was a short sighted moron. He did not have the greater good of humanity in mind, simply his own power. Fact: religion is detrimental to society and holds it back from reaching its full potential by undermining science, causing conflict, and spreading ignorance and hate. Fact: The world would be better off with religion. Fact: We might as well start off exterminating the Catholics first. All dogmatic thinking should be elminated.
  3. lol, I looked at your name and thought it said bladder
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081202/ap_on_...avenly_security By this fucking logic god must have just said "fuck it" on 9/11 and when any other breach of homeland security happened. Jesus cock sucking christ it amazes me how stupid people can be.
  5. So how are you doing? I fucking swear, I only visit this place like twice a month but nothing ever changes. How can a site that thousands of people visit have such little activity on its message board.
  6. I am called Psychostorm because I am your GOD. It has nothing to do with a minor character in a paperback X-Men novel called Smoke and Mirrors.
  7. And that is exactly why the Catholic Church and its members should be eliminated for the greater good of humanity.
  8. RAPEMAN!!!!! lol check him out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGkvlLKT9ig Ok heres another more humorous clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njBdLFt5H1I
  9. Can't blame you for wanting to leave the contry, the USA is so far behind on social progress its just sad at this point. But anyway, Obama won so now he better follow through on his promises and fix the fucking economy! Oh and since a black dude has won it seems all the racist rats have come out of the wood work, its half funny half pathetic to see all the rasism on the net and in real life now how sad. All these fools are against the Greater Good and should be exterminated of course. It doesn't matter what color a person is aslong as they produce favorable results.
  10. Well, my back up PC just got a fucking virus that was even bad enough to disable all my virus deletion and malware programs so I guess I have to keep my gaming rig for now.
  11. I'm not religious because there is no evidence to support the factuality of any religion. Oh and also because I was raised by religious Nazis and have seen the ignorance and hatred first hand and I'm intelligent enough to reject it because it is illogical.
  12. I'm not saying all Christians are dragging society down(ok maybe I was when I made my previous post cause I was drunk, ok I'm drunk now but fuck it), yeah some Christians have good values like caring for those less fortunate and shit like that BUT.... BUT.... that is fucking fine as long as they don't presume to put their beliefs, their fucking "values" into law, into the government, into policiy, into power. For every reasonable Christian there is another racist, predudiced, fundamentalist dumb cunt Christian that is filled with hatred towards gays, lesbians, athiests, blacks, Obama(ok thats just for humor) and anyone who doesn't think think their way. These are the fools that should by every right be exterminated, they have no place in a society that works for the betterment of humanity. They would drag us kicking and screaming back to the technological and intellectual dark ages. I have no mercy for those who are against the Greater Good. All other Christians who don't cause problems like this I'm cool with, they will be phased out eventually as logic pwns religion more and more. In short ALL LIABILITIES SHOULD BE ELIMINATED
  13. Just relax, you can't loose talent. You just need the proper motivation. Go and enjoy another fellow artists works and maybe you will get the motivation to bring out your true talent again. Part of being an artist is the ability to appriciate and learn from other works of art. You never know what will motivate you. Maybe it will be a book, a movie, a fan fiction, some hentai, some bestiality porn, some incest rape website, some necrophilia.... ok, well you get the idea.
  14. October 16th. I took my cat to the vet. She had been looking pretty sick for over two weeks and I couldn't ignore it any more. I kept telling myself "I can't afford to take her to the vet." but it got to the point to where I had no choice. I took her and found out she had lost 4 pounds, fully half of her standard body weight(she was a small cat). Upon giving her a blood test the vet found out that she had hardly any red blood cells left, imparing oxigen to her brain and explaining her eradict, odd behavior as of late. I gave them the ok to "hospitalize" her and look after her for a few days. "A few days" did't come. Not even less than an hour I recived a call telling me that my darling Zima had a seizure and was near death. I rushed to the vet and found her in such bad condition. She was struggling to stand but couldn't, her brain was so oxygen deprived. She was meowing like she was scared as hell. It was the most horrific thing I have seen in my life, even when I worked at BAMC, the largest burn center in the world where I took care of soldiers wouned from IEDs in Iraq I hadn't seen anything that raped me psychologically than seeing my cat under such horrible circumstances. I petted her a bit and got her to calm down and told her I loved her. Then I told the vets to put her down, I was the only option left. She wasn't even 5 years old. It still hurts even now. She was the only one who was unquestioninly loyal to me. She was the only one I could really talk to freely and now she's gone. I was her master and it was my responisbility to take care of her but I failed. I didn't take her illness seriously enough. No, maybe thats not it. I wanted to take her to the vet sooner, I seriously wanted to but I'm poor. I can bearly pay the bills let alone afford crazy vet bills. That one hour of treatment she recived cost me over $200. If I had taken her sooner more than likely it would have wiped my bank account and she would have died anyway. In short, her life had become economically infeasible. And that sickens me. I wonder sometimes if this horrible sense of failure will ever leave. I wonder if this sense of emptiness will go away. I can't look at my house, my room, myself with out feeling as if I've lost a part of me that I will never ever get back. Sometimes I wake up at night and think that she's there asleep on my bed as always but then quickly realize that she's not. Sometimes think just for a moment that she's in the room eating food out of her bowl but then quickly realize that she's not. These phantoms continue to haunt me. Zima was an important part of me, she was the one who got to see the real me and didn't judge me. She was the one who loved me unconditionally. And I failed her horribly. If I were well off financially she would probably still be alive.
  15. WHat are plot bunnies?
  16. Intelligent people are a rarity, on the internet and in real life, becareful who you reveal such informantion too. Most are intellectual dead ends who are willfully ignorant. There is no use in arguing with a dumb cunt, don't even try. Their stupidity is ledgendary and not worth your time. ESPECIALLY in the whole Pedophile issue. Most dumb shit are all too happy to climb up on their moral high horse and be like "OMG PEDO!!" just to get that little nugget of joy in thinking they are better than you morally. They are disgusting vermin with no value to the human race. The sooner they die the better. Typical tactics of a conservative rightwing piece of shit. You shouldn't have deleted your account though, that was a bad move and left you open to attack. I fantasize about little girls, about tearing their hyments from the face of the planet, about besitality, about necrophillia, about a kinds of deiviant shit that most people haven't ever dreamed of. When people think they have the right to critisize or punish people for their thought life, they have crossed the line. That is typical conservativ shit(ok, sometimes liberal in rare insances). What we do in our minds is our fucking business. Thats the problem I have with these moral majority fuckers, they cross that line, they think they have the fucking right to regulate the thoughts of others and butt into thing that DONT" HAVE AnY FUCKING BEARING ON REALITY!! Fuck you pieces of shit, I will rejoice at every last one of your deaths, you Christain fucks. And don't kid me, this bitch that is harrassing you, she is a CHristian, we all know it. The innocent have nothing to fear. However, I still find it disturbing that the government thinks they have the right to tell us what we can and can't view. Its like the old drugs/prositution argument, any law that clearly implies that the govermnent has the right to tell us what we can do with our bodies is bullshit, they don't own us! I should be able to look at what I want to look at, fuck who I want to fuck even if its for money and put what ever the motherfucking shit into my body. Nobody owns me, I should be able to do as I please with my body and my senses. Yeah fuck her. If I had the power I'd have her tortured to death over the course of 18 months as punishment. This morality bullshit high horse she's jumping on makes me sick. I will cum five milion times when she dies and I'd defile her corpse if I could. She is garbage and unworthy of the life she's been given. Don't be so surprised, people spread lies in real life and on the internet. You just can't avoid it. 99.9% of humans are petty, worthless creatures marching all too happily towards the slaughter. This woman is worthless, insignificant, vermin. Her death would be a blessing on humanity.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4wQfQtpDAc Absolutly disgusting. This bitch should be put to death along with all vermin like her. The willfully ignorant are a poison, a cancer to humanity. This is what is dragging America down, this is what is dragging humanity down. This ignroant fuck thinks she is better than those of us who look at things logically, such as her husband(to a degree). There are those who contribute to the human race and try to move it forward, and there are those like this fat bitch who need to be killed immediatly because if they had their way they would drag us back to the technological dark ages! This is what is wrong with America, this is whats wrong with the world, intellectual dead ends who believe in fairy tails and live their lives believing in bullshit and persecuting the rest of us who are their superiors. Vermin like this should have the good graces to roll over and die.
  18. Ok, I will explain this. First of all, the internet and alcohol can be a bad combination (0r a good one depending on how you look at it) and the reason you say that is because you are seeing different sides of me. I don't limit myself to seeing things from one perspective, I look at may different things in different ways. You agree with me when our views intersect, and think I"m fucking mental when they don't. Thats just human nature I suppose. My personallity is rediculously complex, and I don't understand it fully either but thats just the way I am, I have vastly different oppinions at different times, sometimes in the same post or thread. You got that right baby, I know what its like. I think in a way we are worse off than the gays and lesbians, at least they are being somewhat accepted buy people but those who are non Christian bwhahahahahaha, we are shit to the others, they HATE us, they want us dead or out of "their country". Disgusts me, America was founded on Freedom and yet we have motherfuckers who want to treat us like shit. There are two people, those who are for the progression of the human race, who are for the "Greater Good" and those who are intellectual dead ends, those who are willfully ignorant. They are vermin, they are a cancer on the human race. Exterminate them, erradicate them. Their existance is a negative gain. I feel no pity for them, that part of me died when they decided that they were "better" tham me.
  19. You know, thats fucked up, I paid like $2000 for that mother fucker like 3 years ago, its still a decent system by todays standards, it will run Warhammer Online well enough.
  20. lol I don't give a shit and Jesus is my proctologist
  21. There is no emperical evidence to support the existance of ANY god, let alone the psychotic, violent moster of a god that the Christian god is. The whole concept of God or gods stem from 2 things, ok maybe 3 in some people's cases. 1. To deny one's own mortality. A byproduct of the survical instinct. Humans make up stories to think they survive past death when there is no emperical proof of that. However, String Theory maybe on to something if higher demensions acutally exist but we'd need an atom smasher the size of the solar system to test that... 2. A convienient explination for existance. When science has no clear explenation for abiogenisis and the big bang, just make shit up, an all powerfull God made it happen. Occams Razor? Fuck that shit, God made himself, fuck that irreducably complexity bullshit, fuck logic. And 3. To control the public. What better way to keep people in line than promise rewards after death if they do what you say and damn them to eternal hell if they don't. Pretty ingenious if you ask me. Willful ignorance is a plague, it holds humanity back from searching for the truth, it holds us back from sheer logic. All who are against the greater good should be exterminated. And the doublestandard is the worst. People expect you to respect their belife in an irrational "God" but if you believe in "The Silver Spoon from Demension X that is all powerful" you are treated as a lunatic. How pathetic, when each are equally viable and equally imaginary.
  22. Then you are living a lie. I can't blame you, I'm an atheist but can't stick up for my beliefs here in piece of shit Georgia cause everyone would hate me. It makes me sick, I just want to burn this fucking state to the ground and kill them all, they think they are so superior with their stupid irrational beliefs. They pulled their beliefs out of their fucking asses and call it the "truth" but its not, its a fucking turd. Logic and objective thinking are concepts way beyond those morons, they are just vermin to me. I was at work the other day and they were giving a coworker of mine a hard time because he was agnostic, I wanted to flay the flesh from their fucking bones but I didn't say anything, why put myself in that position. Ignorance is a disgusting thing and willful ignorance is the worst, deciding to ignore the facts and stick with worthless fairy tails and persecute those who don't fall for such bullshit. Their lives mean nothing to me. I feel alone and hateful and I just want to watch people die.
  23. Thats becuase he walks like a fucking penguin and laughs like the Penguin off the old Batman show. Also PALIN IS A DUMB CUNT. If you can't tell how unqualified she is to be vice President, let alone President when McPenguin dies, you're probably on her same intelligence level. Also fuck conservatives, they are for stagnation and against change and change is the life blood of any society. If you aren't evolving then you are on the road to extinction. And fuck God too, willful ignorance is the worst plague on the face of the planet, if you can't look at the facts objectivly then you're a tard.
  24. That won't be necessary, no empire lasts forever and America has already started is downward spiral.
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