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Everything posted by Psychostorm

  1. Even though it was slaves and prisoners most of the time, it was still considered an honor. There is an account of one slave who escaped but then returned to be sacrificed because he though that it would be an honor. Also the first recorded sacrifice was of the daughter of King Coxcox, it wasn't always just prisoners or slaves. The boy who was to be sacrificed at the Tezcatlipoca temple during the month of Toxcatl was treated like the Aztec equivalent of a rock star. For a year before his sacrifice he was dressd up like the god Tezcatlipoca and got to have 4 of the most beautiful women as his "companions". People would literally bow down to him as he passed in the streets. The day of his sacrifice was accompinied by a huge festival. The whole human sacrifice thing in the Aztec culture was based on a feeling of indebtedness to the gods who continually sacrificed themselves to bring stability to the universe or some such crap. They also sacrificed animals and plants and inanimate objects, humans were the highest form of sacrifice though. Some people also would cut themselves or blood themselves on thorns and offer that as a sacrifice. Sometimes they would even impale knives and bones through various parts of their bodies to repay their debt to the gods. Also some sort of special sacrifice happened every 52 years to stabilize the universe or something. The victim of this was immolated.
  2. (only read the first page) I think whats really vulgar is an inflexible objective concept of morality. This leads to people who climb up on their moral high horse and get involved in things that don't concern them simply because "its wrong". "Its wrong" is such a disgustingly ignorant phrase in my opinion. The one who sent that complaint is a dumbass. She/he didn't even read the story for christ sake, there wasn't any molestation or rape taking place(yet...), just a guy who accidentally blew his seed onto his son. Also I'm sure what ever athorities this person reports this too won't give a shit because they have real issues to deal with. I mean seriously, I'm pretty sure that since hentaipalm.com is still around with all the underage anime chicks getting plowed there, then AFF has nothing to worry about. If I remember correctly only two cases have come up about this sort of thing and neither time was the guy convicted, the court saying that the applicable laws were too ambiguious. Also its a shame that the name of the person who wrote that email was omitted. I'm dedicating the next chapter of my fic to him/her and having Shinji rape some toddlers.
  3. Guess I'm an asshole Ninth Level of Hell - Cocytus <a name="9">This is the deepest level of hell, where the fallen angel Satan himself resides. His wings flap eternally, producing chilling cold winds that freeze the thick ice found in Cocytus. The three faces of Satan, black, red, and yellow, can be seen with mouths gushing bloody foam and eyes forever weeping, as they chew on the three traitors, Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. This place is furthest removed from the source of all light and warmth. Sinners here are frozen deep in the ice, faces out, eyes and mouths frozen shut. Traitors against God, country, family, and benefactors lament their sins in this frigid pit of despair. Level 1 Limbo - Virtuous Non-Believers - Very Low Level 2 - Lustful - Extreme Level 3 - Gluttonous - High Level 4 - Prodigal and Avaricious - Very High Level 5 - Wrathful and Gloomy - Very High Level 6 The City of Dis - Heretics - Extreme Level 7 - Violent - Very High Level 8 the Malebolge - Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers - Very High Level 9 Cocytus - Treacherous - Extreme http://' target="_blank">
  4. I'd rather get negative reviews than no reviews at all. If my story get a person to take time out of their busy life to write a review, negative, positive or flame, then I feel like I've accomplished something.
  5. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years...08081dogs1.html Page two of the court documents is priceless.
  6. I think it can be pulled off. I've read good song fics and I've read crappy ones. I wrote one myself titled "Rei's New Kitten" that I felt turned out well enough. I also have plans for another song fic staring my darling little Rei-chan. Its going to be rapetastic.
  7. Yeah a lot of times I see a person's fic that has a decent amount of hits but no reviews and its kinda sad. I'd probably give up on a fic if that happened cause getting attention is half the fun of writing for me. I remember about 2 or 3 years ago when I first started writing Shinji's Nightmare Cataclysm I had people who would review regularly and many others who would just review once and I got a decent amount of hits and reviews. Now since I neglected that fic for so long it doesn't get as much attention. I should have just stuck with it untill I finished it. I have started updating again recently though. A technique I like to use to help my fics get more exposure on the boards is to write several chapters and only post a new one when the fic falls off the first page to bump it back up. Also something else I'm going to be doing is start writing fics in more than just one section, cause I think I only have fics in like 3 sections now. By doing that I'll be able to expose different groups of people to my writing style and hopefully pick up a few fans. Whenever I see a fic with a ton of hits and reviews I just think that they are pimping their fic hardcore on other sites on the internet to drive traffic their way. I really can't bring myself to do that unless a story of mine was already mentioned on a site or message board or something and there is already an interest.
  8. My favorite story of my own is Shinji's Nightmare Cataclysm. Despite the fact that looking back some chapters could have been improved some what I think I really did a good job of degrading the concepts of humanity and morality. I've recently started updating it again and its near completion. My favorite story by another author would be the Date Rape series by Kingoftheseahorses. It was really that series of fics that inspired me to begin writing on AFF.
  9. If you're a decent writer I don't think most readers will give up on you over one scene.
  10. The reason I'm posting this is because I have a new chapter up and several more on the way after months and months of neglecting this fic. Title: Shinji's Nightmare Cataclysm Author: Psychostorm Rating: Adult++ Summary: Shinji sells his soul to the Ruinous Powers of Chaos to get what he wants in life. [M/F, M/M, F/M/M, F/F/F , Lemon, Yaoi, Yuri, Anal, Beast, Bi, D/s, Fist, Het, Humil, Inc, MaleDom, Rim, Scat, Toys, NC, Minor, Ped, Solo, Spank, Tent, Tort, WS, N/C, Oral] Feedback: Feedback is great, I don't care if you want to compliment me, give constructive criticism or just want to tell me that you want to sodomize me with an ice cream scoop. It's all good. Fandom: Evangelion URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544187359
  11. I'm glad I should be getting a new job soon.
  12. Psychostorm

    I Am...

    I am love my kitty
  13. Crownless by Nightwish
  14. I have never raped someone
  15. degeneration
  16. 7092
  17. I guess gay people can be retarded too. But seriously 70 million? There's no way the judge would award that much even if he did win the case.
  18. I really don't blame Russia for what it did to Georgia, I mean Georgia brought it on themselves when they invaded South Osetia really. The whole scenario was kinda like the WW1 scenario, two little countries getting into it and their larger, more powerful allies being sucked in as well. It looks like the situation has been defused now though. What was really funny though is when Dubya was interviewed and asked what he said to Putin when they were sitting next to each other at the Olympics and Putin explained what Russia was going to do to Georgia. Bush replied "I told him what he was doing was a bad thing." lol that just cracks me up for some reason.
  19. I think marriage is obsolete anyway. Its like deciding to eat just one type of food for the rest of your life, or to only watch one TV show. There are a million fish in the sea, why tie yourself down to just one? I think polygamy is just skirting the real issue, no matter how many wives a guy has, he's always going to want to do other chicks.
  20. Science is just a tool we use to understand the environment we live in, technically it can never "go to far." How the knowledge we gain is applied is the real issue. There will always be controversial scientific discoveries and practices. The Catholic Church still thinks that the invention of birth control was "going to far". Its all a matter of opinion really. About the only thing that comes to mind that I personally feel goes to far are weapons of war, I mean I know its a part of human nature to kill and stuff but it would be nice if all the resources being used to develop better ways to kill each other would be put to something more useful.
  21. Evolution is not a religion, it is a theory(not to be confused with a hypothesis). In order for an idea to be considered a theory, it must go through the scientific method which is as follows 1. Define the question 2. Observe 3. Form a hypothesis 4. Preform experiments and collect data 5. Analyze the data 6. Interpret data and draw conclusions 7. Publish results 8. Retest Then if the idea survives all that it becomes a theory. Not only has Evolution made it through the scientific method, not one shred of evidence has been found that goes against it. In fact, a lot of new evidence has been found to support it such as the discovery that human chromosome pair number 2 is actually a fusion of two ape chromosome pairs, explaining why the greater apes such as gorillas and chimps have 48 chromosome pairs and humans have 46. Religion doesn't even make it past stage 3. If you want to take the Theory of Evolution out of schools, then I guess we should take out the Theory of Relativity, or Atomic Theory. The thing is, all our knowledge is based upon theories, not absolute facts. This is a good thing because it gives us a chance to expand our knowledge and grow intellectually. Religion is an intellectual dead end, explaining everything with "God". Also, another thing I need to point out is that the Theory of Evolution is not an explanation for the origin of life, merely an explanation of the variety of life. Darwin's thing was the origin of species, not the origin of life, the universe and everything else. Science currently has no theory of abiogenesis. I was forced to go to church on both sundays and wednesdays until I was 18 and I believed it and accepted it as fact. I read the bible cover to cover as well. The reason I believed in it was not because I had an open mind, it was because I had a closed mind, not willing to look at the Bible objectively and rationally. In my early 20's I came to realize that the Bible was a load of crap full of contradictions and logical falsies. Right off the bat in Genesis 1:4 it talks about God separating the light and darkness which makes no sense because darkness is only the absence of light. And where is the light coming from anyway since God didn't create the sun untill 3 days later. And then the moon is classified as a "great light" as the sun was, when we all know that moonlight is just reflected sunlight. Then later in Leviticus bats are classified as birds, I would think that God would know the species(or genus or whatever) that his creations belong too. This is just the tip of the iceberg, I could go on all day. And yeah back on topic, I do believe in the separation of Church and State for America. I mean, if some people want to go and found their own little theocratic country somewhere else then that's fine, have fun with that. The countries in the Dark Ages pretty much were theocracies and you see how well that turned out.
  22. I don't think any thing is unacceptable in a story. As a matter of fact, I try and take depravity and obscenity to new levels with every story I write. Incest, bestiality, rape, necrophilia, pedophilia, scat, these are all just tools I use to drag the concept of humanity through the mud and tap into the primal insanity that hides deep within all of us. Every society imposes limits on its people and I'm fascinated with the concept of taking these limits to the breaking point, exceeding them and laughing my ass off at every act I write that violates the standards of our current society. Morality is not a constant. It is simply something man created for his own convenience to help hold societies and civilizations together. And I revel in mocking it for its own subjective nature. Of course I have no intention of acting out any of this madness in real life. Also, when some of you guys say pedophilia is a mental disorder, yeah even if it is classified as such where do you draw the line? I mean, the idea that a kid suddenly has some sort of greater sexual awareness on the day of their 18th birthday as opposed to the day before is bullshit obviously. Humans are animals and animals start having sex when they hit puberty, this is why the whole abstinence concept is retarded to me, it totally goes in the face of human nature. So if kids are going to have sex when they hit puberty anyway, why then is it wrong for an adult to have sex with them? It all comes down to our society and the morals and values that it has embraced. As Kanashii said, there have been many past civilizations that embraced pedophillia. There is no "right and wrong", there is only cause and effect. Those civilizations made pedophillia work while ours has created an environment where it would possibly be psychologically damaging to the kid and the adult would suffer legal ramifications. Personally, I like to blame the whole Judeo/Christian influence but I know there are more psychological and sociological factors that are also responsible. And I don't really think of pedophillia as being a mental disorder, just a matter of preference. I have seen girls as young as 12 or 13 that I've wanted to plow my cock into but I know that could be harmful to them and also I don't want to go to jail. I don't feel bad one bit about having these feelings, I know its perfectly natural to have sexual attraction to a person who has hit puberty. Not that I'm only attracted to young girls, I like older chicks too as long as they're hot, I just prefere a young fresh girl, you know, its like a blank canvas. And as such, I usually date girls between 18 and 25. What I do think is sad is that nonpracticing peodophiles are hated so much. I mean, if you were openly gay about two hundred years ago you got lynched. Thankfully their situatioin is improving in modern times but pedos are still almost universally hated whether they've touched a kid or not. If I saw a 14 year old and said she was hot and didn't follow that statement up with "LOL just kidding!" I'd be blackballed socially and if word got around I might even have trouble finding a job seeing as how this is a small town. I think it would benefit us all if society could progress to a point to where pedophillia no longer creates victims and we could once again embrace apart of our nature thats been repressed for so long in western civilization.
  23. Looks like I missed all the good parts of the discussion oh well. I'm an atheist and despise religion. The supernatural by very definition is undefinable, it is an intellectual dead end. The best thing about being an athiest is we don't have to have all the answers. There will always be mysteries out there to solve and unknowns to explore. We don't just answer every unknown with "God", and call it a day. The potential for intellectual development and scientific discovery is limitless. I have no respect for any religious belief, though I do respect the right people have to believe them, just as they have to respect my right to call them retards. Its give and take. Not that I hate people who believe, most of the friends I've had were of some faith or another. At first I thought I was agnostic then came to realize that agnostics were incorrectly defining themselves and that they were really atheists. An atheist being one who professes a doubt as to weather there is a god/s or not, an agnostic being someone who belives that there can be no knowledge of a god or gods. There can even be agnostic theists. This can explain it better than I can really http://www.rationalresponders.com/am_i_agnostic_or_atheist As for Christianity, I was raised Southern Baptist(NAZI) Christian and I don't understand how anyone can take the Bible seriously. Its full of contradictions, logical fallasies, and almighty Jehova is portrayed as a psychotic ego maniac. Even if the Bible were true, who the hell would want to worship such an obviously depraved God that thinks of humanity as just playthings really? Here, I'm sure everyone is familiar with the "good" bible verses, check this site out for the "dark" verses and read about God's insanity. http://www.nobeliefs.com/DarkBible/DarkBibleContents.htm Also it buggs me how Christians can call the Bible the "Infalliable Word of God", but then cherry pick their morality and only go by what parts they agree with. I don't recall seeing a Christian stone a homosexual to death recently, or kill one of their children for being disrepectful(ok, i'm sure this happens occasionally but I chalk that up to mental instability, not a religious act) but if you are going to call the Bible the inflexible word of God and the basis for absolute morality then it is your God given duty to do such things. Also evidence points to the story of Jesus being largely embellished for Jewish political reasons, theres a ton of info on that so I don't feel the need to post any links. I was going to get into the whole debate about Creationism and what not but I'll be lazy once again and just post a link to thunderf00t's youtube series "Why do people laugh at Creationists?" in which he uses logic and scientific fact to eviserate Intellegent Design. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=AC3481305829426D
  24. There is no right and wrong, these are just subjective concepts created by man for his own convenience. Morality has and will always be a thing that fluctuates and changes based upon the needs of society. Many of us look back and in our arrogance, judge those who came before us who lived by very different codes of morality. The Aztecs tore the hearts out of living people for their sun god and it was considered a great honor to die that way. The Romans had people fight to the death in arenas for entertainment. The Vikings pillaged and raped other villages and to them it was just a way of life. In Greece pedophilia and homosexuality were the part of the norm. In parts of the Pacific cannibalism was practiced. Morality should not be looked upon as something that is inflexible and ridged. It should be allowed to change and adapt as humans have over the years to their environment. The concept of "right and wrong", is not a constant and should not be held above "cause and effect" which is. And on the topic of utopias, human nature will always be the monkey wrench that ruins any such attempt as long as humans exist in their current state. Do I think humans can evolve to overcome the aspects of human nature that hold us back? Possibly. Though I do think it would be more likely through artificial germline engineering than through traditional evolution. Check out "Redesigning Humans: Choosing our genes, changing our future" by Gregory Stock, its a bit wordy but a great read if you're interested in such things. So yeah, I think utopia is possible, just not at this stage of human development. But then again, maybe it would be impossible to reach that level without sacrificing everything makes us human in the first place.
  25. Well even if you are fat and ugly there are ways to change that. Go to the gym, change your diet and do some cardio. And if you're face looks like someone took a shovel to it or something, go to college and get a degree that will allow you to get a job that pays well and you can get plastic surgery. No matter what you don't like about yourself there are almost always ways to change that if you are willing to put forth the effort. Oh, and girls don't like guys with low self esteems so don't say things like this in front of them or they will just think you're an pussy emo kid or something.
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